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Video / Zanimivo / Stran 1488


Powder Weekend in Dolomiti GoPro Freeride
24. 12. 2012 15:49:16
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina fantastico weekend di freeride in Dolomiti,a great freeriding weekend in Dolomites...
Freeride in San Martino di Castrozza GoPro
30. 01. 2013 22:29:45
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina fantastica giornata di powder a San Martino di Castrozzaa great freeriding day in San Martino di Castrozza...
Freeride in Cristallo, Steep Skiing in Canale Vallençan (Canale del Prete) GoPro
13. 03. 2013 18:30:26
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina fantastica giornata di sci ripido e avventura sul Cristallo (Cortina) Dolomitia great steep skiing and adventure day in Cortina Dolomiti...
Sci estivo in Marmolda 30 giugno 2013 GoPro
2. 07. 2013 01:32:00
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina questa pazza stagione si scia anche d'estate qua in Marmolada (Dolomiti)summer skiing in Marmolada (Dolomiti)...
Climbing in Ceuse 2013 GoPro
1. 08. 2013 20:40:48
Carlo Cosi Giuda Alpina giorni spettacolo a Ceusefour amazing day in Ceuse...
Climbing Turkish Trip 2013
12. 09. 2013 16:12:20
Turkish Trip 2013Atomic Folder & Mostro Turco: Apertura di due nuove vie sulla Lower Guvercinlik o Tranga Tower sul gruppo dell' Ala Daglar TURCHIAAndrea Simonini, Carlo Cosi, Enrico Geremia, Nicolò Geremia...
Climbing in Kalymnos 2013 GoPro
24. 10. 2013 17:04:35
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina nel paradiso di Kalymnos, Grecia, uno spettacolo!climbing in Kalymnos, Greece, a paradise!Grande Grotta, Sikati Cave, Gost Kitche, Secret Garden, Odyssey, Arhi e altre mille super falesie rendono quest'isola un paradiso!...
il Glacier des Bossons - Monte Bianco
17. 04. 2014 15:59:03
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina parte della salita per la normale francese del Monte Bianco. Attraversata tra un crepaccio e l'altro del Glacier des Bossons sotto il Rifugio Les Grands Mulets...
Aguille du Midi (Monte Bianco) | Rébuffat
18. 04. 2014 23:45:55
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina giornata sulla via Rébuffat, sull'Aguille du Midi (Mont Blanc), fuori dalla folla della Valéee Blanche ed in super compagnia.amazing day on the Rébuffat climbing route, Aguille du Midi (Mont Blanc), out from the crowd of Vallée Blanche with a su...
Mont Blanc du Tacul (Mont Blanc) | Supercouloir
20. 04. 2014 20:22:04
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina giornata sul Mont Blanc du Tacul salendo il Supercouloir per poi ridiscendere nella mitica Vallée Blanchesuper day in Mont Blanc du Tacul climbing Supercouoir and skiing down to Vallée Blanche...
Gran Vernel (Dolomiti), sci ripido sulla parete Nord-Ovest
5. 05. 2014 20:44:15
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina Aprile 2014: super discesa dalla mitica parete Nord-Ovest del Gran Vernel, scesa per la prima volta da Tone Valeruz nel 1979, con pendenze fino ai 60°....
Perù Expedition 2014, Cordillera Huayhuash
16. 07. 2014 18:38:46
Carlo Cosi, Guida Alpina'Laurapaq', 'la Siesta del Bodacious', 'la zuppa di Pio': tre nuove vie sulla Cordillera Huayhuash in Perù sui massici del Jurau 5674m e del Jurauraju 5330m aperte da Carlo Cosi e Davide Cassol nel Luglio 2014...
Trekking del Selvaggio Blu, Sardegna
13. 11. 2014 13:34:10
Carlo Cosi, Guida Alpina sotto le stelle, camminare a picco sopra un mare cristallino, arrampicare, superare passaggi esposti e scendere in corda doppia... questo è il Selvaggio Blu, il Trekking più impegntivo e bello d'Italia, un Trekking dai contesti unici e panora...
Canalone Oppel, con gli sci sulle orme del bivacco Piero Cosi
12. 12. 2015 09:45:02
Carlo Cosi Guida Alpina la prima discesa con gli sci per il canalone Oppel sull'Antelao, sulle orme del bivacco Piero Cosi effettuata da Carlo Cosi e Giovanni Zaccaria l'11 Aprile 2015...
Kif&Cliff, Marock'N'Roll expedition 2015
12. 12. 2015 10:54:43
In 5 giornate tra l'1 e il 7 Novembre 2015 Carlo Cosi, Enrico Geremia e Nicolò Geremia effettuano l'apertura di Kif&Cliff, una nuova via in Marocco sulle Montagne di Taghia per Kif&Cliff a new climbing route in Morocco on the mountain of Taghia for Carlo Cosi, Enrico Geremia and Nicolò Geremia...
