Trobec31. 03. 2021 17:05:32 |
Pod temo Rinke je lijaneja napisal nekaj o poti čez Žmavčarje
(+2) |  | |
Bicri7. 04. 2021 13:03:39 |
Je bil kdo včeraj ali danes na bivaku čez Žmavčarje? Kakšne so razmere?
Bicri8. 04. 2021 22:20:21 |
Prilagam nekaj slik današnjih razmer.
(+7) |  | |
hribba25. 04. 2021 19:24:58 |
(+3) |  | |
Trobec27. 04. 2021 20:21:03 |
(+11) |  | |
smatjaz28. 04. 2021 08:37:05 |
Bravo Trobec, 8 fotografija da kar misliti.
(+3) |  | |
TheClimberr13. 10. 2021 17:09:58 |
Je bil kdo te dni gor, koliko je snega po poti čez Žmavčarje?
(+1) |  | |
zokipoki8. 03. 2022 15:58:43 |
Super fotke in lep potep! 
Trobec31. 12. 2022 13:52:34 |
"Gosta megla je kar vztrajala. Že sem se bal, da bo danes sončni vzhod potrebno gledati s srcem in bo očem ostal neviden. A slabih 100m pod bivakom se je nebo začelo odpirati, na vrhu pa čudovita nagrada." V četrtek še zadnja letošnja predšihtna. Razmere super, prve zaplate snega se začnejo nad gozdom, malo bolj resen sneg pa nad skokom. Mogoče se je včeraj kaj spremenilo... Za popotnico pa s seboj v dolino vzel še vrečo smeti iz bivaka. Ena od novoletnih želja pa, da smeti niti ne bi več ostajale tam... https://trobec.blogspot.com/2022/12/soncni-vzhod-na-bivaku-pod-skuto.html
(+15) |  | |
lucieb08710. 04. 2023 15:23:57 |
The view and the mountain refuge are beautiful. HOWEVER it’s not a hiking accessible too all. We are 4 people and we did it on April 2023. The ascent was still difficult but rescue said that the descent was too dangerous. They decided to send us an helicopter. There are high risks of slips and sometimes avalanches. Snow is present until June so think before to go and take equipment (crampons, ice axe, walking stick...) About the mountain refuge : it’s a very pleasant place with a beautiful view. There are only 2 blankets so take your sleeping bag.
(+4) |  | |
panoramik10. 04. 2023 18:51:52 |
Fak no, odlična reklama 
(+4) |  | |
lijaneja10. 04. 2023 18:54:11 |
Upam, da vam bo helikopter ostal v spominu tudi po finančni plati!
(+6) |  | |
garmont10. 04. 2023 18:54:18 |
Tole mi pa ni nič jasno.   Najprej govori o tem, da so jim reševalci odsvetovali sestop v teh razmerah, ker niso imeli potrebne zimske opreme. Potem pa nam razlaga, da je tod sneg vse do junija in, da naj imamo s sabo vso potrebno zimsko opremo… Ja pa razgled baje lep.  Pa naj razume, kdor more. 
(+3) |  | |
turbo10. 04. 2023 19:15:09 |
Nesreče v gorah 09.04.2023 15:22 KAMNIK Ob 15.22 je dežurna ekipa GRS Brnik s helikopterjem SV poskusila dostopiti do planincev v bivaku pod Skuto, a jim zaradi neugodnih vremenskih razmer ni uspelo. Helikopter se je vrnil v dolino in bo z reševalno akcijo nadaljeval v ponedeljek dopoldan.
(+5) |  | |
Trobec10. 04. 2023 20:42:13 |
@lucieb087 Is this some king of joke, or u are serious? Cause it reads like "hi there, I`m stupid" Sorry for being rude, but most people here know damn well, how path looks like, what equipment they need, when to go...while u, seems to have no experience, no equipment and u had no idea where u were going. The last thing I would expect from someone who did such stupidity would be giving advices to other people. Instead u could just write "thank you rescue team for saving our asses" and "such luck that this happened in Slovenija, cause in many other countries this would cost us 10.000€" I hope u at least bought beer and dinner to rescue team...u know, they are volunteers, they are not paid for rescuing people.
(+24) |  | |
grega_z_brega11. 04. 2023 00:09:35 |
Ta bivak se oglašuje nekje, kot lahko dosegljivo, zastonj zatočišče. 
(+4) |  | |
kajla11. 04. 2023 11:22:52 |
Trobec, dobro zapisano. Selfiji so jim verjetno lepo uspeli.
(+2) |  | |
dprapr11. 04. 2023 11:50:01 |
Čudi me samo to, da se to ni že prej zgodilo. Takšen atraktiven bivak, zelo blizu doline, vedno odprt, z lepim razgledom, vabi tja vse, ki potrebujejo vse drugo, samo zatočišča ne.
(+5) |  | |
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