| Starzlachklamm Hochwasser Winter 29. 01. 2021 20:04:19 Hochwasser mit 12 Kubikmeter / Sekunde am pegel Starzlachklamm in Winkel, Sonthofen... |
 | Canyoning Bodengo Jumping Compilation 3. 02. 2021 06:09:45 Canyoning Bodengo - direkt am Comer See gelegen kann man die wildesten Sprünge erleben, die Canyoning zu bieten hat. Lust? Dann schreibe einen Kommentar!... |
 | Skitour Kleinwalsertal Haehlekopf 3. 02. 2021 12:00:12 ... |
 | Gronfonnfjellet | Steep ski in Romsdal 13. 04. 2018 19:19:50 April 2016. Ola Hovdenak and me skied this beautiful couloir at Grønfonnfjellet North Face, in Innfjorden, Romsdalen. It is a 700m couloir with a sustained steepness around 50 degrees.Filmed with GoPro.... |
 | How to spend day in Everest Base Camp 26. 04. 2018 16:00:06 In August 2016 we were at Everest North side with Seb Montaz, Jordi Tosas and Vivian Bruchez. Weather windows were very short and we had a lot of snow and avalanche problems, despite this (or thanks to this) we were able to do a lot of 'short' 1 day activities from our Base Camp at 6000m. Here one d... |
 | Kilian Jornet, Running 30's 3. 05. 2018 18:00:01 Get a little older and undergo surgery. Thats how Kilian Jornets recovery has been since the operation on his shoulders. As soon as he started competing again he had an unexpected accident. Thirtysomething crisis? ... |
 | Zegama - Tips for Golden Trail Series 25. 05. 2018 16:00:03 Zegama is a very special race, the ambiance, the weather and conditions make this marathon so special. Here in this serie of minifilms of tips for the Golden Trail Series some to approach the muddy and rainy conditions at the basque race.... |
 | Marathon du Mont Blanc | Kilian Jornet: Golden Trail Series Tips 20. 06. 2018 16:00:03 Kilian Jornet has won Marathon du Mont Blanc four times. He tells us some tips to enjoy it to the fullest.... |
 | Maratho du Mont Blanc | Kilian Jornet: Golden Trail Series Highlights 4. 07. 2018 21:17:02 Last sunday I was really happy to run again with all this friends in the second stop of #GoldenTrailSeries! A great battle from the beginning that finish with the best prize: Enter in the finish line with massive du Mont Blanc in front of us!... |
 | Trolltind north ridge 22. 07. 2018 18:18:30 Trolltind north ridge, a easy climb with spectaculars views.Romsdal, Norway.Music: Min Hau - KatamaloFilm: GoPro Hero 6... |
 | Running 30's Part Two 26. 07. 2018 16:00:02 Kilian doesnt have the best luck this 2018. After undertaking surgery in both shoulders, he suffered a fall while taking part in a ski mountaineering race and he broke his fibula. It will take him some humour and patiente to get through this second recovery...... |
 | Sierre Zinal | Kilian Jornet: Golden Trail Series Tips 8. 08. 2018 09:36:59 Kilian Jornet is ready for another stage of the Golden Trail Series and give some tips to enjoy the fastest race of the series: Sierre Zinal in Switzerland.... |
 | downhill running 10. 08. 2018 14:34:08 Following the runners going down from Hamperokken summit during Tromso Skyrace!... |
 | Sierre Zinal | Kilian Jornet: Golden Trail Series Highlights 16. 08. 2018 16:00:11 Its always special to run the Sierre - Zinal, where you have to give 100% throughout. I was very happy to win for the sixth time! Thanks to everyone for encouraging me during the race. Now it's time to get ready for the races that lie ahead.... |
 | E04 Pikes Peak | Tips for Golden Trail Series 17. 08. 2018 18:30:01 Are you ready for Pikes Peak? This year I won't be able to run this race, but I truly have big memories there. It's an historical race with a great atmosphere, where you can feel the altitude. I recommend you to don't go fast when you feel good because there is a huge uphill and in the last 100m uph... |
