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Video / Zanimivo / One Banana 5.11a

One Banana 5.11a

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: Cam Kellar, Almost Heaven Climbing Co., New River Gorge, Rock Climbing, Bouldering, West Virginia, AdventureWV, Cam Kellar, WVU Competitive Climbing Team, Psycho Wrangler, Whipper, NRG, Waterstone, Fayettville, MWG, Best 5.12 at the New River Gorge, Moderate Sport Climbing at the New River Gorge, Roof Climbing, Legacy 5.11a, Snake Buttress, Endless Wall, Best 5.11a at the New River Gorge, Evolv, One Banana 5.11a, Meadow River Gorge, Cross Eyed and Blind 5.11a, First Buttress, Second Buttress
Dolžina videa: 01:06
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