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Video / Zanimivo / Stran 1433


HOMUNCULUS (5.14A) | Emily Harrington in Rifle Colorado
28. 07. 2020 20:52:15
Emily Harrington climbing Homunculus (5.14a) in Rifle, Colorado.A Film ByLouder Than Eleven ( ByMichael Wideburg - Fizzix Productions (
Longs Peak (14,255'), Colorado | First ascent on The Diamond
17. 08. 2020 17:02:13
After 4 summers and more than 50 days of effort, Chris Weidner and Bruce Miller established Gambler's Fallacy (5.13b), a new route on North America's highest elevation big wall.Directed byJon Glassberg...
Pranayama Extension (5.13c) | Mt. Potosi | Charlotte Durif
2. 01. 2021 22:18:51
Charlotte Durif makes a quick ascent of 'Pranayama Extension' (5.13c) at Mt. Potosi outside of Las Vegas, Nevada....
Psicobloc in Vietnam with Kyra Condie and Tim Emmett | ĐEEP WATER
12. 08. 2020 18:16:53
Deep Water is a captivating exploration of fear, mentorship, and deep water soloing in panoramic Ha Long Bay, Vietnam with psicobloc pioneer Tim Emmett and competition climber Kyra Condie. Watch as Kyra learns from the master, tackles the fear of climbing high above the water, and then succeeds on ...
GoToWV | Deep Water Solo Climbing at Summersville Lake, WV
1. 09. 2016 19:56:15
PsicoRoc, the first deep-water-solo climbing competition ever to be held on real stone in America, was held on August 23, 2016 at Summersville Lake. Check out some of the highlights! Read more:
Deep Water Solo Mallorca 2020
7. 12. 2020 22:59:28
Routes in order of appearance:Balsa boys - 0:00Bisexual - 0:40Metrosexual - 3:03Illuminations - 4:50Mitjana Party - 6:00 Rich Bich - 7:40Slice of Heaven - 8:05Eternal flame- 8:54...
Deep Water Soloing at Summersville Lake
8. 07. 2020 15:16:16
Welcome to the best Deep Water Soloing and Cliff Jumping spot outside of Mallorca! In this video, team members Michael Gharib and Cameron Kellar try their hand at DWS and cliff jumping at the Long Point and Pirates Cove crags of Summersville Lake. Thanks to our friends Abby Goff and Emily Saurborn f...
Red River Gorge Rising 11a
22. 03. 2019 05:02:43
Rising 11a at Bruise Brother...
Trad Climbing Liming China
29. 01. 2020 03:24:07
trad climbing, multi-pitch, Liming climbing...
Scar face 5.10+ Liming China
6. 02. 2020 18:42:50
Scar face 5.10+ at Liming China, crack climbing, trad climbing, hand crack...
Indian Creek Climbing, trad climbing
4. 01. 2021 06:15:21
trad climbing trip at Indian Creek, climbs includes scarface, mental illness, big guy, ancient art...
Deep water solo/ New River Gorge/ pirates cove
18. 06. 2020 07:57:18
fun DWS trip at Summerville Lake, climbed Indian summer...
Gardening around la Dent du Pra | Jardinage autour de la Pra
8. 02. 2020 19:29:18
P'tit tour du Proprio avec un Invité Spacial...
Descente de la Dent du Pra
9. 02. 2020 13:34:05
Descente du Grand Replomb
16. 02. 2020 20:16:15
Descente du Grand Replomb...
Traversée des Arêtes de la Meije Avec Bivouac au sommet
25. 07. 2020 17:32:39
Traversée des Arêtes de la Meije ---- La Bigoody Team à la GraveAprès le Castor et le Pollux un peu loupés, de notre dernière Mezzalama pour cause de météo capricieuse et néanmoins hostile, on s'était dit pourquoi ne pas aller faire un tour de ma Meije enchantée . (Ce récit alpin démarre fort, je...
Mont-Blanc par la voie Normale
24. 09. 2020 17:52:46
IV | Saison VI | Y'en A
13. 02. 2021 17:18:14
Pure journée aux Lances de Malissard !...
Dents de Bedina
15. 02. 2021 16:08:16
Petit tour dans les Dents de Bédina ......
Face Est | Grand Replomb
21. 02. 2021 16:37:13
Grand Replomb --- Face Est...
