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Prize Munros for the Munro Bagger | Hiking into Remote Mountains
24. 06. 2020 20:00:01
Hiking into Remote Mountains - Prize Munros for the Munro Bagger !!46km covered and 1571 m ascent - this was a long day. These three Munros are highly sought after by the Munro bagger and we were rather knackered after this adventure!! An Socach , Mullach na Dheiragain and Surr nan Ceathreamhnan fr...
Time for Break | Lockdown Easing in Scotland back to hill walking
28. 06. 2020 10:00:31
Lockdown Easing in Scotland back to hill walking and Time for a Break ?With lockdown restrictions easing in Scotland in terms of the 5 mile travel guidance for recreation and sport, many of us will be able to return to the hills and mountains from the 3rd of July. A few thought and also contemplatin...
An exposed hike along Collies Ledge | Mountain Exposure
1. 07. 2020 20:00:03
A mountain hike along Collies Ledge with some serious mountain exposure ...WATCH NEXT- A scramble along the CMD Arete- got lots of interest in Collies Ledge from the Sgurr Alasdair video, so have made this one with as much footage of the Ledge as I could find. Apologies...
through the Viaduct | Beyond Glenfinnan
8. 07. 2020 20:00:14
The landscapes around Glenfinnan are fantastic! Most people will go to see the ' Harry Potter ' viaduct or to visit where Bonnie Prince Charlie raised the standard, but the mountains surrounding Glenfinnan are the real stars of the show ........
A Quiet Mountain Hike | First Mountain Post Lockdown
15. 07. 2020 20:00:13
First Mountain post lockdown . With most locations likely to be busy after the easing of the 5 mile travel restriction eased since lockdown , we looked for a mountain hike that would hopefully be a lot quieter. We never saw another person on the hill until later when we were finishednear thelast wat...
Camping Wild on the UK highest Mountain | Highest Wild Camp
22. 07. 2020 20:00:04
Highest Wild Camp - Wild Camping on the way to theUK's highest mountain - Ben Nevis. The best way to hike to the summit of Ben Nevis is via the CMD Arete. On this trip I took my tent and camped out high before traversing the CMD Arete to summit Ben Nevis. Had it all to myself ......
Back to Adventures | Return to the Mountains
6. 09. 2020 16:00:00
After a wee break its a return to the hills and mountains. A quick vlog outlining what I've been up to and what to expect in the coming weeks...Music: Heartland by Silent Partner (YouTube Library)...
Windy Conditions on High Mountain Camp
9. 09. 2020 20:00:05
My First High Mountain Camp for four months and it was rather windy on the hill. The weather was fine high on the mountain apart from the winds. Average speeds of 20-25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. Nothing too bad but I had to make sure the guys lines were tight!! A fine mountain trip and a Scottish...
Remote Mountain Escape at the End of the Glen
16. 09. 2020 20:00:05
Remote Mountain Escape at the End of the GlenNothing beats a long day on the hill to escape the normalities of day to day life. Today the remote mountain was at the head of the Glen. I took the bike in to speed up progress and didn't meet another soul. A pathless ascent up the mountain and a really ...
Dull Mountain Surprise
23. 09. 2020 20:00:05
Not calling this Dull !However my preconceptions of this mountain were not as high as other outings. So I was pleasantly surprised at how wrong I was. The views were large and I could see from one side of the country to the other side. Views to the far northern mountains and the mountains of Assynt ...
A Steep way up the Mountain
30. 09. 2020 20:00:17
A Steep ascent up one of the most famous mountains in Scotland. A Steep way up the Mountain After a lay off for a while we headed to a favourite rock climb and when it started raining as we geared up, we thought it may be a little slippy. Turned out ok a steep way to ascend the mountain , , its a g...
First Trip up the glen Scotland | VW T6 Campervan Conversion
4. 10. 2020 16:00:01
VW T6 Campervan Conversion - First Trip up the glenAfter years of saving we finally got our campervan. We went for a VW T6 LWB model and had it converted. This was started way before the pandemic so we waited a little longer for the camper van. For our first trip we headed up the glen in the camperv...
The Finest Mountain between Heaven and Hell
7. 10. 2020 20:00:01
The Finest Mountain between Heaven and HellWe head off to a remote mountain far from civilisation which lies between heaven and hell (well Loch Hourn and Loch Nevis - debate remains over their translations;) ). Could this be the Finest Mountain in Scotland? Adventure was around every corner from the...