Climbing in Meteora
18. 11. 2018 09:33:03
During our climbing trip in Greece we spent a week descovering the best climbing routes of MeteoraCarlo Cosi Guida Alpina UIAGM/IFMGA Mountain Guide
Becco di Mezzodì
11. 05. 2020 11:20:13
Ovunque lo si guardi il Becco di Mezzodì (Bèco de Mesodì o Bec de Mesdì in ladino) svetta elegante e solitario. Una sorta di sentinella che controlla la Conca AmpezzanaQui sotto sul link la storia e le foto della salita...
vie Ferrate in Dolomiti
28. 05. 2020 23:21:42
vieni a scoprire le più belle ferrate delle Dolomiti
Lead Climbing World Cup - Adam Ondra 81: Briancon 2020
31. 08. 2020 20:00:07
ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN THE VIDEO SETTINGSČESKÉ TITULKY JSOU DOSTUPNÉ V NASTAVENÍ VIDEANext episode is out! This time, its topic might be an easy guess, as it is one week since the World Cup in Briancon. The excitement for this comp was high, as well as the pressure. Check out the insights in...
La Moustache qui Fache 9a+ - Adam Ondra 82: Meet with Seb Bouin
7. 09. 2020 20:21:18
ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN THE VIDEO SETTINGSČESKÉ TITULKY JSOU DOSTUPNÉ V NASTAVENÍ VIDEAAfter weeks of specific preparation for Briançon, it was time to take advantage of being in Briançon region which is full of high quality crags. I went to Entraygues with a specific goal of trying La Mousta...
Behind the Scenes with Top Athlete - Adam Ondra 83: Adam's Workday
14. 09. 2020 20:31:42
ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN THE VIDEO SETTINGSČESKÉ TITULKY JSOU DOSTUPNÉ V NASTAVENÍ VIDEALife of a professional climber is not only about climbing, respectively resting in the meantime. Follow me on 1 day of a busy schedule in Italy, and my deeper insights into how I feel speaking in front of t...
Cycle, Climb, Cook, Repeat re-upload - Adam Ondra meets Daniel Oss
15. 09. 2020 19:39:30
The best of both worlds comes together in cycling, climbing and cooking!BORA is not only passionate about their products, but also has an affinity for exceptional challenges. When I was challenged to switch sports with an Italian professional cyclist at BORA-hansgrohe Daniel Oss, I accepted it, as i...
Beginning 9a - Adam Ondra 84: Kneebar - The Downgrader
21. 09. 2020 20:07:10
Beginning is a name of a new route by Stefano Ghisolfi, first ascended this spring, right after the lockdown. As I was in Arco a few weeks ago, I could not resist and had to try this resistance testpiece. Check it out in the next episode how it went....
Genezis 8b+ On-sight - Adam Ondra 85: Hard Choice
28. 09. 2020 21:31:42
Last year I went to Súľov in Slovakia and tried this crazy project featuring three hard moves on mono pockets in a row. My plan was to return and finish this unfinished business. Not every time it turns out the way you want it. This time, I was unsuccessful for a very surprising reason......
Sid Lives 8c+ - Adam Ondra 86: Tips for Better Clipping
5. 10. 2020 20:32:07
The next episode is about a short route called Sid Lives 8c+ or 9a. It is very cool climbing on slopey holds and crimps, requiring weird body tension. The episode is also spiced up with tips on how to clip better, faster and more efficiently....
Atene Naturale 9a - Adam Ondra 87
12. 10. 2020 20:18:17
I cannot remember how many times I have climbed in Massone. Surprisingly, there is always something new. In this case, the route is pretty old, it was developed 20 years ago by Rolando Larcher and it is called 'Atene'. It is a cool route between 8b+ and 8c (8c, I think, can fit better), but it had o...
On The Go
19. 10. 2020 21:26:06
Find out more on !My training and preparation for the Summer Olympics in Tokyo continue. But I always have several big projects in my mind. And now the time has come to pursue one of them. I feel that the format of the video posts should change a little bit. I would like to take...
Perfecto Mundo - Getting Ready
21. 10. 2020 19:57:25
I am grateful that I can continue with my training in Innsbruck despite the fact that the restrictions because of coronavirus spread are getting more and more strict everywhere in the world. I hope I will be able to pursue my plans so that I can share all updates with you!ČESKÉ TITULKY JSOU DOSTUPNÉ...
Perfecto Mundo - First Day
27. 10. 2020 00:07:52
On the road again. Just arrived to the place where I'm gonna spend next days.ČESKÉ TITULKY JSOU DOSTUPNÉ V NASTAVENÍ VIDEA© 2020 AO Production s.r.o.#rockclimbing #onthego #firstday #touchtheholds #climbing...
