| K2 Abruzzi Route Climbing 2018 7. 08. 2018 09:03:33 I climbed K2 on June-July of 2018 with Abruzzi route.I reached to the summit at this climbing.Contents: Houses Chimney, Black Pyramid climbing video, Summit view, etc.... |
 | Silence 23. 02. 2018 22:07:14 What it takes to climb the worlds first 9c? Lets find out in Silence, a movie by Bernardo Giménez. It shows what preceded the afternoon of September 3, 2017 when Adam Ondra, a professional rock climber and currently one of the best climbers in the world, made a little piece of climbing history when ... |
 | Climb K2 in 3D 7. 07. 2013 12:42:31 A 3D flythough all the way up K2. Starting from the village of Askole following the trekking route into the basecamp of K2 and the climb of the famous Abruzzi Ridge route to the summit. Experience climbing K2 - the 'Savage Mountain', one of the most dangerous mountains in the world from the comfor... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.878 - World's Hardest Route Vs World's Best Climbers 21. 02. 2017 15:45:54 For a limited time get 15% off ALL climbing ropes with the code: ROPEGUN15: https://bit.ly/3aG6BbjOffer ends WEDNESDAY 29th April 2020 MIDNIGHTLast weekend Climbing Daily was at the Klattercentret Telefonplan gym in Stockholm for the Black Diamond Project event. The idea is simple; build the hardes... |
 | Improve Your Route Climbing 13. 08. 2020 18:43:34 Another round of questions and discussion! In this video we go through some of the most popular topics surrounding route climbing performance and some of the preparation and training that you do for it. It's really quite a broad topic, so please do let us know if there are additional things you'd li... |
 | Coupe Icare 2019 | Speedflying 26. 09. 2019 16:35:51 Speedflying from Dent de Crolles during 'La Coupe Icare 2019'Wing : Ozone Rapi-dos 9mSong : Raise Spirit - When You Are Ready... |
 | Les Deux Alpes 'World Speedflying Meeting 2019' | Speedflying 26. 09. 2019 17:28:00 Speedflying in Les Deux Alpes during the World Speedflying Meeting 2019Wing : Ozone Rapi-dos 9mSong : Fakear - La Dance des Etoiles... |
 | Val d'Isère | Speedflying 1. 10. 2019 20:40:14 Speedflying in Val d'IsèreWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 9mSong : Fakear - Keep Her Close... |
 | Winter Salève | Speedflying 18. 11. 2019 20:35:41 Wing : Ozone Rapi-dos 9m... |
 | Le Grand Bornand | Speedflying 24. 01. 2020 12:32:02 Speedflying in Le Grand-Bornand for the new yearWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 8mSong : Aether - Bloom... |
 | Le Criou | Speedflying 28. 05. 2020 15:36:17 Speedflying from Le Criou near Samoëns 74Wing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m... |
 | Aiguille Rouge de Varan | Speedflying 1. 06. 2020 20:55:54 Speedflying from Aiguille Rouge de Varan 74Wing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m... |
 | Canyon Les 2 Alpes | Speedflying 6. 07. 2020 13:31:11 Speedflying in Les 2 Alpes near GrenobleWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m... |
 | Rottalhütte | Speedflying 28. 08. 2020 11:59:37 Speedflying from Rottalhütte in Lauterbrunnen valleyWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m... |
 | Silberhornhütte | Speedflying 5. 10. 2020 13:30:12 Speedflying from Silberhornhütte in Lauterbrunnen valleyWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m... |
 | Majestic Silberhorn | Speedflying 1. 12. 2020 19:48:07 Speedflying from Silberhornhütte in Lauterbrunnen valleyIG : @mulle_alexandreWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m#Speedflying #wingsuit #extreme... |
 | Verbier | Speedflying 6. 12. 2020 14:16:54 Speedflying in Verbier IG : @mulle_alexandreWing : LittleCloud BabyGoose 10.5#Proximity #Ski #Paraglide... |
 | Männlichen | Speedflying 23. 12. 2020 01:05:07 Speedflying from Männlichen above WengenIG : @mulle_alexandreWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m#Speedflying #Crack #Extreme... |
 | MAX - Speedflying - Verbier 26. 12. 2020 19:43:17 Speedflying in Verbier IG : @mulle_alexandreWing : LittleCloud BabyGoose 10.5#Proximity #Ski #Paraglide... |
 | MAX - Grinding 'The Crack' - Speedflying version 4. 01. 2021 13:49:25 Speedflying the iconic wingsuit line 'The Crack' in WalenstadtIG : @mulle_alexandreWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5m#Speedflying #Wingsuit #Extreme... |
