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Video / Zanimivo / Stran 24


Freeride con Taos
5. 02. 2018 15:35:44
Corni di Nefelgiù
11. 02. 2018 14:53:01
Questo video riguarda Corni di Nefelgiù...
Piz d'Emmat Dadaint 2927m
26. 02. 2018 16:07:57
Questo video riguarda Piz d'Emmat Dadaint 2927m...
Marscholhorn 2963 m
7. 03. 2018 14:28:41
Questo video riguarda Marscholhorn 2963 m...
Helgenhorn 2837m
7. 03. 2018 14:34:18
Questo video riguarda Helgenhorn 2837m...
Punta di Valrossa
15. 03. 2018 11:54:20
Riale, Val Formazza, Punta di Valrossa...
Colle di Piglimò 2485m
18. 03. 2018 15:03:58
Questo video riguarda Colle di Piglimò 2485m...
Mittaghorn 2561m
18. 04. 2018 10:24:40
Questo video riguarda Mittaghorn 2561m...
Punta Parrot cima
2. 07. 2018 14:58:14
Punta Parrot 4436m...
Mongolia 2018 Vol.1
25. 09. 2018 20:22:04
A fascinating journey in an immense and extraordinary land where a guest is a blessing....
Mongolia 2018 Vol.2
29. 09. 2018 19:58:59
22. 10. 2018 20:17:55
Questo video riguarda Bivacco Cingino...
Bivacco Col d'Egua
26. 10. 2018 20:50:54
Da Fobello al Bivacco d'Egua 2239 m...
Monte Lago 2353m
12. 11. 2018 17:24:29
Piz Campagnung 2825m
3. 12. 2018 09:36:57
Questo video riguarda Piz Campagnung 2825m...
23. 01. 2019 15:23:19
Einshorn from Mathon...
Pizzo Bandiera
30. 01. 2019 21:47:19
Questo video riguarda Pizzo Bandiera...
Pizzo Uccello 2724 m
15. 02. 2019 16:09:16
Questo video riguarda Pizzo Uccello 2724 m...
Pizzo Tresero 3594 m
19. 06. 2019 22:08:00
Pizzo Tresero 3594 m by Artur Dudka...
Val Verzasca Brione Sonogno
10. 10. 2019 09:37:53
In tranquillo gito in bici nella bellissima Val Verzasca...
Sabbione Lake
21. 10. 2019 09:59:11
A beautiful autumn excursion to the Somma Lombardo refuge at 2561 m asl with a splendid view of Lake Sabbione and Punta Arbola 3235 m....
Simplon Rothwald
13. 11. 2019 21:44:43
First ski touring outing for the 2019-2020 season...
Corn Camoutsch 3016 m
7. 12. 2019 15:55:09
Corn Camoutsch (3016m) da Julierpass, Km 12,79 Alp Güglia - Valletta dal Güglia - Fuorcla Chamuotsch - Corn Chamuotsch. Ski mountaineering....
Poncione di Manió 2925 m
24. 12. 2019 12:46:00
difficoltà: BSA quota partenza (m): 1614quota vetta/quota massima (m): 2925dislivello totale (m): 1311...
Valserhorn East 2799 m
24. 01. 2020 14:19:55
Climb from Nufenen to the Valserhorn summit east under a snowfall. Super descent on fresh snow....
Rondadura 3015 m
12. 02. 2020 14:36:17
Ski mountaineering ascent to Piz Rondadura from the Lucomagno Pass. Ticino / Grisons, Switzerland...
Piz la Mazza 2815 m
26. 02. 2020 14:34:23
Ski tour to Piz la Mazza from Ausserferrera, a village in Hinterrhein District in the Swiss Canton of Graubünden....
Pizzo Scalino
23. 05. 2020 12:34:11
Salita a metà maggio 2020 alla Selletta del Pizzo Scalino 3200 m con Kinga e Matteo....
Bocchette Centrali del Brenta
28. 09. 2020 22:25:11
La via delle Bocchette Centrali , spettacolare sentiero attrezzato nel cuore delle Dolomiti di Brenta dal rifugio Pedrotti al rifugio Alimonta. Principali cime attraversate: Brenta Alta, Campanil Basso, Campanile Alto, Torre degli Sfulmini, Torre di Brenta. Panorami mozzafiato, ambiente grandioso....
Monte Guglielmo 1957m
28. 01. 2021 15:14:17
Monte Guglielmo 1957 mrfrom Pezzoro (BS)rrTime: 4:22:51rDistance: 11,65 kmrAltitude min: 896 mrAltitude max: 1957 m...
Monte Valrossa 2575 m
7. 02. 2021 20:34:58
Ascensione sci alpinistica al Monte Valrossa da Carona per la Valle dei Frati e la Valle Rossa.Dislivello 1450m, Distanza 17,34 km...
