| - Dolomites Alta Badia Winter 2021 topless 1. 12. 2020 07:55:06 This winter (if we can start skiing) you decide https://www.ustariaposta.it https://eat.ustariaposta.itu200d https://www.holimites.comu200d http://www.cyclingdolomites.com... |
 | This strange Dolomites winter season 2020/21 21. 12. 2020 06:48:00 We all know this will be a strange winter season in the Dolomites. We have amazing snow conditions but lift's will not actually open until .... who knows. It is a historical situation that we will not quickly forget. But let's keep it for the future generations on video. #notjustskiing... |
 | do what your are passionate about - 2021 25. 12. 2020 07:30:00 We all are waiting for a better year to come and even if it will take long go come to normality we will just continue to do what we are passionate about.Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years to all of you... |
 | earnyourturns Dolomites Alta Badia 28. 12. 2020 18:01:14 Until lifts will remain closed because of COVID19 in the Dolomites we need to earn our turns if we want to ski. Why shouldn't we, it's a perfect winter season with lot's of snow and powder. And for the kids? The solution is easy:... |
 | Postcard from the Sennes Natural Park in winter cover Dolomites 3. 01. 2021 08:45:00 The beauty of the Sennes Natural Park in the Dolomites is incomparable. And we are so lucky to just have it ... behind the corner ...It's amazing to visit it in summer, maybe during a hut to hut trekking along the Dolomites organized by our friends at Holimites (www.holimites.com) or in winter, when... |
 | Passion is contagious Skimountaineering Dolomites Alta Badia 13. 01. 2021 14:00:00 If you show real passion in the things you do it's pretty obvious others will follow. The kids pretty much loved the powder skiing, don't know what their face will be when we ski crust snow ... |
 | Alta Badia Dolomiti Superski resort, as you never wanted to see it *english subtitles available 20. 01. 2021 08:30:01 **for english subtitles remember to switch on the function on the bottom right of this video**· November 28th· January 7th· January 18th· February 15th ???Due to COVID-19 restrictions those are all the postponements so far for the opening of a winter season that would have had the perfect snow condi... |
 | Dolomites Alta Badia Alting slope at Piz La Ila Dolomiti Superski 24. 01. 2021 16:07:00 **for english subtitles remember to switch on the function on the bottom right of this video**As promised in our last video (https://youtu.be/GkDx8n18Tps) here the integral descent on the Alting slope at the Piz La Villa.... |
 | Wank/Nordreise/Stöttltörl/Mieminger Kette 28. 01. 2021 23:16:19 Musik:Winter Love by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp Licensing Agreement: http://declandp.info/music-licensing Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-winter-love... |
 | Rechte Rinne (WI3) - Eisklettern nur 45 Fahrminuten von München - Januar 2021 - JOCHBERG NORDWAND 28. 01. 2021 19:13:32 Die von München aus schnell erreichbare Nordwand... AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen https://www.youtube.com/c/AlpineFexMeine komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ... |
 | Vintage Rock Tour Clips - Seb Bouin Climbs A Classic Verdon 8b+ 28. 01. 2021 15:16:45 Seb climbs the classic 'Les Braves Gens Ne Courent Pas Les Rues' 8b+/8b, whilst on the Verdon leg of his Vintage Rock Tour.Click here for the full film: https://bit.ly/3buNnpjPsyched for some sport and big wall? Get your gear at the EpicTV Shop: https://bit.ly/3qZoWsh... |
 | A World Less Traveled Ep.5 - Climbing On Another Planet: Tasmania 29. 01. 2021 15:00:12 A veritable feast of never ending Sea Stacks that would be the ultimate playground for any climber.Psyched? Get into climbing with the EpicTV Shop: https://bit.ly/3abon89'Two weeks left in the Oceania part of the world, so we went to Tasmania.' ... |