Touch too Much in The Rough Bounds of Knoydart
14. 10. 2020 20:00:02
Touch too Much in The Rough Bounds of Knoydart. The previous 24hrs had been spent adventuring in the Rough Bounds of Knoydart in and up Ladhar Bheinn and Iwas rather tired. However the mountains were calling and this mountain was almost a touch too much!!...
Scotland's Midges Attack | Summit Camping
21. 10. 2020 20:00:04
Summit Camping - Scotland's Midges Attack !A summit camp in the Scottish Highlands and I am joined by a few friends that hold me hostage in my tent for a few hours. Camping in Scotland and in the Scottish Highlands can be made rather unpleasant by the swarms of midges that can come out to feast. Luc...
No Paths Up this Mountain
28. 10. 2020 20:00:09
An ascent of some popular Mountains in Scotland but we decided to avoid the crowds and head up a less frequented side of the mountain with no paths until the summit. A fabulous day hiking on the mountain. Filmed entirely on the insta360 R one in module...
360 camera review in the mountains | Insta360 ONE R review
1. 11. 2020 16:00:15
insta360 one r review -I take a hike up a mountain in the mountains with the insta 360 ONE R camera and review its good points and its not so good points! The insta360 has its pros and cons but overall is a pretty decent camera. One that splits opinion !...
A Long Day Hiking | Mountains above the Clouds
4. 11. 2020 20:00:09
WATCH NEXT - More Cloud Inversion adventure here : demanding hike over three mountains but hiking above the clouds over the mountains is one of the best experiences you can have as a hill walker. A magical day in some rugged ...
A Big Mountain Day | Wiped Out
11. 11. 2020 20:00:10
Wiped Out - A Big Day in the MountainsAfter a long day the previous day in the mountains (and suffering from man flu) I was up early and away from the campervan at first light. I knew it was going to be a long day and wasn't too sure if I would manage the full round of two mountain s and (nearly 30k...
Hiking up BIG Mountains
18. 11. 2020 20:00:10
We headed up some of Scotland's highest big mountains , hiking past some superb waterfalls on the way and also finding some early season snow on the tops. These mountains are some of the biggest in Scotland with a view to the highest and biggest of them all - The Ben. A great day out and some fabulo...
Evil Mountain
25. 11. 2020 20:00:09
A trip to the Evil Mountain - it certainly proved an evil dark foreboding mountain on this trip .... Visiting The Crevasses of doom and deep dark fissures were like an entrance to hell!!! The far flung views from the summit of this evil mountain were apparently spectacular !! P.S. some sarcasm may ...
Exploring New Mountains and Forgetting my Gear
29. 11. 2020 16:00:32
Exploring New Mountains and Forgetting my GearI headed to an area I was very unfamiliar with and mountains I had not explored before. I also forgot something - all revealed at the end ;)Music:...
Mountain Camp in the Rain and strong winds
9. 12. 2020 20:00:04
Mountain Camp in the Rain - The weather forecast had suggested fair weather in the northern mountain areas so I headed for Assynt. On arrival the blue skies were nowhere to be seen and before night fell the rain started and winds were blowing !! A night enduring the rain and strong winds followed b...
Night Hiking for Sunrise | Sunrise from Mountain Top
16. 12. 2020 20:00:27
Mountain Night Hiking for a Mountain Top sunriseWATCH NEXT - More Cloud Inversion adventures here : the camper van as base camp, I headed off hiking into the darkness of the night to see if I could reach the mountain top ...
Solo Wild Camping in the Mountains | A Dark , Cold , Mountain Camp
23. 12. 2020 20:00:05
A first frost of the season and very cold dark camp on the mountain waking to everything frozen .A starry night with no moon wild camping in Scotland's Mountains gave great dark skies- however something else was happening in the skies at the same time - if only I had remember to look over my should...
