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Winter - Alpspitze 2628m
14. 07. 2017 09:09:13
Bereits im Abstieg noch eine kurze Rast gemacht nach erfolgreicher Winterbegehung über die Nordwand 'Alpspitz Ferrata'. Verhältisse definitiv Winter, siehe auch Schnee im Tal. Trotzdem alles gut machbar....
Winter - Knorrhütte Winterraum - Schneefernerkopf - Winterbesteigung - Zugspitze übers Gatterl
20. 07. 2017 15:33:18
Besteigung der Zugspitze 2964m und Schneefernerkopf 2875m.Der Schneefernerkopf ist der zweithöchste Berg Deutschlands (bzw. Hochwanner je nach Auslegung). Dafür ist dieser sehr einsam und verlassen. ...
Petzl Sarken, Inook OXM, Arc'teryx Acrux AR Boot | Adventure Vlog 12 | Alpspitz Ferrata im Winter
2. 03. 2017 06:54:49
Tour vom 18. Februar 2017.Filmed with Canon EOD 70D with Canon EF-S 10-18 1:4.5-6.6 IS STM Lense and Contour ROAM 2. Kurzer Bericht zur Tour:
Winter Besteigung | Klettersteig Bocchette-Weg Brenta
30. 11. 2008 16:00:04
Der vereiste Klettersteig Sentiero delle Bocchette Centrali im September 2008. Nach einer Kaltfront waren die Gipfel und Steige der Brenta mit Schnee und Eis bedeckt. Auf unserer Begehung der zentralen Passage des Bocchette-Weges erlebten wir fantastische Aus- und Tiefblicke in einer grandiosen Berg...
2019 Alpspitze Klettersteig im WINTER
3. 03. 2020 13:21:18
Wundervolle aber auch anspruchsvolle Tour für geübte Bergsteiger. ...
Hindelanger Klettersteig Winterbegehung März 2020 Oberstdorf
24. 03. 2020 15:09:13
Video von einer Begehung des Hindelangerklettersteig über Oberstdorf am 14.März 2020 bei Winterbedingungen. bedingungen waren ein Traum zu Beginn fast zu warm trotzdem sehr schön trotz schwerem Rucksack....
Dachstein Schulter & Randkluftsteig Klettersteig im Winter (Via Ferrata Austria)
16. 02. 2015 19:08:47
15.02.2015 Dachstein Klettersteig von der Schulter aus.Dramatische Bergung eines Verletzten Bergsteigers der sich beim Aufstieg die Schulter ausgekugelt hat.Wünsche Ihm Gute Besserung....
27. 02. 2015 16:55:36
Winterbegehung Hindelanger Klettersteig Februar 2015....
Mindelheimer Klettersteig im Winter 2016
16. 03. 2016 23:03:00
Hammer Tour - Der Mindelheimer Klettersteig ist wohl ein beliebter Klassiker in den Allgäuer Alpen. Aber wohl nicht mit so viel Schnee an einem Montag. Schee wars! Sollte man aber vom Sommer kennen....
Via Kessi | Klettersteig im Winter Teil 1
28. 01. 2017 09:24:22
In diesem Video begehe ich die beiden Klettersteige Via Kessi und Via Kapf. Sie befinden sich am Kapf, zu dem ich bereits ein Video gemacht habe.Im ersten Teil begehe ich den Via Kessi von oben nach unten....
Haznova route -Julian Alps | Mala Mojstrovka | Ferata Slovenia
4. 04. 2019 11:03:21
Join us on an adventure and climb one of the oldest feratas in Slovenia, starting at the highest mountain pass in Slovenia, Vršič 1611m and climb to the top of the Mala Mojstrovka from where you have wounderful views on the Julian Alps....
Ferata Češka koča
21. 11. 2015 12:29:13
Ferata Češka koča je speljana pod tovorno žičnico do Češke koče nad Jezerskim. Višinska razlika je okoli 300m, skupaj se v steni rabi nekje do 90 minut (od izhodišča pri parkirišču še malo več). Čelada je obvezna, prav tako uporaba samovarovalnega kompleta. Največja zahtevnost je sicer E, ampak to ...
16.06.2017 | Ferata Češka koča
16. 06. 2017 15:10:04
Ferata Češka koča - 16.06.2017...
Mojstrana | Via ferrata
26. 06. 2019 18:10:20
Kroz ovu feratu prolaze 2 smjera: lakši (plavo označeni) težine B i teži (crveno označeni) težine C/D (video je sniman po težem smjeru). Visina ferate je 180m, a dužina 250m. Vrijeme penjanja je 1h, a povratka okolo je 30min. Polazak na ovu feratu je na vlastitu odgovornost....
rdeča (Grančišče), 13.06.2020 | Ferata Mojstrana
14. 06. 2020 13:42:52
Celoten posnetek rdeče ferate v Mojstrani zraven planinskega muzeja....