 | EpicTV Clips - Stefano Ghisolfi Makes FA Of 'Beginning' 9a/+ 2. 02. 2021 18:15:37 Situated at the Eremo Di San Paolo Crag at Arco, Stefano's FA Beginning combined two pre existing routes at the crag, St Anger, 8c+/9a and Zauberfree 8c+He sent the route back in May of 2020.... |
 | Spazio Verticale 270 - Home Training by Stefano Ghisolfi 28. 01. 2021 17:00:11 Tutti gli strumenti per l'allenamento li potete trovare qui:https://bit.ly/3psT0MvData la prolungata chiusura delle palestre, Stefano ci fa entrare nella sua dimora e ci mostra tutti gli strumenti ti del suo allenamento! Voi che strumenti utilizzate?... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1781 - SUPER HARD Trad Route From Brittany Goris 27. 01. 2021 16:42:00 We kick off with a super hard trad ascent, Brittany Goris takes us through the route. We have an update on the events unfolding on K2 and decide what the 9b counter will look like for 2021...EpicTV shop WINTER sale: https://bit.ly/2MwK9uB... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1782 - Sport Climbing SECRET Tip 28. 01. 2021 16:30:02 This sport climbing tip will make stripping an overhanging route easy. Follow these simple steps and never swing into space again!Visit Rock and Sun for holidays and climbing courses: http://bit.ly/2Q9mRMG... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1783 - YOUR Next Ice Screw? Cassin Rocket Plus 29. 01. 2021 14:30:02 Ice Screws have developed over the years and today we look at the innovative Cassin Rocket Plus. It features an integrated Dyneema sling, eliminating the need to bring up extra quickdraws. It's one of the lightest ice screws in the world, we put it to the test on a frozen Chamonix waterfall.... |
 | Climbing Daily Shorts - NEW Fitness/Climbing Tracker 1. 02. 2021 17:27:28 Cool fitness and climbing tracker from Mammut...what do you think?Mammut tracker information: http://bit.ly/3aqnokj... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1784 - How Is THIS Possible?! 2. 02. 2021 17:56:42 World class Ice climbing returns for the UIAA with the Champagny-en-Vanoise competition. Not a World Cup...but check out those moves! Overhanging ice anyone...?!Ice climbing gear at the EpicTV shop: https://bit.ly/36BMhbP ... |
 | + Slab of the week Marathon - Juji & Tom challenged me to do an Iron Cross 2. 02. 2021 17:08:05 Check out Rungne https://rungne.com/collections/allu200bCheck out the Rings from Gripgenie https://gripgenie.comMusic and Sound Effects http://share.epidemicsound.com/vSnfnu200b ... |
 | Castel Drena | Ferrata Rio Sallagoni 18. 11. 2017 08:23:27 Ferrata Rio Sallagoni - Castel Drena. La via si sviluppa all'interno di uno stretto 'canyon' risalendo le pareti di un piccolo torrente.Relazione ferrata: http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/trentino-alto-adige/78-monti-garda/92-drena-sallagoni.html... |
 | Alta Badia | Ferrata Tridentina 23. 08. 2015 20:58:15 Via ferrata Tridentina, la mia prima ferrata.Nella prima parte in mezzo alle nuvole, poi spunta il sole. Partenza tra Colfosco e il passo Gardena (ampio parcheggio in una ex-cava con cartello ferrata).... |
 | Ferrata delle Trincee 30. 09. 2015 23:55:37 Ferrata delle Trincee, partendo dal lago di Fedaia verso porta vescovo si seguono le indicazioni verso l'attacco. Arrivo al bivacco Bontadini e scendendo al rifugio Padon si ritorna poi al lago.Relazione ferrata:http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/relazioni-regione-veneto/84-marmolada/220-trincee... |
 | Ferrata rocca di Badolo 10. 11. 2015 07:36:33 Via ferrata del pliocenico a Badolo, a venti minuti da Bologna. Uscire a Sasso Marconi e seguire le indicazioni per Badolo, dirigersi poi alle pareti d'arrampicata, l'attacco della ferrata si trova all'estrema destra.... |
 | Ferrata monte Penna 6. 01. 2016 17:28:36 Via ferrata monte Penna nei pressi di Civago, Reggio Emilia.Relazione ferrata:http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/emilia-romagna/69-appennino-reggiano/347-penna-civago.html... |
