Do spomenika z avtom, le zimske gume.
Za gor sem uporabil dereze od koče dalje, a sem bil zgodaj, ko je bilo še pomrznjeno. Danes veliko pohodnikov, tako da je pot utrjena. Sneg trd, le sem ter tja malo ledeno, se da izogniti.
Pa še pesem za katero mislim, da nam je, ljubiteljem neskončnih poti, še posebej blizu. I noticed wild horses
Running as dusk set low
The air was thick and oddly laden
With tobacco
They ran and ran without reins or saddles
Through rivers, fields and hills
Which devil lured them to pass the horizon
Across the hills
Perhaps the cosmos overlaps another;
Perhaps eternity at length
Raw desire I beg you dont you whither
We still have strength
The smell of young mares suddenly sweetens
By the banks of the lake
Making love is like wild song singing
For evenings sake
The leaves of grass have bowed their heads low
As they formed a line
The king and court to the outlaws gallow
Just arrived
Id like to run like wild horses
A point of no return
And do away with hagglers and horse-thieves
They never learn