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Video / Zanimivo / Top Facts & FAQs about Bouldering Answered by Katie Lambert & Ben Ditto - Outdoor Curious™

Top Facts & FAQs about Bouldering Answered by Katie Lambert & Ben Ditto - Outdoor Curious™

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: Eddie Bauer, Boulder, Rock climbing, Bouldering, Climbing, Crash pad, Chalk bag, Climbing chalk, What is bouldering, Bouldering pad, How to get better at bouldering, Katie lambert, What is the difference between bouldering and rock climbing, Ben ditto, Bouldering guide, How to train for bouldering, How to overcome fear of falling, How to read bouldering routes, Bouldering grading, How long is a typical bouldering session, Why do people scream when bouldering, How to fall when bouldering
Dolžina videa: 23:20
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