Perfect Hiking Conditions | Why Go Hill Walking at 2am!? Cloud Inversion
27. 12. 2020 16:00:13
Why Go Hill Walking at 2am ! ? Hopefully this video explains why I got up at 2am to go up a mountain for a hike. The temperature inversion allowed me to get above the clouds and enjoy perfect views across Scotland's Mountains...
when the weather Gods smile on your adventure | A Stunning Summit Camp
30. 12. 2020 20:00:02
Mountain Wild Camp - Summit Camping above the CloudsThis is a mountain I vowed to return to and even wrote that I should come backpacking here when the weather was good. This summit wild camping adventure in Scotland's North West Highlands turned into a wild camping adventure in Scotland's Mountains...
Fear Of Falling Ep.1 - Can This Climber Go From 6c To 7b In 4 Months?
3. 03. 2020 17:22:37
Get training with EpicTV: Cannon is an indoor climber, and he wants to start climbing outdoors, and with the help of climbing coach Neil Gresham he has set himself an ambitious goal of climbing 7b in 2 months at the world famous Malham Cove Crag in the UK. Follow Ben and Nei...
EpicTV España 11 (ENG SUBS) - Dani Andrada Re-Discovers The Unique Roof Bouldering Area Of Montroig
6. 03. 2020 15:19:45
Get Bouldering Now With The EPICTV SHOP: España has moved, subscribe now: 20 years, Dani Andrada comes back to Montroig bouldering area. A local place near the Mediterranean sea and with a special orange sandstone. In the last two seasons Dani h...
Fear Of Falling Ep.2 - Can This Climber Learn Red Point?
10. 03. 2020 15:00:22
Get Geared Up For Your Sport Climbing Season with EpicTV: Cannon has started his training and is now taking his first plunge into outdoor climbing, straight to the hallowed crag at Malham Cove. Ben and Neil are going to see if they can figure out the moves and use some of t...
Seb Bouin's Vintage Rock Tour Ep.1 - Seb Bouin Repeats France's First 8c, Agincourt At Buoux
13. 03. 2020 15:51:21
Check out the EB Climbing Shoe Range At The EpicTV Shop: the first leg of his vintage rock tour Seb Bouin meets up with legendary climbers, Ben Moon and Antoine Le Menestrel to climb at the legendary crag that is Buoux. Home to some of France's hardest climbs in the 80's and ...
Fear Of Falling Ep.3 - Can This Climber Overcome His Demons And Send His Project?
17. 03. 2020 18:08:16
Get GEARED UP for the Sport Climbing Season With EpicTV Shop: the final episode and the final chance for Ben to send his project in Malham, but has it all been plain sailing with the intense training that he has been putting his body through...and will he be able to fulfil h...
Pete Whittaker's BATTLE To Send Recovery Drink
24. 03. 2020 16:42:19
Get geared up for TRAD Season with the EpicTV Shop: of as one of the hardest crack climbs in the world, Recovery Drink on the Profile Wall in Jøssingfjord, Norway has attracted some of the biggest hitters in the trad game over the years...with few successes. In 2013, i...
On The Road Ep.6 - The Process Is Everything: Stefano Ghisolfi & Matteo Pavana
4. 04. 2020 11:00:18
Get Geared Up For Climbing With EPICTV SHOP: is a special place in the history of climbing, and is where top sport climber Stefano Ghisolfi calls home...with an abundance of crags to choose from, even when its wet, Stefano and photographer / filmmaker Matteo Pavana take th...
Cold House Media Vlog 106 - 70 ft. Roof at the Hurricave and Riverbeds in Ticino
6. 04. 2020 21:00:06
Get Geared up for Sport Sport Climbing With EpicTV: before the World got shutdown by the Covid-19 virus, Josh and Charlotte from Cold House Media were climbing apart in two areas very different and very far from each other. Cha went down to the Hurricave in Southern Utah a...
Action Talk Ep.5 - Learning Front Lever And Other Climbing Training Challenges
9. 04. 2020 14:00:15
Get Fingerboards and Other training tools here: guys from Action Talk are well and truly in lockdown mode, which can be frustrating, but can also give them a chance to get some the guys go about figuring how to get stronger with the fingerboard as well as a few o...
My 6 Week Fingerboard Challenge To Get Stronger
10. 04. 2020 15:16:54
Check out the Max Climbing Spinchboard Solo Hybrid: an attempt to push her climbing grade and get stronger, EpicTV intern Teresa Corti is trying out a fingerboard training regime for the first time. Teresa has been climbing for the past 2 years and has consistently managed t...
