| Reel Rock 2010 Trailer 8. 09. 2010 00:52:25 This year, Reel Rock turns five, and co-founders Sender Films and Big Up Productions are celebrating by taking you on a global ride like never before. From death-defying speed link-ups of the wildest faces in the Alps, to Olympian displays of strength and tenacity on the hardest boulders ever climb... |
 | REEL ROCK 2010 DVD TRAILER 30. 11. 2010 03:01:59 DVD available now at www.senderfilms.comrrCo-produced by Sender Films and Big UP Productions, this year's REEL ROCK 2010 DVD features the best in new climbing films:rrThe Swiss Machine, the award-winning film starring Ueli Steck, who breaks the alpine speed record on The Eiger Nordwand.... |
 | Andy Lewis Trickline 14. 03. 2011 22:39:15 We spent an afternoon with Andy Lewis outside our office in Boulder, CO this past week. You can check out all of Andy's crazy antics in this year's Reel Rock Film Tour: http://www.facebook.com/REELROCK... |
 | Official Film Teaser | Sketchy Andy 6. 02. 2012 23:59:11 Video clips featuring slackliner Andy Lewis from the film 'Sketchy Andy,' produced by Sender Films and Big UP Productions (2011). The full length film is available on DVD and HD download on the REEL ROCK 2011 DVD here: http://www.senderfilms.com/dvds-downloads.php#rrt2... |
 | Indian Creek FA attempt (First Ascent Series DVD extra) 28. 03. 2012 00:32:19 A DVD extra from 'First Ascent, The Series.' Available for purchase or download at www.senderfilms.com/storerrThis route was finally unlocked by Hayden Kennedy in spring 2012 and named 'Carbondale Short Bus'. at 5.14-, the hardest route in Indian Creek.... |
 | Honnold Triple Teaser REEL ROCK 7 11. 06. 2012 20:24:45 On June 5 and 6, 2012 Alex Honnold made the first ever solo link up of Yosemite's Mt Watkins, El Capitan, and Half Dome, climbing 95% free solo with a few points of aid. He finished the solo triple in 18 hours 50 minutes. ... |
 | Brad Jackson on Life Without Parole REEL ROCK 7 11. 07. 2012 23:41:29 Here is a short clip of Brad Jackson on Life Without Parole (V5) in Vedauwoo, WY. This is some footage that won't make the REEL ROCK film 'Wide Boys' premiering this September in REEL ROCK 7! Check out www.reelrocktour.com for tour dates, featured gear, special offers from our sponsors and more.... |
 | REEL ROCK 7 Trailer 10. 09. 2012 16:31:41 BUY NOW in Blu-ray, DVD + HD Download at http://www.senderfilms.com/dvds-downloads.phpMusic: 1. Winds by Abel Okugawa2. A Rural Place by Talvihorros3. Con Song by Slam DonahueThe REEL ROCK 7 trailer by Big Up Productions and Sender Films. Coming to a theater near you starting Fall 2012. reelrockto... |
 | Sender Films Citibank Commercial 7. 02. 2013 01:11:10 Citibank Commercial (2011): For this 30-second spot, Sender Films was hired by production house Anonymous Content to shoot the climbing and wall footage and hire the rigging and safety crew. We also helped second unit direct the action footage. The ad has played widely on national television.... |
 | Citi Bank Ad 7. 02. 2013 18:19:26 ... |
 | Sender Films on CBS This Morning 7. 02. 2013 19:30:48 'Filming extreme sports an extreme endeavor' November 29, 2012(CBS News) Over the past decade, extreme sports -- and the athletes who engage in them -- have become much more popular. But the people who film their super-human feats are also worth watching.... |
 | Last Call With Carson Daly Clip 14. 01. 2015 19:59:47 Pete and Nick on Last Call with Carson Daly... |
 | Smokestack Lightning - Front Range Freaks excerpt 18. 07. 2019 00:14:27 In this selection from Front Range Freaks (2003), base jumper Hank Caylor and his motley crew travel to an abandoned smokestack in southern Colorado for a covert jump. Front Range Freaks synopsis: A celebration of the eccentric climbers of Colorado's Front Range. Includes buildering with Urban Ape T... |
 | The North Face - El Sendero Luminoso ft. Alex Honnold 13. 02. 2014 00:00:01 Alex Honnold free-soloed El Sendero Luminoso (The Shining Path) in El Portrero Chico, Mexico in a little over 3 hours. The climb rises 2,500 feet to the summit of El Toro. It could be the most difficult rope-less climb in history. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - El Capitan's Golden Gate ft. Emily Harrington 8. 07. 2015 17:06:10 TNF & Petzl Athlete Emily Harrington couldn't ignore the magnetic pull of El Capitans Golden Gate (5.13 VI). Here Emily shows us that its just as much about the journey as it is the destination. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The Other Way - The North Face presents 15. 10. 2015 17:47:21 Most people prefer comfort in their lives, forgetting that difficulty is actually what nourishes the human spirit. Risk. Fear. Doubt. The unknown. Its not necessarily the way everyone would choose to live. But its our way. The Other Way. See our Summit Series: https://www.thenorthface.com/summitseri... |