4k via ferrata Jerm'n, Slovenia
6. 10. 2019 23:42:54
4k via ferrata Jerm'n difficulty D/E climbing next to waterfall, short but beautiful.Ferratu naleznete po dokončení ferraty Hvadnik, začíná u silnice.Jde zkrátit o první úsek naleznete jej při sestupu u vodopádu....
ludilo od ferate | Mojstrana
1. 08. 2019 16:00:00
prvo Grmada za zagrijavanje, a onda smo se penjali po ludoj stijeni ferate Mojstrana! vrlo izloženi, baš ono, zahtjevna priča. pogledajte ovaj vlog, možda se oduševite za penjanje. u vlogu imam nekoliko trenutaka gubljenja. no, to je već moje ludilo. pozz dragi ljudi......
Exploring via ferrata routes in Slovenia
13. 07. 2019 11:47:58
If you suck at climbing, going alone is something you're likely be able to do only once. So I'm heading out to Lisca and Gonžarjeva peč (both in Slovenia) via ferrata routes to see whether these could be a good substitute for a day out climbing with a partner....
Slovenia | Ferata Boč
11. 08. 2020 08:46:32
4k Via ferrata Hvadnik, Slovenija
7. 03. 2019 08:32:01
4k Via ferrata Hvadnik, Srednji vrh, Slovenija, difficulty B/Caccess to ferrata 15 minutes, length 1 hour 500m, descent 15 minutesmusic:Reflections by Nekzlo @nekzloMusic provided by Free Music for Vlogs
MEGA VLOG - Slovenija via Ferrate: Furlanova-Otmarjeva pot, Mojstrana-Aljaževa + Kranjska gora
21. 10. 2020 20:12:33
Podrži moj rad i pretplati se na Patreonu me i na instagramušli vikend od 09-11. oktobra 2020. sam potpuno neplanirano bio na planinarskoj akciji u Sloveniji....
Via Ferrata Slovenia 2018 | Mangart
20. 07. 2018 16:05:51
28.06.2019 | Martuljek | Ferata Jermanov slap
28. 06. 2019 11:36:09
Ferata Jermanov slap - Martuljek - 28.06.2019...
Najtežja športna ferata v Sloveniji (Zelenica, Spodnji plot)
2. 08. 2020 19:04:31
Otmarjeva ferata 450m, 26/05/2019 | Gradiška tura
26. 05. 2019 17:19:08
Gradiška tura 793m nmvOtmarjeva ferata 450m, 26/05/2019music: Planet Earth Amazing nature scenery...
Zelenica | Učna zavarovana plezalna pot (ferata)
14. 08. 2018 16:00:22
zelo zahtevna plezalna pot (ferata) | Boč
9. 03. 2019 00:03:37
Boč - zelo zahtevna plezalna pot (ferata)...
Spodnji plot | Najtežja ferata v Sloveniji
21. 05. 2017 19:55:56
Katrin Klettersteig (Via Ferrata) CZ - Austrian Alps weekend - Drachenwand
24. 09. 2019 08:30:13
Weekend in the Austrian Alps - MondseeFirst time ever climbing ferrata (klettersteig)Drachenwand KlettersteigKatrin KlettersteigBrunnkogelkreuz trekAccomodation: AirbnbCosts: 180 ...
FERRATA TRIDENTINA - Rifugio Cavazza al Pisciadù - passo Gardena
19. 10. 2019 12:30:02
La giornata non è partita benissimo a causa di nuvole basse che coprivano tutto il panorama, oltre al fatto che c'erano solo 5 gradi!!! dopo il primo pezzo di ferrata le nuvole hanno iniziato ad andarsene, regalandoci cosi una giornata splendida....
Falls In Via Ferratas
11. 11. 2017 18:49:11
During the mountain guides training seminar held on 21 October 2017, we tested and demonstrated various on via ferratas using different equipment.We used an 87-kg wooden block, and the tests were carried out at the Mojstrana Via Ferrata. The anchors were 2.5 meters apart, and the block was thrown fr...
Italy - Dolomites Via Ferrata - Brigata Tridentina
28. 10. 2017 05:39:53
The Brigata Tridentina route is one of the most famous and popular fixed rope routes in the Dolomites. The starting point for this tour is the parking lot (1,956m asl) at the gravel pit, about two km below Passo Gardena, towards Corvara/Colfosco. The walk to the starting point of the fixed rope ro...
Cestujem doma - Via Ferrata Skalka
2. 09. 2020 17:00:16
Ferraty na Skalke su momentálne najpestrejším a najväčším ferratovým areálom na Slovensku.Pre tých, ktorý neviete čo ferraty sú, dajú sa opísať ako zaistené turistické cesty po skalách. Budete teda samozrejme potrebovať ferratovú výstroj (prilbu, sedák, tlmič pádov, prípadne rukavice), ktorú si môže...
