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Video / Zanimivo / Everything you should know about the Humming bird Moth - Is it Humming bird or is it Moth

Everything you should know about the Humming bird Moth - Is it Humming bird or is it Moth

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Vrsta: Zanimivo
Ključne besede: Nature at Your Door Frank Taylor, Hummingbird Moth, Clearwing Moth, Hummingbird Clearwing Moth, moth that looks like a hummingbird, Hemaris, Hemaris sp., Hemaris thysbee, Hemaris diffinis, Sphingidae, Hawk moths, sphinx moths, horned worms, scientific name, moth identification, nature, nature education, natural history, insects, biology, natural history education, biology education, outdoor education, learning outdoors, animals, critters, biology teaching, nature teaching
Dolžina videa: 08:41
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