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Video / Zanimivo / 3 x 8A with Mina Leslie-Wujastyk - Rocklands bouldering

3 x 8A with Mina Leslie-Wujastyk - Rocklands bouldering

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: teamBMC, bmc, bmctv, bmc tv, mina leslie-wujastyk, david mason, a tea with elmerie, pendragon, out of balance, 8A, 7C, 7C+, rocklands, south africa, boulder, bouldering, bloc, climb, climbing, rock climbing, adventure, travel, women, women climb, women boulder, women 8A, women climb 8A, women boulder 8A, bouldering movement, climbing holiday, bouldering holiday
Dolžina videa: 05:46
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