Review - Hanwag Ferrata II GTX Boots
25. 06. 2019 15:36:10
HANWAG FERRATA II GTX BOOTS REVIEWWe liked the original Ferrata Combi GTX by Hanwag enough to include it in our Outdoor 100 product guide back in 2017. Now a few years down the line, this follow on, the Ferrata II makes it into 2019s version. And for good reason, we think (well, it wouldnt be in oth...
Técnicas para solventar situaciones complicadas - Vías Ferratas (II)
26. 05. 2014 11:40:30
En esta cápsula formativa mostramos técnicas para solventar situaciones complicadas cuando nos encontramos en una vía ferrata.Esta cápsula formativa no sustituye en ningún caso a un curso de formación....
Hero 3+ Via Ferrata Mürren
1. 11. 2014 13:46:15
________________________________Camera: Gopro Hero 3+ Black EditionMusicKlangkarussell - SymmetryM83 - Midnight CityCamara Settings: 1080super 30fpsEdited by: Movie Maker,1080p...
Telluride's Via Ferrata
5. 12. 2014 00:49:28
This video is about Telluride's Via Ferrata...
Super Ferrata Dachstein (Anna + Johann + Schulteranstieg)
17. 09. 2017 20:07:57
Super-Ferrata-DachsteinAnna Klettersteig: 1:26 - 7:26Johann Klettersteig: 7:27 - 15:31Schulteranstieg: 15:32 - 18:33----------------------------------------u00adu00adu00ad...
This Ladder Is NOT For Beginners | Climbing 700 m Above The Abyss: Stairway To Heaven In Austria
1. 07. 2019 16:00:01
This stairway to heaven is made of steel cables and it is the highlight of a climbing tour of the Donnerkogel, in Austria's Salzkammergut resort area. The 43-meter long sky high ladder is stretched over an abyss some 700 meters below. Climbers who've made it until the via ferrata at the summit of Do...
Kilian BRON - MISSION EP.4 - Via Ferrata on Mountain Bike - DOLOMITES
12. 12. 2018 11:13:51
Du VTT sur les Via Ferrata des Dolomites!Subscribe for more videos | Kilian BRON mon trip avec Red Bull Bike
Izazovi avanturu - Kosovo - Jelena Đukić na via ferrata Berim - Viseći most od kog zastaje dah
27. 09. 2020 21:00:10
Viseći most od kog zastaje dah | Jelena Đukić na via ferrata Berim | Kosovo | Izazovi avanturuOvu avanturu će da pamte i Radovan Kovač ali i Jelena Đukić naša poznata glumica koju ste do sada mogli da gledate u nizu domaćih serija (Istine i Laži, Urgentni Centar, Igra Sudbine, Nemanjići). Radovan i ...
Tips for your First Rope Climbing Tour - Via Ferrata for Beginners
24. 05. 2017 14:11:13
Get to know the most important basic rope climbing skills for your first via ferrata. Get more information on via ferratas in Tyrol: are planning your first via ferrata or you do not have that much experience in rope climbing yet? Get...
2. Dolomites via Ferrata, Toffana di Mezzo, 29/07/18
4. 02. 2019 19:46:54
Climbing Daily Ep.1485 - Chamonix's Most EXTREME Via Ferrata
30. 08. 2019 13:30:01
Get The Camp/Cassin Kinetic Rewind Pro: today's Gear Show we go on a Via Feratta mission. Hugo and Matt test out the Camp/Cassin Kinetic Rewind Pro on one of the hardest Via Feratta's in the area. What do you's a seriously exposed route......
Leukerbad | Switzerland's longest Via Ferrata
16. 08. 2016 18:19:00
The Daubenhorn via ferrata is the longest in Switzerland, graded K5 (extremely difficult). It is made of 2,000 metres of steel cable, 215 metres of ladder and a couple of steel cable bridges. It takes a good 5 hours to climb (almost 1000m up) and when you have finally reached the top (2941 metres), ...
Via ferrata feliz navidad ultimo tramo, anillas
5. 02. 2019 22:33:19
_(For licensing and usage, contact
- The Faction Collective Presents: La Grave 
28. 11. 2018 16:58:25
With no ropes, no pistes and no one telling you where you can and cant go, La Grave represents a very special type of freedom rarely found in other alpine ski areas. Narrated by a community of locals who have been freeriding in La Grave for the past two decades, and who still reside there today, thi...
Caught In Avalanches Compilation
6. 07. 2017 18:02:29
Caught In Avalanches Compilation...
Full Movie | A Film By The Faction Collective | THIS IS HOME
5. 12. 2017 17:52:29
THIS IS HOME A Film by The Faction CollectiveFollow The Faction Collective as they return to their homes around the world to show us how they get it done on home turf. From Europe to the US and back again via old playgrounds, new challenges, secret spots and favourite lines THIS IS HOME chronicles...
Skok v šport, športno plezanje
18. 02. 2016 09:09:48
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