Cima dei Lupi
1. 05. 2021 21:02:26
Giro ad anello da Foppolo per il Passo Dordona, la Bocchetta dei Lupi, Cima dei Lupi, Passo Dordonella, Val Madre, ripellata fino al Passo Dordona e discesa a Foppolo....
Grignetta in the evening
22. 05. 2021 19:57:55
Evening climb to the top of the Southern Grigna to admire the sunset which was less spectacular than expected....
Monte Salmurano 2269 m
22. 12. 2021 11:32:54
Una piacevole e poco impegnativa gita scialpinistica in Val Gerola. Bellissima giornata con temperature piacevoli, sole e bella compagnia.(In cima abbiamo sentito il terremoto... )...
Punta di Valrossa 2968 m
24. 03. 2022 19:56:30
Punta di Valrossa from Riale, Val Formazza, Italy. Min. elevation 1728 m, max. elevation 2968 m. Ski mountaineering....
Pizzo Rotondo 2237 m
24. 01. 2023 09:08:32
Scialpinismo in Val Brembana, Pizzo Rotondo, discesa in Val di Lemma, e ritorno a San Simone...
Magehorn 2622 m
8. 02. 2023 14:02:43
Ski mountaineering in Switzerland...
Cima Dormillouse 2908 m
14. 02. 2023 13:50:51
Gita scialpinistica di grande soddisfazione, ambiente grandioso e pendii tutti da godere in discesa....
Mount Etna 3357 m
8. 03. 2023 21:40:27
Tre giorni fantastici in uno dei posti più suggestivi per praticare lo sci alpinismo in Italia, il vulcano attivo più altro d'Europa Monte Etna 3357 m.Three fantastic days in one of the most evocative places for ski mountaineering in Italy, the highest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna 3357 m....
Lattenhorn 2862 m
31. 03. 2023 12:00:26
Facile gita al confine Italo-Svizzero con una spolverata di neve fresca inaspettata.Easy trip on the Italian-Swiss border with an unexpected powder of fresh snow....
Entrelor 3397 m
27. 04. 2023 23:17:15
Beautiful ski mountaineering ascent to the foresummit of Entrelor 3397 m in Rhêmes valley (Aosta Valley, Italy)Bellissima ascensione sci alpinistica all'anticima del Entrelor 3397 m in Val di Rhêmes (Valle d'Aosta, Italia)...
Kriška gora iz Golnika | LNT2023
14. 05. 2023 06:52:08
Deževnim dnevom ni videti konca, napoved za sledeči teden pa ni bila prav nič bolj obetavna, zato je bila tokratna tura malo krajša, a je kljub temu udeleženkama in udeležencem prinesla možnost nabirtanja izkušenj. Tudi deževno vreme nas ne ustavi, seveda s preudatno izbiro poti, predvsem pa s previ...
schwäbischealb hiking wanderer aussichten turm ehemaligertruppenübungsplatz
14. 05. 2023 17:15:22
hohenneuffen Burg ruins Ruine castle hiking schwäbischealb germany
17. 05. 2023 13:36:26
Exploring the Flora and Fauna of the Dolomites in Alta Badia - Hiking the Armentara Meadows
14. 05. 2023 20:00:30
In this video, we will take you on a journey to discover the Armentara Meadows, a magical place at the foot of the Santa Croce massif in the Dolomites, in the beautiful Alta Badia. In this episode, we will show you the awakening of spring in this magnificent area, where the floral and faunal biodive...
Hanging Interview by Neil Gresham with Charlotte Durif
14. 05. 2023 18:00:14
Last May, after 8 years of absence, the Petzl RocTrip made a comeback in the town of Manikia, Greece. As has always been tradition, the goal was to bring the climbing community together around a single event. But in 2022, a new idea was proposed that transformed the Petzl RocTrip. Sit back, relax, g...
Ever wondered how we pack your gear
15. 05. 2023 17:03:19
Get shopping on until Tuesday 16th of May at midnight you can get an EXTRA 10%off all Beal ropes (only valid within the EU)
Campervan Getaways and Mountain Sunsets
10. 05. 2023 20:00:08
A sunset hike to a Munro summit followed by a lovely evening in the camper van. The ringed cairn at the top provided some shelter for a spot of supper but my appetite soon disappeared when I saw what was scattered across the rocks where I sat! ...
A Dawn Wall Story - Darkest Before Dawn
11. 05. 2023 16:30:09
Get the latest from The North Face at The EpicTV Shop: into the world of Belgian climber Siebe Vanhees authentic, raw process of his first season climbing on Yosemites hardest big wall. The infamous Dawn Wall proves to be a challenge in more ways than one....
We now have SECOND home
12. 05. 2023 15:27:16
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