 | E05 Ring of Steall | Tips for Golden Trail Series 12. 09. 2018 14:00:02 The last stop before the final of the Golden Trail Series. This weekend we are in Glen Coe to run the Ring of Steall Skyrace, the most technical race of the Golden Trail Series! Will it be a mud party?... |
 | Ring of Steall Skyrace | Kilian Jornet: Golden Trail Series Highlights 19. 09. 2018 17:00:06 Scotland has given its best. What a better way to finish the Golden Trail Series and the Skyrunning world championships that fighting with this guys in the muddy downhills and rocky ridges!... |
 | Powder ski in October 3. 10. 2018 18:28:22 Best start of the season in many years! October 1st conditions were amazin in Romsdal, Norway!Camera: GoPro Hero7music: Talco... |
 | Summer memories 8. 10. 2018 16:00:00 Ya queda menos para el invierno después de un verano en el que he podido recorrer parajes espectaculares!... |
 | How many meters of elevation gain can I do in 24 hours 11. 02. 2019 19:02:03 This is how I got to do 23.486 meters of elevation gain in 24 hours https://kilianjornet.cat/en/blog/how-many-meters-of-elevation-gain-can-i-do-in-24-hoursHere you have the first images of my last challenge. Full video soon...... |
 | Masterclass about 'Path to Everest' with Kilian Jornet 20. 02. 2019 17:50:35 Here you ha some thoughts and considerations on my Summits of my life project and my new film #PathToEverest Would you like to watch the film? Download it here https://everest.summitsofmylife.com/... |
 | Cordier Couloir at Aiguille Verte 27. 02. 2019 14:35:57 skiing cordier couloir at Aiguille Verte with Alex Lafarge in april 2015... |
 | Lost in the immensity 6. 03. 2019 15:00:00 ... |
 | Mont Blanc with Karl Egloff 13. 03. 2019 15:00:08 June 2015, Karl Egloff was visiting Chamonix and wanted to set a FKT at Mont Blanc, I was joining to pace him and despite we coudn't go faster than 2 years earlier with Mathéo Jaquemoud, it was a fun day.... |
 | One of my favorite trails at home 12. 06. 2019 00:37:31 ... |
 | TWO CRAZY WEEKS 4. 07. 2019 11:00:13 End of June and begining of july 2015 was fun, 2 weeks to do a bit of all I love to do in the mountains, some steep skiing, some alpinism, some short races, some long ones...... |
 | The Romsdalshorn Challenge | RUNNER VS BASE JUMPER 21. 01. 2020 16:00:00 Base Jumper Tom Erik Heimen and trail runner Kilian Jornet 'raced' up & down the iconic Romsdalshorn in Norway. 4K film by Raymond Aasen https://www.aasenfilm.com and Matti Bernitz https://bernitz.no... |
 | Climbing the Summits Of My Life at home 1. 05. 2020 17:00:06 Turn the volume up to see THE final Summits of My Life film! Climbing Mont Blanc, Elbrus, Matterhorn, Aconcagua, Denali and Everest in less than 1 minute!#StaySafe #SummitsAtHomewww.summitsofmylife.com... |
 | our toys are playing outside | THE LOCKDOWN IS OVER 4. 06. 2020 16:00:20 During this lockdown period in many countries our toys were eager to play and so they did...without us! Now we want them back!Idea & Music by ZikaliEdit by Jean-Baptiste Chandelierwith Victor De La Rue (snowboard), JB Chandelier (paragliding) and myself (running)... |
 | A long day in Hurrungane 27. 07. 2020 12:08:00 Last week I went to Hurrungane for the first time. Even if it is only a 3h drive from our home I never found the time to go there. To discover a new mountain range is always exciting, and this is is such a cool place with lots of alpine terrain. To discover he range I wanted to run and climb from su... |
 | The Kilian Jornet Foundation 23. 09. 2020 16:00:59 www.kilianjornetfoundation.orgI'm happy to announce the birth of the Kilian Jornet foundation. It will be by far the hardest but more important and exciting climb of my life.I love mountains, deeply, and I believe that since a young age I had a great consciousness about the importance of its preserv... |