 | Ferrata Rino Pisetta 4. 04. 2016 07:16:32 Via ferrata Rino Pisetta, sul monte Piccolo Dain, partenza da Sarche (TN). Relazione ferrata: http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/trentino-alto-adige/78-monti-garda/171-rino-pisetta.html... |
 | Lago di Garda | Sentiero dei contrabbandieri 5. 09. 2016 23:44:42 Percorso alpinistico Massimiliano Torti, o 'sentiero dei contrabbandieri' sul lago di Garda, bellissimo e panoramico. ATTENZIONE: non è una ferrata, serve una corda, moschettoni e rinvii per assicurarsi alla parete, quindi bisogna avere un minimo di esperienza nella progressione in conserva su rocci... |
 | Ferrata 'I magnifici 4' 16. 09. 2016 22:43:24 Ferrata 'I magnifici 4'.ATTENZIONE: è considerata una delle più difficili delle dolomiti! Il primo pezzo è umido e scivoloso e molti passaggi richiedono forza di braccia per proseguire.Da Pozza di Fassa seguire le indicazioni verso Malga Crocifisso nella valle San Nicolò, poco dopo la malga sulla si... |
 | Pietra di Bismantova | Ferrata degli alpini 7. 01. 2017 19:53:38 Via ferrata degli alpini alla Pietra di Bismantova.Relazione ferrata:http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/emilia-romagna/69-appennino-reggiano/39-alpini-bismantova.html... |
 | Ferrata Balze di Malpasso 27. 04. 2017 21:18:08 Via ferrata alle Balze di Malpasso.Relazione ferrata:http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/emilia-romagna/69-appennino-reggiano/134-balze-di-malpasso.html... |
 | Pietra di Bismantova | Nuova ferrata ovest 15. 05. 2017 21:32:58 Nuova 'ferrata ovest dell'ultimo sole', Pietra di Bismantova. Inaugurata da poco, illuminata dall'ultimo sole della giornata nel pomeriggio.... |
 | Ferrata El barranco del Dolo 29. 05. 2017 07:12:23 Via ferrata El barranco del Dolo a Civago, Reggio Emilia.Relazione ferrata:http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/emilia-romagna/69-appennino-reggiano/373-dolo-barranco.htmlMusica: Ether - Silent Partner: https://youtu.be/r6En29azNBA... |
 | Lagazuoi, Ferrata Lipella e Tofana di Rozes 28. 10. 2017 12:00:03 #Ferrata #Lagazuoi #GrandeGuerraCi troviamo sulle Dolomiti Ampezzane per la consueta ferrata annuale lungo i percorsi della Grande Guerra. Partendo dal Passo Falzarego risaliamo le gallerie che portano fino in cima al Lagazuoi. Lunghe gallerie che si snodano all'interno alla montagna e che furono co... |
 | Ferrata Piazzetta al Piz Boè 4. 01. 2017 15:21:08 Via ferrata Piazzetta, dal passo Pordoi seguire le indicazioni verso il monumento ai caduti, poi i cartelli per la ferrata, in 1 ora si arriva all'attacco. Arrivo al rifugio Piz Boè, 3152 m.Relazione ferrata: http://www.vieferrate.it/pag-relazioni/trentino-alto-adige/94-gruppo-sella/169-cesare-piazz... |
 | Sass de Stria e Ferrata Fusetti - Dolomiti 27. 09. 2019 16:45:39 Dolomiti Bellunesi : percorso ad anello al Sass de Stria per la galleria Goiginger , via ferrata sottotenente Fusetti e trincee fino alla Croce.... |
 | Valparola - Dolomites Via Ferrata: Sass de Stria 25. 09. 2020 21:19:50 The short but intense Via Ferrata Fusetti at the Sass de Stria, on the Valparola Pass, just a few minutes away from Ustaria Posta. https://www.ustariaposta.it https://eat.ustariaposta.it... |
 | Lagazuoi, the terrace of the Dolomites during COVID lockdown 29. 01. 2021 08:30:01 **for english subtitles remember to switch on the function on the bottom right of this video**The waiting to the opening of the Dolomiti Superski lift facilities looks like to be longer than expected. Luckily we have our ski mountaineering skis and our beautiful surroundings just out of the door. We... |
 | Angels landing, Zion (full hike) | Worlds most dangerous hikes 24. 02. 2016 23:16:15 *Warning*, you will get that uneasy vertigo feeling if you have a fear of heights. This is the full hike from bottom to top, of Angels landing in Zion national park, Utah. Filmed with gopro, it shows you what you will be seeing during the hike by getting a first person POV view of it. ... |
