| We found the REAL EASTER RABBIT Dolomites Daily 94/365 shorts 4. 04. 2021 07:00:09 Happy Easter to all our followers and lovers of the Dolomites ------------------------------------------ Visit Ustaria Posta :------------------------------------------ https://www.ustariaposta.it... |
 | I believe I can fly over the Passo Valparola Dolomites Daily 95/365 shorts 6. 04. 2021 09:43:01 You will never forget your first time, pedaling to the top of the Passo Valparola on a spring day that looks like a winter day. This are our Dolomites ------------------------------------------... |
 | Uroševa grapa, Cmir (2393 m), severna stena 5. 04. 2021 21:11:22 Uroševa grapa v severni steni gore Cmir (2394) nad dolino Vrata, Julijske alpe.Danes smo se odpravili v najlažjo smer, ki pelje od Aljaževega doma čez severno steno Cmira na 2393 m. Sneg je povečini dobro predelan, na edinem strmejšem mestu bi si sicer želeli boljšega. Del smeri je 'odplaknilo' topl... |
 | Kramarjeva smer 5.4.2021 | Storžič (2132 m) 5. 04. 2021 17:01:27 Zimska tura na Storžič po Kramarjevi smeri (2132 m). Smer je trenutno lepo zalita.Več pa v blogu:http://www.freak.si/storzic-kramarjeva-smer-5-4-2021/___________________________________________________________________________... |
 | Südkante Hintere Tajakopf 2408m/Mieminger Kette 6. 04. 2021 17:18:33 Musik:Snow Fall by Vendredi https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduou200bCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported CC BY 3.0Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3w2LBHx... |
 | Where I've been during Lockdown - A Return to YouTube 4. 04. 2021 16:00:06 A return to YouTube after a break due to Lockdown. I'd like to thank everyone who sent me messages over the last few months asking if everything was ok. The answer is yes, thankfully I havent been affected by CV and the lockdown , but I thought it was the right time to step back from YouTube and soc... |
 | EINFACH KLETTERN - Worauf es beim Seilkauf ankommt! Für Toprope, Vorstieg, in der Halle und am Fels 4. 04. 2021 10:00:11 Egal ob Toprope in der Halle, entspanntes klettern im Vorstieg am Fels oder auch projektieren am Limit. Phil von Edelrid teilt mit uns seine Empfehlungen für den Kauf eines passenden Einfachseils.VIDEO EMPFEHLUNGEN... |
 | Bouldering On A 40° Home Build Climbing Wall 4. 04. 2021 19:27:46 An indoor climbing and training session in a home built climbing wall. Followed by Pizza of course!My climbing shoes, Unparallel Flagship: https://bit.ly/2Pq9GYzMy Cab9 sunglasses:http://bit.ly/2fxY8A6... |
 | Monte Antelao 10 Maggio 2014 11. 05. 2014 16:13:13 Raggiungere la cima di una montagna è sempre una gioia immensa, se poi la cima è l'Antelao la soddisfazione è ancora maggiore. Con le immagini è difficile descrive l'emozione che si prova ad attraversa la cresta finale per raggiungere i 3260m della sua vetta.... |
 | turno smučanje Julijske Alpe, Planica, Tamar, Slovenia - Jalovčev Ozebnik 1. 04. 2021 13:00:41 Hit the like button & subscribe if you like the video.Jalovec ozebnik is the famous Slovenian couloir. It is carved into the wall of one of the most prominent and fourth-highest mountains in Slovenia, Jalovec. The average slope is about 40 degrees, at the exit 45 degrees. Snowboarding through has lo... |
 | Scheiberkogel 3133m/Rotmoostal/Obergurgl/Ötztaler Alpen 3. 04. 2021 17:47:08 Musik:Luminance by Ghostrifter Official https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-of...u200b Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported CC BY-SA 3.0... |
 | Monte Crepacuore 16. 01. 2021 18:06:59 Ciaspolata del 15/01/2021... |
 | Predazzo 23/01/2019 | Pozzo delle Fate | Ice Climbing 26. 05. 2019 22:12:08 Gianluca Fossà Szymanski Alessandro... |
 | Ferrata Campanili del Latemar 12. 09. 2019 15:29:18 10 settembre 2019Francesco Bertolotti Alessandro Szymanski... |
 | Marmolada Via Normale Ghiacciaio Punta Penia 13. 09. 2019 22:58:28 ... |
 | Gran Sasso d'Italia- Ferrata al Bafile e via Direttissima Cima Occidentale 4k 14. 11. 2018 09:31:42 11 Novembre 2018 Alessandro Szymanski Samuele Martini... |
 | Campocatino | Peschio delle Cornacchie | Monte Monna 1952 mt 16. 10. 2018 15:28:08 By :Alessandro Szymanski Samuele Martini... |
