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Seznam forumov / Slovenija / Julijske Alpe / Mojstrana > Stara Fuzina in 2,5 days ?

Mojstrana > Stara Fuzina in 2,5 days ?

Klome24. 07. 2012 14:20:36
Hi, good morning,

We are 2 Belgians and we want to discover nasmehthe Parc and therfore we would like to hike from Mojstrana to Stara Fuzina.

D1: From Mojstrana to Koca pri izviru Soce (via Vrata valley - Zadnjica)
D2: From Koca pri izviru Soce to Dom Na Komni (via Zadnja Trenta - Soca - Dol Triglavskih Jezer).
D3: From Dom Na Komni to Stara Fuzina (in the morning)

We want to know if it is feasable in 2,5 days ?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Mavrični24. 07. 2012 14:25:34

Aslong as you are a hiker with some experience and physical fitness this plan looks completely doable in 2.5 days.
Its roughly 6 hours per day of casual hiking I would estimate, with some ups and downs.nasmeh

Best regards.
Klome24. 07. 2012 14:36:59
Hi !

Thanks for your quick reply !

Actually, we used to hike 20 km (4,5 hours) a week in a hilly envirronement. But, we want to avoid Via feratas and other ladders... I suppose the Luknja pass does not require some special attention?

And what about the Velika Vrata pass?

Thanks ! nasmeh
Mavrični24. 07. 2012 14:38:42
However If I had 3 days to discover this part of our national parc I would alter the route ...

My plan would be as follows :

D1 - Mojstrana -> Staničev dom or koča na Kredarici (through prag or via Tominškova , Tominškova is more demanding)
D2- Staničev dom or koča na Kredarici -> summit of Triglav -> Tržaška koča na Doliču -> summit of Kanjavec - Koča na prehodavcih
D3 - Koča na prehodavcih - > Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih -> Komna -> Stara fužina

Take into consideration this route is more demanding and requires more fitness and experience but aslong as you have some basic experience as a hiker over 2000m it should be O.K. nasmeh
If not your better off going via your route.
Mavrični24. 07. 2012 14:54:57
The route I described requires a moderate ammount of climbing but it doesnt qualify as a ferrata, both routes are well secured and usualy theres ALOT of people hiking here, probably via Prag would be better (easier) option for you ...

Heres a link for you showing the web camera at kredarica so you have some idea of what conditions up there are like at the moment.. ->

If you havent already you can check out the photos of the route "čez Prag" on Triglav summit so you get some idea of what Im trying to say here ->

But as I mentioned before this route does require experience , fitness and ofcourse proper gear for hiking at 2000m+. (proper boots and warm clothing + helmet is a good idea)

That being said the route you described however is much easier and shorter and it avoids summits and more challenging areas of our parc.

P.S. Make sure you check the weather forecast for this area before you start hiking.
jax24. 07. 2012 16:51:16
The route you are planning is totally easy - I am actually not sure if you have to take your hands off your pockets for a single time mežikanje
One exception is at the Koča pri izviru Soče if you decide to go to the source itself - there is a short protected section (this is not the part of the route and not necessary, but recommended).
However, I have some second thoughts about the second and the third day of the hike - the third day basically consists just of a two hours descent and then a long hike along the shores of the lake. If you want to do this, it is fine, but to my taste there are two more interesting options:
1. sleep at the Triglavska jezera hut and next day cross the plateau above Bohinj lake over Planina Pri jezeru and Vogar, then descend to Stara Fužina. Everything easy except for a short protected part on the direct route over Štapce above Triglavska jezera - which can be avoided by using the longer route further south.
2. Maybe even more interesting - instead of going to Triglavska jezera via Velika vrata, you can use the Prehodavci route - in this case, you can either sleep at the Prehodavci hut or continue down the valley to Triglavska jezera. From then on, you can either continue as described at 1 or descend directly from Prehodavci via Za kopico valley - this is a bit more off the beaten track and maybe more difficult to find (though marked), but beautiful. Then on to Vogar and Stara Fužina. This way you actually hit the 2000 metres mark, but it is still an easy hike.
Of course, either way, you can (and will) still have a swim in the Bohinj lake in the end.
Have fun!
jax24. 07. 2012 16:52:31
Of course, the route that mavrični suggested is maybe even more interesting, but it is a bit more demanding hike with some protected parts and requires some experience and equipment (though it is actually not that hard).
Klome25. 07. 2012 00:13:41
Thanks for your suggestions !

After much reflection: zavijanje z očmi

D1: Mojstrana -> Pogacnikov dom -> Trenta -> Koca pri izviru Soce
D2: Koca pri izviru Soce -> Velika vrata pass -> Trebiski Dol -> Zasavska koca -> Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih
D3: Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih -> Prsivec -> Kosijev dom -> Stara Fuzina (arrival max @ 2pm)

is this doable or too easy ? nasmeh
viharnik25. 07. 2012 07:16:04
Klome, ohne correction about tour D1!
On this tour from Mojstrana through Kriški podi, than descent into Upper Trenta valley is no possible to pass with walking for ohne single day.If you will use some car to reach starting point Vrata and at the end Trenta street with using descent path through Mlinarica, you can come within 10-12 hours of journey.
Tour D2 and D3 are achievable for ohne day.velik nasmehmežikanje
Klome25. 07. 2012 09:30:22
Thanks Viharnik.

