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Video / Zanimivo / THE HIGH PASS | Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal

THE HIGH PASS | Annapurna Circuit Trek in Nepal

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: Jeff Pelletier, Annapurna Circuit (Tourist Attraction), Annapurna (Mountain Range), Nepal (Country), trekking, hiking, backpacking, Jeff Pelletier, trekking nepal, himalaya, trekking himalaya, trekking the annapurna circuit, hiking the annapurna circuit, hiking in nepal, trekking in nepal, hiking nepal, trekking on the annapurna circuit, hiking on the annapurna circuit, annapurna circuit hike, annapurna circuit trek, nepal trek, nepal trekking, nepal hiking
Dolžina videa: 27:48
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