VIII | Y'en A! Saison VI | Croix de Belledonne
27. 02. 2021 19:24:08
La Croix de Belledonne 2926m pour 'Mettre l'Amour au Sommet' .On s'est bien marré et on a fait du bon ski aussi !A la demande générale nous publions exceptionnellement la video de cette journée de ski sous le signe de la franche camaraderie, de la solidarité et de la B.I.E.N.V.E.I.L.L.A.N.C.E. ...
Belle Etoile et Dent du Pra | IX | Yen A! Saison VI
28. 02. 2021 20:10:48
Petite variante par le deuxième couloir sud pour basculer sur le versant Dent du Pra. Neige de Printemps .......
Dent de Crolles à skis
17. 02. 2021 20:23:08
Dent de Crolles à skis.... Et fourvoiement pour voir....
auf einer Skipiste | Rodeln Allgäu
19. 02. 2021 15:00:01
Eigentlich ist es verboten, auf einer Skipiste zum rodeln zu gehen. Aber während der aktuellen Situation ist dort so wenig los gewesen, dass wir es uns erlaubt haben. Bitte belohnt uns dafür mit einem Daumen hoch und einem Abo!...
Jump beim Canyoning Tessin | Canyoning Lodrino
26. 02. 2021 17:00:12
Canyoning - wir lieben es und sind richtig heiß drauf. Wie sind eure Erfahrungen mit dem Sport? Touren starten ab April, Check unsere Website
Pierra Menta 2016
12. 03. 2018 09:00:01
POV #GoPro during the last stage of Pierra Menta 2016 with Matheo Jaquemoud....
Von Garmisch an den Gardasee (Neuauflage) | MTB Alpencross 2017
23. 02. 2021 21:25:47
In 7 Etappen von Garmisch an den Gardasee.Wir waren unterwegs vom 27.08. bis zum 02.09.2017.Planungsgrundlage war die von Andreas Albrecht erstellte Alpenüberquerung für Pedelecs ( ...
Sunset Dolomites daily d16/365 shorts
20. 02. 2021 16:23:45
Enjoy the full video at the following link: https://eat.ustariaposta.itu200d https://www.holimites.comu200d
Sahara dust Dolomites daily 36/365 shorts
23. 02. 2021 17:00:11
Our #shorts videos that don't enter in our main videos but are still a way to show you what we are doing daily along the Dolomites
Armentara family fun Alta Badia Dolomites
26. 02. 2021 17:00:10
**for english subtitles remember to switch on the function on the bottom right of this video**If you come to Alta Badia during winter time it is not all about skiing on slopes. There are many other activities to do and for the ones that like to hike and walk here we have one of the best winter hikes...
20.2.2021 (The Triglav Lakes Valley) | Dolina Triglavskih jezer
21. 02. 2021 16:25:36
Ena dolgaaaa tura po dolini Triglavskih jezer, tokrat s turnimi smučmi.Več pa v blogu:
Zäunlcouloir/Höllkopf/Mieminger Kette
23. 02. 2021 13:54:59
Musik:Lights by SilentCrafter Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported CC BY-SA 3.0Free Download / Stream:
Habicht 3277m/Südanstieg/Gschnitz/Stubaier Alpen
24. 02. 2021 16:28:24
Musik:Song: DayFox - Kyte High (Instrumental)Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.Video Link: LiQWYD - I Need YouMusic provided by Vlog No Copyright Music....
Ammergauer Hochplatte 2082m - Traumhafte und lange Skitour im Naturpark - SAUKALT! Windchill -30°C
19. 02. 2021 06:00:02
Die erste Dokumentation zu dieser Tour auf YouTube... AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ...
Sonnige Kletterei im T-Shirt (Februar 2021) - Ammergauer Alpen - Kofelturm 1300m und Marxersteig
26. 02. 2021 14:39:43
Februar 2021 - Klettern im T-Shirt in Oberammergau AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ...
Beatrice Colli: Up Against It - Ep.1 Teaser - On The Rise
23. 02. 2021 16:11:30
Up Against It is the story of EpicTV Athlete Beatrice Colli and her journey to the World Championships and beyond. Follow along with the story, to see the story of Italy's next climbing star...Ready for your next adventure? Check out the EpicTV Shop for ALL YOUR GEAR: ...
EpicTV Clips - Babsi Zangerl On MONSTER E10 Route In Wales
24. 02. 2021 16:01:57
Back in 2017, when the sun was shining and Wales was looking about as beaut as Wales can look in the late summer, a team of some of the best climbers in the world went on a Trad sending mission to the mecca of Trad climbing, Wales...This was what Babsi Zangerl sent while she was there, Muy Caliente ...