Actually, we wanted to hike in the Zadnja Trenta valley. But if D1 is not feasable... What can you suggest, if we do not Zadnja Trenta valley ?
viharnik25. 07. 2012 09:54:37
You can done tour from Vrata valley as you planning, than you climb on Škrlatica 2740m. For returning way you pass Rdeča škrbina sattle 2500m and descent to Pogačnikov dom 2050m, where you sleep.There you can see also all three Kriška lakes around and Trenta valley wery deep down.Next day you done circle path to descent Sovatna passage, again to return into Vrata valley.
jax25. 07. 2012 10:27:01
Of course it is doable in one day ... however, much more easily if you can get by vehicle from Mojstrana to Vrata valley. Then you go - 4 hours to Pogačnikov dom, 2-3 descent to Zadnjica and like 2 hours of hike along the valley to Koča pri izviru Soče. If you start from Mojstrana, you have to add another 2-3 hours of hiking along the Vrata valley. If this is too long, crossing to Trenta via Luknja pass instead of Pogačnikov dom is like 2-3 hours shorter (but I agree, it is much more beautiful via Pogačnikov dom).
Klome25. 07. 2012 12:08:01
I have attached the itinerary in my previous post, the 2 possibilities.

The blue line is the first idea (approximately):
D1: Mojstrana -> Pogacnikov dom -> Trenta -> Koca pri izviru Soce
D2: Koca pri izviru Soce -> Velika vrata pass -> Trebiski Dol -> Zasavska koca -> Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih
D3: Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih -> Prsivec -> Kosijev dom -> Stara Fuzina (arrival max @ 2pm)

The orange line is another option (+yellow if we have enough time):
D1: Mojstrana -> Pogacnikov dom -> Trenta
D2: Trenta -> Zasavska koca -> Koca pri Triglavskih jezerih -> Dom na komni
D3: Dom na komni -> Prsivec -> Kosijev dom -> Stara Fuzina (arrival max @ 2pm)

What do you think about the orange ? Are they feasable (still the same question nasmeh ) And if which one do you suggest?

Again, thanks !
viharnik25. 07. 2012 14:47:42
Both are feasible and the blue option should be more nice tour.For that long journey you need almost three times to sleep somewhere, you count on it!.Wather in Trenta mountains is wery rear!.Nice tour, bye!
Mavrični25. 07. 2012 14:53:29
Hey Eric!

If your set on doing one of these two options then I would vote for orange, since a healthy chunk of blue is via asfalt roads ... zmeden Both however are pretty casual hikes so 2.5 day hike according to your plan should be pretty easy nasmeh Your missing out on some nice stuff doh and for a healthy young hiker I would reccomend a more challenging hike , but you should decide how you feel is best...

Best regards.
jax25. 07. 2012 15:05:47
Well, I have to disagree here. The part from Koča pri izviru Soče to Spodnja Trenta on the blue way is not marked and I am not sure about how easy it is to cross the ridge (or at least to find the way). If you go to izvir Soče, you basically have to hike down the Soča valley by the river (marked, easy and beautiful trail) to either Trebiški dol or Vrsnik (depending on the route) and then head upwards to either Prehodavci or Velika vrata.
Apart from that, if you follow the river instead of crossing the ridge, both routes are doable, though the first day will be always a bit long if you do not go to Vrata by car.
To make any other suggestions, I would have to know something about the means of transportation you are planning to use. If you are by car, there is no problem starting in Vrata instead of Mojstrana. If you are relying on bus, then you can either do it as described and face a bit longer hike the first day or maybe manage to come to Rateče (there is a bus line) and then do the first day Rateče-Planica-Tamar-Sleme-Vršič-Koča pri izviru Soče (a nice 1 day hike), and then follow one of the described variants for the next two days.
In the end I would say another things - maybe you should not plan too much at all. If possible, do the trip during the week (not the weekend) and then see on the site how it goes. There are more than enough huts to sleep along the way and during the week you can basically always find a place there (weekends can be full though). Then see how fast it goes and decide along the way.
Klome25. 07. 2012 15:52:15
I would go on more challenging paths but ... my girlfriend doesn't zavijanje z očmi That's why I'm looking for a tour that excludes 'critical' parts. zadrega

@jax: We're going by car to Mojstrana. The 'problem' is we have to come back on D3 from Stara Fuzina to Mojstrana by bus+train+bus... and that's a long long journey.

if you know some alternatives,do not hesitate nasmeh
jax25. 07. 2012 17:31:03
Okay, thanks for the info.
The "problem" I see here is that there is a 3 hours hike along the valley from Mojstrana to Vrata and after that there is not very much time for the "mountain" part in order for the first day not to be too long. One possibility is to go up to the Pogačnikov dom, sleep there, and the next day descend to Trenta only to climb back up to Prehodavci. But this is, in my opinion, a bit stupid. Or you can try to come across to Koča pri izviru Soče but that would mean a 10+ hike the first day.
If you do not feel like doing this, my last suggestion is: find a bus from Mojstrana to Rateče (look here, there are even some early morning routes: )
Then, hike up the Planica and Tamar valley (something like 2 hours to the Tamar hut), then to Vršič via Črne vode and Sleme (3 hours, maybe a bit more), then descend to Koča pri izviru Soče (should not be more than 1.30 h) and sleep there. From then follow one of the options previously described (maybe the best way: izvir Soče-Zadnjica-Prehodavci-Triglavska jezera for the second day and Triglavska jezera-planina Pri jezeru-Vogar-Stara Fužina for the third one). This way all three days are of an acceptable length and there is nothing really difficult along the way. Unfortunately, you do not see Triglav north face on this route, but there are more than enough spectacular views nevertheless ...
So much for now ...
ninooos25. 07. 2012 19:26:11
+38641608297 phone number of sport & transport agency in Mojstrana nasmeh
Klome26. 07. 2012 09:12:20
We're definitely decided to follow the orange tour but we'll have to sleep at Koča pri izviru Soče. I've seen ther's a bus between Trenta and Koča pri izviru Soče. I saw the bus is at 4pm and 6pm approx, thus it could be an alternative I think (if we're to slow or tired)
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