Perfecto Mundo - First tries
29. 10. 2020 00:39:05
Perfecto Mundo 9b+ is a route in Margalef, Catalonia, Spain. It was bolted by Chris Sharma, first ascended by Alex Megos in 2018. It has received repetitions by Stefano Ghisolfi and Jakob Schubert. The following video shows me on my first two days of working out this route, getting to know its intri...
Perfecto Mundo - Small Thing Big Deal
31. 10. 2020 23:06:18
There are many factors that affect your outdoor climbing performance. One of them is the state of the skin on your fingertips. Perfecto Mundo is quite sharp and maintaining good skin is absolutely crucial. Watch the next episode to see more about my split fingertip and how it went on day 2.ENGLISH S...
Perfecto Mundo - Weatherchange
3. 11. 2020 23:04:39
It was nice to enjoy a rest day. I saw some other routes in the close area, although I felt super excited to hit Perfecto Mundo (9b+) again. But I waited, let the skin recover at least a little bit, and came the next day - day 3 on Perfecto Mundo. My goal was to climb the whole route starting from t...
Perfecto Mundo - Crafting the Beta
8. 11. 2020 18:50:38
Day 4 on Perfecto Mundo. I wanted to finally make the link from the 5th bolt all the way to the top. Conditions were far from perfect, but still a little better than on Day 3. Nevertheless, the crux move feels hard if you link a lot of climbing before and it kept spitting me off. Besides that, I was...
Perfecto Mundo - High Pressure
16. 11. 2020 20:54:52
Another episode of Perfecto Mundo is out! This time, it is day 5. I put a lot of pressure on myself, I really wanted to get it done starting from the 5th bolt before I could try for real from the ground. Yet, it just did not work out. Conditions were not great, but they were not the worst either. A ...
Perfecto Mundo - It would be nice to climb today
24. 11. 2020 19:50:26
I am not sure if I have ever spent that much time by checking the weather forecast like here in Margalef. I notice various signs like the humidity of the neighbours wall, or humidity on the road in order to see whether the conditions would be good enough to give it a try. Low humidity, north directi...
Perfecto Mundo - Out of This Hell
2. 12. 2020 20:49:58
Humidity turned Margalef into humid hell, and that was why it was a good idea to escape and visit Patxi Usobiaga who lives in Alt Urgel in Oliana. It was refreshing to meet him again, have a chance to train really hard, and also check out a new crag I have never been to before and that Patxi Usobiga...
Perfecto Mundo - Animal Style
13. 12. 2020 21:22:03
Check out another episode how I battled on Perfecto Mundo. After visit of Patxi and training on a campus board on the terrace for almost two weeks, there was a two-day window of quite decent conditions with lower humidity. The weather forecast was pretty grim for the few days following that, so the ...
Perfecto Mundo - Final Countdown
23. 12. 2020 11:59:57
Check out the next episode from Margalef. For about one week, the conditions remained great. It was cold, dry and windy. Just a perfect scenario for sending. After long weeks of waiting, getting really impatient, I was more than eager to give it good tries.ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN THE VIDEO SE...
hoja v gore pozimi (2009) | Gorske sledi
23. 01. 2012 19:54:39
Varna hoja v gore v zimskem času.videooskar
Pravilna izbira obutve | Gorske sledi 2008
1. 02. 2012 14:53:31
Pravilna izbira obutve za hojo v gore. Gost: Stane Klemenc...
Zavarovane planinske poti | Gorske sledi 2009
1. 02. 2012 17:45:32
Urejanje in vzdrževanje planinskih poti...
Gorske sledi-Klemen in Jure Bečan (2009)
23. 01. 2012 18:11:54
Predstavitev bratov Bečan.videooskar
Pavle Kozjek | Gorske sledi 2007
30. 01. 2012 12:44:44
Pogovor z vrhunskim alpinistom Pavletom Kozjekom, ki se je leta 2008 smrtno ponesrečil pod goro Mustagh Tower v Pakistanu.videooskar
Planina Sleme | Gorske sledi
28. 01. 2012 09:18:14
Življenje in delo na planini Sleme.videooskar
Marko Prezelj | Gorske sledi
28. 01. 2012 12:09:29
Predstavitev alpinista Marka Prezlja.videooskar
Mladi športni plezalci | Gorske sledi 2009
6. 02. 2012 01:18:19
Mladi športni plezalci.Gostje: Matjaž Žaubi, Matic Sušnik...
Lavinski psi | Gorske sledi 2009
1. 02. 2012 16:26:53
Reševanje izpod plazov s pomočjo psov.videooskar
Natalija Gros | Gorske sledi
28. 01. 2012 06:44:31
Predstavitev športne plezalke Natalije Gros.videooskar
Gorske sledi-turno smučanje (2009)
24. 01. 2012 01:22:29
Turno smučanje...
Hindukuš | Gorske sledi
28. 01. 2012 05:46:35
Alpinistična odprava Hindukušvideooskar
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