 | The North Face - Fledglings ft. Cedar Wright and Matt Segal 12. 04. 2016 17:08:52 'Follow Matt and Cedar on a perilous, beautiful, light hearted, sometimes intense journey to fly off of the highest peak in Mexico with less than a year of experience. Just because you are a beginner doesnt mean you cant dream big. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - Emily Harrington's Mountain Life 26. 04. 2016 19:05:47 Emily Harrington lives and trains to become the best all around mountain athlete she can at her home in Tahoe, California. With some help from her friends, she keeps her routines diverse and fun by mixing it up every day. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - What If You Fly 19. 09. 2016 18:19:55 Hawaiian artist and muralist Sean Yoro traveled to the arctic waters of Baffin Island, Nunavut, to paint a portrait of a local Inuit woman on the sea ice. This is the most technical and remote location that Sean has ever attempted a mural. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - The Incredible Hulk: Emily Harrington & Alex Honnold Free Climb 'Solar Flare' 26. 01. 2017 00:55:59 The North Face athletes Emily Harrington and Alex Honnold take The Progressor Collection for a walk up the Incredible Hulk for a free ascent of ''Solar Flare'' (5.12d) in the high Sierra of California. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - Paradox Sports: Adaptive Climbing Initiative 22. 03. 2017 18:34:26 The North Face is proud to be the sponsor of Paradox Sports Adaptive Climbing Initiative. The goal of this initiative is to make climbing gyms across the U.S. more accessible. To learn more, visit: https://www.thenorthface.com/paradoxsports... |
 | The North Face - Of Choss and Lions ft. Alex Honnold and Cedar Wright 2. 05. 2017 01:29:40 Two of Americas boldest rock climbers Alex Honnold & Cedar Wright travel to Kenyas Mt. Poi. The guys dodge choss, wild animals and general debauchery to claim ascents of Africas biggest big wall. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The Last Honey Hunter (Behind the Scenes) ft. Renan Ozturk and Mark Synnott 28. 06. 2017 18:37:23 Renan Ozturk and Mark Synnott travel to Nepal with National Geographic to experience the last traditional honey harvest. Watch exclusive, behind the scenes footage of the harvest here. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - USHBA: The Climb and Descent ft. Samuel Anthamatten, Markus Eder and Leo Slemett 30. 11. 2017 18:06:55 Samuel Anthamatten, Markus Eder, & Leo Slemett head to Svaneti Georgia to climb Ushba and make a first descent on skis. This mystical 4710m mountain in the Caucasus Mountains is very remote and must be accessed on foot. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - Sweet & Sour: Behind the Scenes with Victor de Le Rue 6. 12. 2017 04:00:00 In a world where our differences all too often divide us, two masters of their respective sports, skier Richard Permin and snowboarder Victor de Le Rue, want to bring us together around our shared fears, hopes, and dreams. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - A Love Letter to Winter 12. 03. 2018 18:35:09 Magnificent scenery, perfect conditions, epic adventures. This is our ode to winter. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT#NeverStopExploring... |
 | The North Face - Imagination (Behind the Scenes) 29. 03. 2018 19:20:25 'Imagination' was a project that couldn't have been achieved if not for the efforts of a group of people. Special thanks to JP Auclair, Sherpas Cinema, Tom Wallisch, the town of Nelson, and to everyone else involved. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - 61k ft. Mike Foote 18. 04. 2018 19:36:32 In a test of human endurance, Mike Foote set out to achieve the world record for the most vertical feet climbed and skied in a single 24-hour period. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT#NeverStopExploring... |
 | The North Face - Running On Empty ft. Rory Bosio 7. 05. 2018 18:27:20 The average person walks Corsicas merciless GR20 trail in two weeks. Ultrarunner Rory Bosio is not average. See what the 118 mile trail looks like in 50 hours. Discover More: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - Taking Flight on Kilimanjaro ft. Fernanda Maciel 16. 05. 2018 18:15:39 Become the fastest female to run up and down Mount Kilimanjaro? Done. Discover what it took for ultrarunner Fernanda Maciel to make history and set the record in 10 hours and 6 minutes. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT... |
 | The North Face - Mentors: Hillary Allen 9. 07. 2018 18:26:13 After a harrowing accident, ultra runner Hillary Allen began a journey to recovery that allowed her to discover the true meaning of strength. See more stories of female role models at https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/she-moves-mountains.html... |
 | The North Face - Walls Are Meant For Climbing: Monserrat Matehuala 19. 07. 2018 22:07:09 Where Monserrat Matehuala was born, there are no mountains. She found them through climbing. Since then, shes learned the largest walls she and her community face are not made of rock, but those society has put up. Learn more about the initiative: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/walls.html ... |
 | The North Face - Mentors: Ruth Beatty 27. 07. 2018 17:36:06 Vulnerability is an essential ingredient to progress. As a designer, Ruth Beatty understands that creative risk allows for the evolution of ideas. Discover more stories of women pushing the boundaries of exploration at: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/she-moves-mountains.html... |