 | Skiing Romsdalshorn 11. 01. 2021 15:41:34 Last weeks conditions of very sticky snow, despite how dry it was, drove me towards an idea I had in mind for the last years. Romsdalshorn is mostly a rocky summit but in a combination of the Halls Renne gully and the east face where the normal route goes its possible to ski from the col with only a... |
 | Skitour am Rote Säule (2993m) 8. 03. 2016 12:04:06 Skitour am 06.02.2016 auf die Rote Säule vom Matreier Tauernhaus in Osttirol.... |
 | Crampon Technique | Basic ice climbing techniques lesson 1 24. 03. 2016 06:01:13 ... |
 | entrenamiento Cervino | consejos de escalada en roca | Entrenamiento en montaña 1. 05. 2016 19:52:21 Este video es un extracto de nuestra escalada de la media travesía del Breithorn en Suiza. Aprovechamos el buen tiempo para realizar prácticas de técnica de escalada en roca, pero con exposición a la altura! Que buenos momentos vividos!... |
 | Tre Cime di Lavaredo | West summit | Scoiattolikante (Nord-West ridge) 5. 07. 2016 12:37:50 Als ein Relikt des Technozeitalters ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Scoiattolikante (Eichhörnchenkante) auf weitere Seilschaften zu stoßen, gering. Dabei bietet diese Route für den modernen Freikletterer eine unglaublich exponierte und ausdauernde Kletterei. Die Schlüsselstelle (VIII) gleich in de... |
 | Mont Blanc 360 vídeo, summit ridge 27. 08. 2016 16:42:14 Where do you think the camera is? Amazing 360 video of the last minutes getting to the summit of Mont Blanc. Well done Peter!! www.rossiniguiding.com... |
 | Sunrise on the way to Dufourspitze, full moon and Matterhorn at the back 5. 09. 2016 16:03:54 ... |
 | Nadelhorn Normal route 29. 10. 2016 09:56:48 This is the video of the ascent of the Nadelhorn from the Mischabel hut near Saas Fee in Switzerland. Conditions where great, with some snow already from the hut.... |
 | stop falling in crevasse | Crevasse rescue practice 31. 10. 2016 13:45:54 Are you sure that you are ready for this? If it takes you more than a second to have an answer... start training!Mostly of the mountaineers that hike on a glacier have never practice a crevasse rescue, or only done it just a couple of times in the past. In fact, we should practice every year!... |
 | Dufourspitze and Nordend from Monte Rosa hut 2016 14. 12. 2016 20:34:23 ... |
 | Drytooling in Upper Austria 26. 12. 2016 09:16:13 Early winter conditions in Upper Austria for drytooling, waiting for the winter to come!... |
 | Freeriding skiing in the woods in Salzkammergut, Upper Austria 12. 01. 2017 23:11:56 ... |
 | Ascent Mont Blanc FULL MOVIE Goûter route 13. 02. 2017 20:39:36 Great climbing to the top of the Alps! It´s very special to be at the summit almost alone! Congratulations Peter, you did a very good job!... |
 | Zermatt | Riffelhorn multipitch rock climbing 24. 07. 2017 14:11:31 Beautiful rock climbing day at the Riffelhorn in Zermatt!... |
 | Monte Rosa range | Pollux normal route 31. 07. 2017 20:04:18 Climbing the Pollux at the Monte Rosa range, what a enjoyable day! Well done Peter!... |
 | Zermatt | Zinalrothorn 4.221m from Rothorn hut 10. 08. 2017 18:35:10 ... |
 | presentacion YouTube 22. 07. 2018 17:45:21 ... |
 | Dufourspitze and Nordend from Capanna Margherita over the Zumstein 24. 07. 2018 19:57:58 This is the 5th days of the 'Spaghetti Tour' climbing most of the 4000 meters peaks of the Monte Rosa Range between Switzeland and Italy.The Dufourspitze (4634m) is the highest summit in Switzerland and the second highest summit of the Alps after the Mont Blanc.... |
 | Aiguille Marbrées 18. 08. 2018 21:39:28 The Aiguille Marbrées are locates pretty close to the Torino Hut, on the italian side of the Mont Blanc massif. We climb this great traverse from west to east and used it as training for climbing the Matterhorn a couple of weeks later.... |