 | DOS CHICAS - Camino de Santiago Documentary 11. 04. 2020 01:30:11 13:01 Roncesvalles14:43 Espinal19:18 Zubiri21:44 Pamplona24:40 Puenta Larena29:13 Wine Fountain35:32 Viana36:35 Logrono38:10 Navarrete45:13 Hey, that's the title 45:57 Santo Domingo la Calzada... |
 | 500 Miles (800KM) - 33 Days - Camino Frances - Camino de Santiago - September 2019 27. 12. 2019 16:00:04 Why walk 500 miles (800km) on the Camino de Santiago? I began a 33-day foot journey in September 2019 across Spain to answer that question. What began as a curious case for adventure ended with a newfound appreciation for life through moments of deep reflection and connection. What started out as a ... |
 | World's Steepest Cogwheel Railway | Pilatus Train Switzerland Driver's View 1. 08. 2020 10:10:45 Steepest Cogwheel Railway in the world is located at Mount Pilatus in Switzerland. The Video shows the entire trip from the top of the mountain to the end station in Alpnachstad.0:00 Fun Facts about Mount Pilatus and the Railway... |
 | Greenhouse gas observations - Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) - ICOScapes 7. 05. 2018 11:17:06 ICOS and Konsta Punkka (@kpunkka) sharing awareness on climate change through photographs at Jungfraujoch greenhouse gas measurement station in Switzerland. **************ICOS is a European research infrastructure providing open & standardised greenhouse gas data to prevent climate change. Over 130 ... |
 | The Train From Wilderswil To Jungfraujoch 23. 06. 2015 22:34:53 This is my second video of this same trip. The other one is a bit more free form and arty/MTV-ish. This is just an 'as is' version. More of a verite. This video encompasses the trains one takes from Wilderswil up to the Jungfraujoch and what one my expect to see along the way.... |
 | Most beautiful places to visit in the Dolomites ( ) 28. 11. 2020 10:00:31 Join me on a sightseeing tour in the Dolomites, a breathtaking mountain range and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Italys northern Alps.If you like this clip, be sure to follow me on Youtube (700,000+ followers so far). Each Saturday, I upload one new clip about my travels around the world. ... |
 | Beginners Travel Guide - Top 7 Best Places in The Dolomites 12. 10. 2019 18:29:37 Get the full guide from here: https://sellfy.com/p/denz8e/Hello, guys,I have spent one week in northern Italy visiting the Dolomites area. I loved it so much and had the opportunity to visit so many amazing places that I want to share with you. My advice is for you to prepare in advance as there are... |
 | ABOVE THE DOLOMITES () Italy 1 Hour Ambient Drone Film + Calming Music for Stress Relief 1. 05. 2020 03:09:11 PURCHASE @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/above-the-dolomites-italy-1-hour-aerial-4k-nature-film-music | Watch On-Demand (No Ads or Watermark) @ https://watch.naturerelaxation.com/videos/above-the-dolomites-4k-1-hour-aerial-nature-relaxation-film-music | ABOUT: Soar up and over Italy's ic... |
 | Val Tremola The Old Gotthard Pass 29. 12. 2016 18:34:11 Aerial footage of the Old Gotthard Pass, also known as Val Tremola, in Switzerland.... |
 | The TUNNEL RUN in Alpe D'Huez, How to Ski it 16. 02. 2020 18:55:30 The Tunnel Run or Le Tunnel at Alpe D'Huez is a legendary black run that is considered the steepest or perhaps second steepest black piste in Europe. In this video we look at how to ski it, with commentary.... |
 | Grand Canyon National Park Virtual Rim to River Run Down South Kaibab Trail 4k 1. 05. 2017 16:16:41 See first hand the beauty of the Grand Canyon on this Rim to River run down South Kaibab Trail. You get to see the South Rim, mules, breathtaking views, and cross the Colorado River on a beautiful Spring day.... |
 | Alfuzalm | Steinseehütte | DER COOLSTE TRAIL in den Lechtaler Alpen 13. 08. 2020 17:00:31 Im neuen Video stelle ich euch den coolsten Trail in den Lechtaler Alpen von der Steinseehütte zur Alfuzalm vor. Und das mit 35L Rucksack und Seil Daumen rauf für die Mühe und wer nichts mehr verpassen will, Kanal abonnieren!... |