On The Road Ep.7 - New Age Climbing With An Old School Style: Daila Ojeda
20. 04. 2020 17:02:14
Get yourself ready for Sport Climbing Season: the a day when the weather wasn't playing ball Mike and Zeemon headed to Le Block in Treviso to catch up with Spanish climber Daila Ojeda. Daila has been on the scene and climbing hard since she was 18. Initially from The Canary...
Hundred Proof - Jonathan Siegrist
1. 05. 2020 19:00:11
Get GEARED UP at the EpicTV Shop: Siegrist has spent his climbing life travelling the world, sending hard sport climbs, and he has become one of the worlds best, but has it time for Jonathan to settle this film Jonathan and filmmaker Nate Liles explore the r...
Seb Bouin's Vintage Rock Tour Ep.2 - Seb Takes On The Hardest Most Exposed Routes In Verdon
14. 05. 2020 19:44:04
Get Ready To Go Outside With The EpicTV Shop: the 2nd episode of Seb Bouin's Vintage Rock Tour we travel to Seb's backyard of Verdon. Home to some of the hardest rock climbing in France as well seeing a huge role in the development of sport climbing in France, Verdon is a pl...
Cold House Media Vlog 110 - RIGGINS - An Obscure Crag In Northern Idaho
9. 06. 2020 17:00:06
Get geared up for Sport Climbing: months stuck at home and in Utah, Cha and Josh from Cold House Media go over the state border to Idaho. They meet up with their good friends for a weekend of Sport Climbing on limestone in an obscure crag called Riggins....
Action Talk - The Pressure Of Sending
12. 06. 2020 15:30:05
Get READY to go outside with EpicTV: is a story of an apparent 'Mid Range' climb by Roger Schaeli and the process of how he goes about it. Roger is more known as an alpinsit, but feels equally at home on the rock. Roger shows the desire, commitment and tenacity to send you...
Action Talk - Alex Rohr's BATTLE For A First Ascent At Gimmelwald
19. 06. 2020 15:30:03
Psyched For Sport Climbing? Get READY: are back at the Gimmelwald crag in the Swiss Alps. This time its young climber Alex Rohr who has challenged himself to put his name on the iconic wall. After having climbed all the routes on the topo, Alex has spotted two lines which he...
Women's Final, Innsbruck | Austrian Climbing Summer Series
9. 07. 2020 19:09:50
All the acton from the women's final of the first round of the Austrian Climbing Summer Series 2020Psyched for climbing? Get geared up for your next adventure with the EpicTV Shop:
Men's Final, Innsbruck | Austrian Climbing Summer Series
9. 07. 2020 22:27:02
All the acton from the MEN's final of the first round of the Austrian Climbing Summer Series 2020Psyched for climbing? Get geared up for your next adventure with the EpicTV Shop:
Men's Bouldering Finals - Austrian Climbing Summer Series Innsbruck 2
16. 07. 2020 19:03:59
Get ready for the round 2 of the Austrian Climbing Summer Series, after round 1 we are expecting big things...get ready for some social distance action, which means the dynos could well be whole lot BIGGER!...
Women's Bouldering Finals - Austrian Climbing Summer Series Innsbruck 2
16. 07. 2020 22:27:10
Get ready for the round 2 of the Austrian Climbing Summer Series, after round 1 we are expecting big things...get ready for some social distance action, which means the dynos could well be whole lot BIGGER!...
Run Out Multi-Pitch With A Difference
24. 07. 2020 14:39:14
Get ready for your next adventure with the the EpicTV Shop: Liv Sansoz and Guilia Moego as they take on the multi pitch climb Croix du Fer in the Haute Savoie region of France. With breathtaking views, massive exposure and some friendly cows for company, the climbers take ...
The Dark Art Of Rope Solo
31. 07. 2020 15:48:59
Get geared up at the EpicTV Shop: Morris is the type of guy that likes to learn things by himself, which isn't always the easiest thing when you're in the high mountains, and climbing multi-pitches. But with rope-soloing he has managed to find a way to be in the mountain...
Women's And Men's Finals - Austria Climbing Summer Series LEAD 1
3. 08. 2020 22:48:11
Its the first finals of the Lead rounds of the Austria Summer Series from Imst. Both Men and Women are up in this stream, so sit back and enjoy some big moves and big drama...Psyched for climbing? Get geared up for your next adventure with the EpicTV Shop:
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