 | Waterfall, Rainbow and bug on camera 27. 01. 2021 11:49:55 Little morning run in LauterbrunnenIG : @mulle_alexandreWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 8m#Speedflying #Wingsuit #Extreme... |
 | Tschierv | Torbole Tag 3: Sur En | Alpencross 2017 Garmisch 2. 10. 2017 17:59:44 Tag 3: Sur En - TschiervSur En - S'Charl - Pas da Costainas - Lü - Tschierv... |
 | Grosio | Torbole Tag 4: Tschierv | Alpencross 2017 Garmisch 2. 10. 2017 18:00:05 Tag 4: Tschierv - GrosioTschierv - Dös Radond - Val Mora - Lago di Cancano - Arnoga - Passo di Verva - Eita - Grosio... |
 | Torbole | Torbole Tag 7: Madonna di Campiglio | Alpencross 2017 Garmisch 2. 10. 2017 18:00:52 Tag 7: Madonna di Campiglio - TorboleDa wieder starke Regenfälle für den Tag vorhergesagt worden waren, sind wir über das Sarca-Tal abgefahren. Der Bärenpass muss halt bis zum nächsten Jahr warten.... |
 | Imst | Torbole Tag 1: Garmisch | Alpencross 2017 Garmisch 2. 10. 2017 17:59:08 Tag 1: Garmisch - ImstGarmisch - Eibsee- Hochthörle Hütte - Ehrwald - Fernpass - Nassereith - Imst... |
 | Ponte di Legno | Torbole Tag 5: Grosio | Alpencross 2017 Garmisch 2. 10. 2017 18:00:18 Tag 5: Grosio - Ponte di LegnoGrosioPasso del MortiroloCol CaretteVezza d'OglioPonte di Legno... |
 | Madonna di Campiglio | Torbole Tag 6: Ponte di Legno | Alpencross 2017 Garmisch 2. 10. 2017 18:00:36 Tag 6: Ponte di Legno - Madonna di CampiglioDie Auffahrt nach Madonna di Campiglio fand bei Dauerregen und Gewitter statt. Der Akku konnte bei diesen Bedingungen nicht gewechselt werden. Daher gibt es leider keine Bilder oder Filme vom Schlussansteig.... |
 | Sur En | Torbole Tag 2: Imst | Alpencross 2017 Garmisch 2. 10. 2017 17:59:26 Tag 2: Imst - Sur EnImst - Kronburg - Fließ - Pfunds - Martina - Sur En... |
 | Auf der Albrechtroute an den Gardasee | MTB Alpencross 2018 5. 10. 2018 08:36:52 In 9 Etappen mit dem Mountainbike auf der Albrecht-Route von Garmisch an den Gardasee. Wir waren 10 Tage unterwegs vom 26.08 bis zum 04.09. mit einem Regenüberbrückungstag in Grosio. Leider mussten wir wetterbedingt zweimal auf Ausweichrouten (Tag 7 und 8) zurückgreifen.... |
 | Karwendolomiti | MTB Alpencross 2019 6. 10. 2019 07:55:58 In 9 Etappen von Garmisch an den Gardasee mit Über- /Durchquerung von Karwendel, Tuxer Alpen, Zillertaler Alpen und einem Teil der Dolomiten.Planungsgrundlage für die Route war das'Transalp-Roadbook 3 - Mein Doping heißt Hefeweizen' von Andreas Albrecht. Siehe dazu auch:... |
 | Dolomites Vallon and Boé The wait continues Alta Badia Dolomiti Superski 4. 02. 2021 17:35:17 **for english subtitles remember to switch on the function on the bottom right of this video**Even if the Dolomites are on the sunside of the alps we have not always sun and blue sky. The light conditions of this video make the actual situation even more gloomy. But who cares, until we can be outsid... |
 | 6.2.2021 | Mrežce (1965 m) 6. 02. 2021 18:30:40 Ena lepa turna tura na Mrežce (1965 m).Več pa v blogu:http://www.freak.si/mrezce-1965-m-6-2-2021/___________________________________________________________________________Music by:... |
 | Nisskogel mal 2 .. Mieminger Kette 6. 02. 2021 14:23:02 Musik:Timeless by Neutrin05 https://soundcloud.com/neutrin05u200bCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported CC BY 3.0Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/_-timeless... |
 | Cold House Media Ep.121 - Josh Breaks His FootThe Vlog Is OVER 4. 02. 2021 16:05:53 This is it...the time has come to put our focus elsewhere...Get your GREAT DEALS for bouldering at the EpicTV SHOP: https://bit.ly/3tqxfiNIn this episode we check out a new spot for us in South West Utah : Ibex. The place looks like its straight out of Mars, with big faces and cool boulders. BUT Jos... |
