| Carlise Bay ship wrecks Barbados 25. 01. 2023 16:47:49 Ship wrecks of Carlisle Bay Barbados... |
 | Hiking in the Pyrenees 25. 01. 2023 17:20:07 ... |
 | Via ferrata in the Dolomites 2016 26. 01. 2023 17:26:15 ... |
 | Via ferrata The Dolomites 26. 01. 2023 23:29:07 ... |
 | Abseiling Cautley Spout Waterfall part 2 27. 01. 2023 18:22:42 ... |
 | Abseiling Cautley Spout waterfall part 1 27. 01. 2023 18:38:32 ... |
 | Caving in the Peak District Oxlow mine 29. 01. 2023 13:39:49 ... |
 | Caving mine in the Peak District 30. 01. 2023 00:51:15 ... |
 | Rafting Croatia Cetinia river 30. 01. 2023 14:44:32 Rafting Cetina River Croatia... |
 | Canyoning Croatia Cetinia river 30. 01. 2023 17:31:45 ... |
 | Go-karting Warrington 31. 01. 2023 18:51:47 ... |
 | Lake District MTB 1. 02. 2023 01:05:23 ... |
 | Ice canyoning and ice cave Norway Hindseter 1. 02. 2023 22:07:45 ... |
 | Nordic winter fun in Hindseter 1. 02. 2023 23:32:00 Cross country skiing and Snowshoeing... |
 | Zip Line Croatia Omis 2. 02. 2023 21:12:42 ... |
 | Mountain snow shoeing in Norway 7. 02. 2023 16:12:20 ... |
 | Norway Dog sledding 8. 02. 2023 14:23:50 ... |
 | Carlise Bay Barbados PADI open water dive 8. 02. 2023 18:13:45 PADI open water dive... |
 | Salti con avvitamenti 15. 01. 2013 12:13:51 Tentativi di improbabili salti con snowboard...... |
 | Action CAM | ATC2KW | Easy Snowboard Off-Slope 28. 01. 2013 14:11:37 Easy Snowboard Off-Slope - ATC2KW - Action CAM... |
 | Action CAM | ATC2KW | Easy Snowboard Off-Slope 02 28. 01. 2013 14:44:04 Easy Snowboard Off-Slope 02 - ATC2KW - Action CAM... |
 | Action CAM | ATC2KW | Easy Snowboard Off-Slope 03 28. 01. 2013 16:34:48 Easy Snowboard Off-Slope 03 - ATC2KW - Action CAM... |
 | Action Cam | ATC2KW | Snowboard by night 29. 01. 2013 14:26:47 Snowboard by night - ATC2KW - Action Cam... |
 | Fotocamera Samsung ES15 | Snowboard by night 29. 01. 2013 23:42:50 Snowboard by night - Fotocamera Samsung ES15... |
 | Fotocamera Samsung ES15 | Snowboard by night 01 30. 01. 2013 01:25:31 Snowboard by night 01 - Fotocamera Samsung ES15... |
 | SnowBoard Double Camera 12. 02. 2013 14:17:12 SnowBoard Double Camera... |
 | SnowBoard by night 02 20. 02. 2013 20:12:03 SnowBoard by night 02... |
 | SnowBoard by night 03 20. 02. 2013 20:48:44 SnowBoard by night 03... |
 | Hero2 Cam | ParapenDio Rio 30. 03. 2013 04:44:53 ... |
 | Snowboard monte Pora cima Pora 16. 02. 2016 01:04:35 Snowboard monte Pora cima Pora... |
 | Veneto) | Val Zoldana (Belluno | Freeride Snowboard 01 7. 03. 2018 14:16:19 Freeride Snowboard in Val Zoldana (Belluno - Veneto)... |
 | Veneto) | Val Zoldana (Belluno | Freeride Snowboard 02 7. 03. 2018 14:27:12 Freeride Snowboard - Val Zoldana (Belluno - Veneto)... |
 | Madesimo (Sondrio) | Freeride Snowboard 29. 03. 2018 16:50:56 Freeride Snowboard - Madesimo (Sondrio)... |
 | Madesimo (Sondrio) | Freeride Snowboard 29. 03. 2018 16:51:58 Freeride Snowboard - Madesimo (Sondrio)... |
 | 08 aprile 2018 | Funny Crazy Snow Snake 1 in Piazzatorre 20. 04. 2018 17:18:09 Funny Crazy Hike in the snow with my friends to the mountain Piazzatorre, near Bergamo.GOOGLE MAPhttps://goo.gl/maps/LW1xGaG6sCtn5Hmk6... |
 | SnowSnake01 in Piazzatorre 20. 04. 2018 17:20:35 SnowSnake in Piazzatorre 08 aprile 2018... |