 | The North Face - Walls Are Meant For Climbing: Maureen Beck 30. 07. 2018 18:36:42 Disability was never a word Maureen Beck related to. As a one-handed climber, shes learned walls dont really care who you are. Learn more: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/walls.html #WallsAreMeantForClimbing... |
 | The North Face - Pinnacle Project 6. 08. 2018 07:39:57 Located in the Italian Alps and reachable only on foot, fearless explorers have the chance to see and feel The North Face Athlete Archives. Find out more at http://bit.ly/2LrX681#PinnacleProject... |
 | The North Face - Los Muros Son Para Escalarse: Monserrat Matehuala 8. 08. 2018 22:53:37 Where Monserrat Matehuala was born, there are no mountains. She found them through climbing. Since then, shes learned the largest walls she and her community face are not made of rock, but those society has put up. Find out more: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/walls.html ... |
 | The North Face - Walls Are Meant For Climbing: Margo Hayes 13. 08. 2018 18:55:55 There are a lot of different ways around a wall, but straight up demands a pretty creative solution. Margo Hayes finds her purpose and community through the off-beat artists who make it beautiful. Learn more: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/walls.html ... |
 | The North Face - Mentors: Hilaree Nelson 4. 09. 2018 19:43:28 Were proud to announce Hilaree Nelson as the new Captain of our Global Athlete Team. Hilaree will serve as a constant source of support, motivation, and vision to her fellow TNF athletes. See more inspiring stories at: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/she-moves-mountains.html... |
 | The North Face - Walls Are Meant For Climbing: Ken Yager 10. 09. 2018 19:18:38 The man behind Yosemite Facelift, Ken Yager, found his life in climbing at a young age. His journey led him to deduce that walls are a source for community where people come together to make the places we play better off. More stories at https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/walls.html. ... |
 | The North Face - Walls Are Meant For Climbing: Montbello Boulder 17. 09. 2018 18:37:36 We help build free climbing boulders to help make climbing more accessible in U.S. communities. Our first climbing boulder was designed by local youth in the Montbello Open Space Park in Denver, CO. Learn more: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/walls.html... |
 | The North Face - BOTTLE SOURCE COLLECTION 20. 09. 2018 22:13:36 Our Bottle Source collection diverts 160,000 pounds of plastic bottles from the waste stream and recycles them into tees and totes. It's just one way we're minimizing the impact of visitors in national parks. See more: https://www.thenorthface.com/featured/bottle-source.html... |
 | The North Face - NEVER STOP EXPLORING: Pi'erre Bourne 20. 09. 2018 23:46:06 Pierre Bourne: producer, rapper, sound engineer, explorer. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT#NeverStopExploring... |
 | The North Face - NEVER STOP EXPLORING: Jimmy Chin 1. 10. 2018 19:40:32 Jimmy Chin: photographer, climber, filmmaker, explorer.Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT #NeverStopExploring... |
 | The North Face - Antarctica 3. 10. 2018 01:13:21 Last year, we sent a team of elite climbers to Queen Maud Land, Antarctica to explore one of the most remote ranges in the world. Take a look at the Steep Series: https://www.thenorthface.com/antarctica... |
 | The North Face - Antarctica: Nerves 3. 10. 2018 18:18:51 What is it like to embark into the unknown?We sent a team of brave adventurers to Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, to climb in one of the most remote locations in the world. For more visit: www.thenorthface.com/antarctica... |
 | The North Face - NEVER STOP EXPLORING: Marie Mouroum 9. 10. 2018 18:20:37 Marie Mouroum: stuntwoman, martial artist, action star, explorer. Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT#NeverStopExploring... |
 | The North Face - Antarctica: Awe 9. 10. 2018 19:01:07 How do we find our place among giants? A team of TNF explorers headed to Antarctica on an epic adventure to climb in Queen Maud Land. For Steep Series products visit: www.thenorthface.com/antarctica... |
 | The North Face - NEVER STOP EXPLORING: Mikhail Martin 11. 10. 2018 18:30:25 Mikhail Martin: founder, organizer, climber, explorer.Discover more: http://bit.ly/TheNorthfaceYT#NeverStopExploring... |
 | The North Face - Antarctica: Discomfort 16. 10. 2018 19:39:11 At what cost must we achieve the things we wish to achieve?To explore this question, we sent a team to climb in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. See the Futurelight collection: www.thenorthface.com/antarctica ... |
 | Kazuki Kuraishi - The North Face Black Series 23. 10. 2018 01:27:10 The North Face Black Series takes premium outdoor construction and reimagines it for the urban environment. The latest capsule in the series is designed by Kazuki Kuraishi. Learn more: http://bit.ly/FutureLightSummitSeries... |