 | Spazio Verticale272 - Erebor 9b/+ con commento 5. 02. 2021 13:57:40 Stefano poche settimane fa è riuscito a liberare Erebor. In questo video vediamo un suo tentativo con commento conclusosi appena sotto la catena!... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1766 - Spanish Send Season Is ON 16. 12. 2020 17:21:24 It's safe to say we might see another amazing Spanish climbing send season. As the pros ramp up the action we check out Scottish winter sends and some big number boulders...Get a last minute climbing Christmas gift: https://bit.ly/2LGWg8e... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1785 - Red Bull Climbing Vid CONTROVERSY 3. 02. 2021 17:19:23 red Bull's latest climbing video has been causing a bit of a stir, we look at the issues surrounding it. Meanwhile Japan hosts its first bouldering comp of 2021 and a first ascent mountain route gets climbed in Switzerland.... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1786 - Size Climbing Shoes: La Sportiva, Black Diamond & So iLL 5. 02. 2021 15:00:14 Today we look at the correct size of La Sportiva, Black Diamond and So iLL climbing shoes for the perfect climbing shoe fit. From performance to comfort sizes we bring you the facts, and our personal opinion so you can make the best buying decisions. ... |
 | Hidden Climbing Training Caves 7. 02. 2021 15:02:42 As the world locks downs we retreat underground, training and climbing...waiting for spring.My Cab9 sunglasses:http://bit.ly/2fxY8A6u200bMy Instagram:http://bit.ly/2jBnABOHidden Climbing Training Caves... |
 | Hua Shan Cliffside Plank Walk 24. 08. 2014 01:15:47 Walking the plank walk at Mount Hua (Hua Shan) located near the city of Huayin in Shaanxi province, about 120 kilometres east of Xi'an, China. This video was taken in May 2014.... |
 | Maharashtra,Incredible India - Harihar Fort : A walk through the 80 degree rock cut stairs 14. 09. 2018 15:56:28 Harihar fort also known as Harshagad is a fort located 48 km from Igatpuri, Nashik district, of Maharashtra. It is an important fort in Nashik district, and was constructed to look upon the trade route through Gonda Ghat. It receives many visitors because of its peculiar rock-cut steps. ... |
 | Speedflying version | Grinding 'The Crack' 18. 11. 2020 15:41:37 Speedflying the iconic wingsuit line 'The Crack' in WalenstadtIG : @mulle_alexandreWing : Ozone Rapi-dos 6.5mMusic : N U A G E S - Dreams#Speedflying #Wingsuit #Extreme... |
 | Cape Hauy, Tasmania 2017 (v2) | Climbing the Totem Pole 17. 10. 2017 06:46:14 ... |
 | Tasmania with Katha Saurwein and Jorg Verhoeven | 5 Pillars 22. 02. 2016 07:40:03 http://www.marmot.euMarmot PROs Jorg Verhoeven and Katha Saurwein visit Tasmania, Australia to sample the best sea stack rock formations in the world. Jorg and Katha climb the classic Totem Pole, Moai, Pole Dancer, Pole Axed, and Albert's Tomb, successfully ticking the Tasmania #lifelist box.... |
 | Rock Climbing in Castle Valley, Utah 28. 05. 2016 07:37:03 Here's my first 4K video! (click the 'gear' icon in the bottom right to change quality)My buddy Bjorn Bauer (https://www.facebook.com/BjornBauerPhotography/) was taking some rock climbing shots of his buddy Erik Warmenhoven using the new Sioeye Camera and invited me and my drone to tag along. I said... |
 | Tasmania | Climbing the Totem Pole 6. 11. 2017 00:56:15 In spring 2017, we set out to Australia to go climb in the Grampians and Tasmania. Of Course, the Totem Pole had to be on top of the list! To get there you need to travel to the end of the world, Tasmania, then hike 2hrs and scrample around the cliff. Abseil into the darkness and go for it!... |
 | Climbing and highlining the Totempole 22. 03. 2010 22:52:45 Climbing and slacklining the amazing Totempole in Tasmania.... |
 | The Best Boulder Ever Built - Adam Ondra 47 6. 01. 2020 20:01:12 South of my hometown Brno, the land is mostly flat without any rock to climb. But once you open your mind and eyes, you can find true hidden gems to climb. The next episode is about this magnificent arete which was firstly ascended by pastor Ivo David in 2002 and was waiting for the second ascent. I... |
 | Bad belaying techniques | The World's Worst Belayer 9. 12. 2013 18:46:34 In climbing and mountaineering, proper use of belay devices is the cornerstone of the belay chain. The belayer holds the life of his partner in his hands. This task requires as much attention as it does training. The climber's confidence in his belayer has a major effect on his performance. It is im... |
 | The World’s Best Belayer Petzl 25. 10. 2017 16:10:36 'When he belayed me, and I sent my route, I actually broke down in tears [...] I had never experienced anything like that, and it changed my life...' -- Dave Graham Ray Verseau is recognized by many climbers as 'the best belayer in the world'. For him, belaying is more than a skill, it is a lifestyl... |