Training To Be World Champion
26. 02. 2021 15:30:14
Focused, Determined and Ambitious...Beatrice Colli has said she wants to be world champion this year, this is her story.Psyched for climbing? Check out the EpicTV SHOP for all your gear:
Spazio Verticale 274 - Dal Boulder alla Falesia
19. 02. 2021 17:30:01
Marco Zanone ormai lo conosciamo, ma ve lo ripresentiamo.E' un fortissimo arrampicatore e bravissimo Videomaker di Biella!In questo video vediamo i suoi exploit invernali... Che ne pensate??...
Spazio Verticale 275 - Come sono le prese di un 9b/+
26. 02. 2021 16:30:04
Tutta l'attrezzatura per l'arrampicata la puoi trovare qui: questo episodio vi racconto come sono le prese di Erebor. Un termine per definirle??Piccole, quasi invisibili...
EINFACH KLETTERN - Der Achterknoten
21. 02. 2021 10:00:16
Der Achterknoten ist ein beliebter Anseilknoten für Kletteranfänger und Profis. Wir zeigen im Detail wie der Achterknoten gesteckt wird und worauf ihr dabei achten solltet.Hier der Link zu unserem Video, in dem wir zeigen warum die Anordnung der Seilstränge wichtig ist beim knüfen des Achterknoten ...
EINFACH KLETTERN - Der Achterknoten geht IMMER leicht auf, wenn er richtig geknüpft ist
21. 02. 2021 10:00:08
Einen Achterknoten so knüpfen, dass er immer leicht auf geht. Geht nicht?! Geht Wohl! In diesem Video zeigen wir dir worauf du achten musst, um deinen 8er stets mühelos auf zu bekommen ;)So geht der Achterknoten
Climbing Daily Ep.1792 - Evolv, Tenaya & Unparallel Climbing Shoe Sizes
19. 02. 2021 15:48:17
We continue our series looking at how to get the correct size climbing shoes. Today we look at Evolv, Tenaya and Unparallel shoes. From a performance fit, to something more comfortable, we find the correct sizes for you....
Climbing Daily Ep.1793 - Matt Vs A World Cup Climber
23. 02. 2021 16:30:03
Today Matt takes on a world class athlete...on a World Cup ice climbing route. First we check out how the pros do it...then it's Matt's turn. Will he reach the top...?!?Ice Climbing FINALS:
Climbing Daily Ep.1794 - Does Gender Even Matter In Climbing? Worlds FIRST Non-Binary 5.14a Trad
24. 02. 2021 16:54:27
This week we see an rarely climbed 8C/+ getting it's 5th ascent. We look at a new way of filming mountaineering first ascents and and Lor Sabourin becomes the first non-binary climber to send 5.14a trad....
Climbing Daily Shorts - Comfort Fit Or Performance? Climbing Shoe Sizes
25. 02. 2021 12:30:01
A quick look at how to size Tenaya, Evolv and Unparallel climbing shoes. #Shortsu200b Full video: Shoes: Shoes:
Climbing Daily Ep.1795 - What Size Cams Should You Buy As A Beginner? - Q&A
26. 02. 2021 17:27:56
We asked YOU what you need to know about climbing gear. Today Matt answers your questions...All the gear at the EpicTV shop: Size Cams are good for a beginners rack? - Jai_jones1997...
Pro Gymnast Tries Climbing
20. 02. 2021 17:36:37
Sponsored: Go to for 15% off your order! Brought to you by RayconOdin // @odinmkalvoFredrik // @fredrikbaasCheck their Norwegian channel out // @Odin Kalvø ...
Pro Gymnasts VS 100$ hang Challenge ++
23. 02. 2021 17:00:59
Sponsored: For NordVPNs birthday, every purchase of a 2-year plan will get you1 additional month free AND a surprise gift. Go to and use code magmidt!Odin // @odinmkalvo...
Cricket protein - Adam Ondra talks about nutrition, food quality importance and affordability
19. 02. 2021 19:00:08
We all have different eating habits and it is sometimes not easy to just adopt new ones. Eating healthy and environmentally friendly food can also be especially hard if you live in the middle of the city. It is always good to think about what is behind the food we sometimes consume so automatically....
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