 | 08 aprile 2018 | Funny Crazy Snow Snake 3 in Piazzatorre 20. 04. 2018 17:20:44 Funny Crazy Hike in the snow with my friends to the mountain Piazzatorre, near Bergamo.GOOGLE MAPhttps://goo.gl/maps/LW1xGaG6sCtn5Hmk6... |
 | Ferrata Zucco Pesciola 2. 10. 2019 14:24:52 Ferrata Zucco Pesciola... |
 | Ferrata Zucco Pesciola 2 2. 10. 2019 14:36:17 Ferrata Zucco Pesciola 2... |
 | | Ferrata Zucco Pesciola e Minonzio 4. 10. 2019 15:14:34 ALL DETAILS BELOW - 2019 09 29Ferrata Zucco Pesciola (Hard) + Ferrata Mario Minonzio (Medium). Ring Path. One of the most beautiful and challenging ferrata near Milano (1 hour by car).The panorama over Piani di Bobbio is Dolomite!... |
 | | OmRus e Barberino Hot MTB Trail 17. 10. 2019 12:49:31 Wonderful MTB enduro trails near Bobbio - PiacenzaRing path: Bobbio - Ragalli - Arelli - Cava dei Gerbidi - Riva della Trebbia - BobbioThe first part too rocks, the second part SuperFunny!... |
 | | Ferrata Maurizio Alben 30. 10. 2019 12:23:25 ALL DETAILS BELOW - 2019 10 26Ferrata Maurizio Monte Alben (moderately difficult). Ring Path. Wonderful Panorama of Valle Seriana (1.30 hour by car).Start from Conca dell'Alben, Oltre il Colle (Bergamo)... |
 | 60fr | Finale Ligure | MTB RollerCoaster 13. 11. 2019 16:00:03 MTB RollerCoaster Trail in Melogno near Finale Ligure - (Savona)Ring path: Melogno - Cappella San PantaleoThe first part Super Flow, the second part Very Techincal!GPS Trail https://itinerari.mtb-mag.com/tours/view/14457... |
 | | Ferrata Pont Canavese 1. 12. 2019 12:08:54 ALL DETAILS BELOW - 2019 11 30Ferrata Pont Canavese (TO) (very difficult). 2 hours by car from Milano.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... |
 | 60fr | MTB Cuasso al monte 10. 12. 2019 17:34:52 MTB Cuasso al monte near Porto Ceresio - (Varese)Walk in the Autumn Woods---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... |
 | 2K | Ciaspolata Artavaggio 30. 12. 2019 16:22:13 ALL DETAILS BELOW - 2019 12 28Ciaspolata ai Piani di Artavaggio - Funivia da Moggio (LC)Costo Funivia 13 euro andata e ritornoCosto Ciaspole 8 euro (racchette comprese) noleggio si trova all'arrivo della Funivia... |
 | 60fr | CRASH MTB Base Nato 13. 01. 2020 19:48:43 MTB Base Nato, Partenza da Calice Ligure vicino a Finale Ligure - (Savona)Enduro trail---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... |
 | 60fr | Sella Ronda Ski Tour 14. 01. 2020 16:40:44 Impressive Landscapes from the Sella Ronda Ski Tour.Civetta - Marmolada - Val Gardena - Alta Badia - Arabba - Val di FassaINFO SELLA RONDA SKI TOURhttps://www.dolomitisuperski.com/it/Scopri/Sellaronda-Grande-Guerra... |
 | 4k 60fr | Monte Generoso Trekking 10. 02. 2020 11:51:27 Monte Generoso Trekking (Mendrisio - Svizzera)Partenza da Bella Vistahttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Monte+Generoso+Bellva+Vista,+6872+Mendrisio,+Svizzera/@45.9125366,8.9993666,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x478428e76a8e8f5b:0xa855f371e1b23d9a!8m2!3d45.90988!4d9.00501... |
 | | Ferrata Caspai 25. 02. 2020 19:48:46 ALL DETAILS BELOW - 2020 02 23rFerrata Caspai (BS) (difficult). r1.5 hours by car from Milano.r#ferrata #climbing #caspai #lodrinor---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... |