 | Ortles 3905 mt 4. 10. 2018 07:20:52 Con Franco Varesco ( Guida Alpina )Giulia FuriRiccardo PanebiancoAlessandro Szymanski... |
 | Cervino- Cresta del Leone 4478 mt 2. 10. 2018 21:44:00 Ascesa del 18-19 Settembre 2018 con :Franco VarescoRolando VarescoSergio Vanzo... |
 | Battistero | Climbing Latemar 4k Campanile di fuori- Torre di Pisa 14. 09. 2018 15:29:13 Scalata sulla meravigliosa catena montuosa del Latemar 10/09/2018Gianluca Partel & Alessandro Szymanski... |
 | Cima Polse (Ziano di Fiemme) Ferrata Attilio Sieff 4k 27. 03. 2018 08:21:02 ... |
 | Winter Sunset Monte Cornon 2200mt 23. 03. 2018 21:59:18 ... |
 | Cascata Cassiopeo 23. 02. 2018 10:57:48 Gruppo del Sella 18 02 2018... |
 | da Passo Rolle Passo Manghen | Translagorai in solitaria 4. 11. 2017 09:04:47 ... |
 | Caoria 08/04/2017 | Trincee di Pralongo- Miniera di rame 21. 05. 2017 21:09:22 Escursione bellissima !!Gianluca Partel Alessandro Szymanski... |
 | Cima Ortles 3905 mt by ROLANDO VARESCO | Bolzano 13. 09. 2017 13:06:15 Time Record : 6h 40'Km : 100Dsl : 3700 mtSenza uso di mezzi a motoreVideo by Szymanski Alessandro... |
 | Pisciadù | Ferrata Brigata Tridentina 15. 10. 2017 14:30:33 Maurizio Fossà- Gianluca Fossà - Alessandro Szymanski... |
 | Cima Polse Ferrata Attilio Sieff Team Shandranj 25. 04. 2017 17:54:20 Marco Jonny e Alessandro... |
 | Ziano di Fiemme | Ferrata Attilio Sieff 26. 03. 2017 08:09:52 ... |
 | - Cima Cornon .in un modo o nell altro 22. 03. 2017 00:09:16 ... |
 | Cima Cornon Tramonto hd 4. 01. 2017 20:30:53 BY ALE E JONNY... |
 | Goulottes Cassiopeo di sinistra e Cassiopeo Hd 12. 01. 2017 22:56:43 Val Lasties - Gruppo del Sella10/01/2017Franco VarescoRolando VarescoAlessandro Szymanski... |
 | Ziano di Fiemme | Cascata Bambi 14. 01. 2017 08:10:57 Gianluca Partel e Alessandro Szymanski 09 / 01/ 2017... |
 | Marmolada Pian dei Fiacconi 7. 11. 2016 23:51:49 ... |
 | Torre Stabeler (Vajolet) 27. 07. 2016 15:20:05 by Gianluca Partel & Alessandro Szymanski... |
 | Cimon della Pala Via NORMALE 15. 08. 2016 13:52:24 Con riprese aeree Guida Alpina : Franco Varescoriprese e montaggio video Alessandro Szymanski... |
 | Sasso Piatto Via Ferrata O Schuster hd 31. 08. 2016 15:54:26 By Gianluca Fossà e Szymanski Alessandro... |
 | Torre di pisa ascesa invernale hd (Con riprese aeree) 1. 04. 2016 05:03:13 By Szymanski Alessandro... |
 | Fly with drone | Cima Cornon 29. 03. 2016 22:23:00 by Alessandro SzymanskiDA VEDERE IN HD... |
 | Antelao Via Normale 3264 Mt 21. 01. 2021 16:49:10 Con la Guida Alpina Franco Varesco... |
 | Škrlatica 2740m nmv, 04/08/2018 5. 08. 2018 10:07:24 Škrlatica 2740m nmv, 04/08/2018music: Band of Horses - The Funeral (Robin Schulz Edit)... |
 | Watzmann-Ostwand in 7 Minuten 11. 08. 2012 12:47:55 Begehung der Watzmann-Ostwand, Berchtesdadener WegMusik:Michelle - Sin Pudor (CC - BY)Reciclados - No me Resigno (CC - BY)... |
 | Piz Palü 30. 08. 2012 10:10:44 Vom Berghaus Diavolezza über den Persgletscher auf den Piz Palü Orientale (3882 m)Musik: Chriss Onac - Asie Majuere (CC - BY, SA)... |
 | Biancograt 21. 09. 2012 01:45:32 Von der Tschiervahütte über den Biancograt und den Piz Bianco auf den Piz Bernina. Abstieg über den Spallagrat, Marco e Rosa Hütte, Bellavistaterrassen und Fortezzagrat zur Diavolezzahütte. Musik: Kämmerer - Aftershock (CC - BY, NC, SA)... |
 | Olperer 4. 11. 2012 13:43:29 Von der Olpererhütte über den Nordgrat auf den Olperer. Abstieg über den Riepengrat.... |
 | Powder to the People 23. 02. 2013 21:54:10 Kleiner Ausflug ins Ofental und ins Steintal am 23.02.2013. Musik: Am Stram Gram von Louis Lingg and the Bombs (CC - BY)... |
 | Großer Geiger 29. 04. 2013 22:08:51 Skihochtour auf den Großen Geiger (3360m) am 28.04.2013Musik: The Morning Light Project - Under My Red Carpet (CC SA)... |
 | Elbrus 4. 05. 2013 13:37:48 Besteigung des Elbrus über den Normalweg im April 2013. Der Elbrus liegt im Kaukasus (Russland) und ist mit 5642m der höchster Punkt Europas.Musik:Weekend - Gratchee (CC - NC, SA) www.gra4i.ruAussi loin d'ici - (CC - NC, SA)... |
 | Dufourspitze 18. 08. 2013 21:52:24 Musik:TU EM MI - Mariana Contreras (CC)Once Upon A Time - The Singletons (CC - NC - SA)... |
 | Zuckerhütl, Wilder Pfaff und Wilder Freiger 12. 03. 2014 22:04:05 Musik: The Singletons - Lady Clorofile... |