| Oliana 2019 | SEB BOUIN | The Blue Wave Project 4. 11. 2019 20:12:13 On to the Blue Wave of Oliana for our last catalan winter trip.This video from Tchalo Production relate the winter/spring sends in Oliana with 'Mamichula' 9b (First repetition after adam Ondra), 'Pachamama' 9a+, and 'Papichulo' 9a+.... |
 | The Balkan Dream with Seb Bouin - Black Diamond Presents 4. 08. 2020 17:24:58 BD Athlete Seb Bouin was looking for a new experience. We usually go to places where the climbing is already developed, he explained. So, Bouin, along with his mom and two dogs, got in the van and drove up the coast of France to reach Albania. There they found a plethora of undeveloped limestone rip... |
 | BD Employee Brent Barghahn Attempts Ring That Bell (5.13R) in Bells Canyon - Black Diamond Presents 21. 07. 2020 17:22:52 Brent Barghahn has rope soloed the Nose in a day, claimed free ascents of both Golden Gate (VI 5.13b) and Freerider (VI 5.13a) on El Cap, and established a big-wall 5.13 first ascent Kyrgyzstan. Not to mention hes accomplished all this while working full-time behind a desk as a Design Engineer at BD... |
 | Nalle Hukkataival—Tuzgle, Argentina - Black Diamond Presents 22. 09. 2020 18:13:26 Tuzgle is a climbing mecca with untapped potential. As Nalle puts it in this film, if these boulders were in the States near a Whole Foods, they would be the most popular blocs in the world. The difference, however, is that these giants sit at 14,500 feet. That means only a few intrepid seekers like... |
 | Sending in the Pyrenees - BD Athlete Victor De Le Rue 1. 12. 2020 18:12:07 Though BD Athlete Victor De Le Rue doesnt consider himself a climber, the Pyrenees-born professional snowboarder and all-around mountain man is just being modest. This past spring, after covering his living room with climbing holds to stay in shape during the COVID-19 lockdown, Victor started planni... |
 | Gritstone - BD Ambassador Chris Schulte 13. 10. 2020 15:42:25 BD Ambassador Chris Schulte recently made a pilgrimage to explore gods own stone, otherwise known as Englands famed and notorious gritstone. In his own words, everything youve heard about the grit is true except when its not.... |
 | Akira - Seb Bouin 2. 02. 2021 15:46:42 For 25 years, Fred Rouhlings masterpiece sat nearly untouched. Dust and cobwebs covered the holds. The chalk, once a beacon of light in a dark cave, both figuratively and literally, was fading. But in 1995, while Rouhling cared for his wife Celine who was recovering from a serious spinal cord injury... |
 | Petzl athlete Emily Harrington sends Golden Gate (5.13 VI) in El Capitan 22. 07. 2015 11:15:25 On May 31, 2015, Petzl athlete Emily Harrington topped out Yosemite's El Capitan via Golden Gate (5.13b, 41 pitches). The ascent was the culmination of a three-year learning process and one of her biggest challenges to date. 'It was a bloody, tear-stained battle, done in the best style possible for ... |
 | South Face Annapurna (Extended) - Rolex presents 5. 03. 2012 18:56:57 Annapurna is considered to be the world's most treacherous yet thrilling mountains to explore. Climbers who have experienced summiting other over-8000 metre peaks are particularly drawn to this majestic mountain, to its unpredictable climate changes and pristine beauty captured in this exceptional f... |
 | Fastpacking the Most Beautiful Trail in the Rockies | THE ROCKWALL TRAIL 22. 01. 2021 17:23:38 The Rockwall Trail in Kootenay National Park is about 56 km long and follows the base of a massive limestone cliff wall for which it's named. While it's possible to run the trail in single a day, we decided to fastpack the route over two days in the summer of 2020.... |
 | Von Oberstdorf nach Südtirol | Alpenüberquerung zu Fuß | Off E5 14. 08. 2014 17:21:57 Zu Fuß über die Alpen von Oberstdorf nach Südtirol, abseits der bekannten Wege.Reisebericht, Daten, Karten und Fotos auf www.gletschersau.de... |
 | BR - Berge - Doku - Bergauf-Bergab - 'Traversée Royale': Mont Blanc -Überschreitung in vier Tagen 24. 10. 2019 20:00:58 Traversée Royale', die 'königliche Überschreitung': Vier Tage quer durchs Mont-Blanc-Massiv, über ausgesetzte Grate und abgelegene Hütten. Bergauf-Bergab geht diese besondere Route mit der angehenden Bergführerin Maria Pilarski.... |
 | 2-tägige Bergtour im Karwendel mit Biwak 10. 07. 2018 10:46:09 Über die Schöttelkarspitze und die Soiernscharte.... |
 | Von Füssen zum Gardasee | Vater & Sohn Alpencross 2017 30. 09. 2017 06:05:50 Transalp-Mountainbike-Abenteuer mit 13-jährigem Kind von Füssen bis zum Gardasee. Highlights: Blindseetrail, Venet-Trail, Plamort-Trail, Madritschjoch, Santel.Reisebericht, Daten, Karten und Fotos auf www.gletschersau.de... |
 | Chiemgau King! - Die Härteste Mountainbike-Tour Deutschlands (auch E-MTB) 6. 09. 2020 08:30:27 Heute versuche ich mich an einer der härtesten Mountainbike-Touren Deutschlands: Der Goldkrone des Chiemgau Kings. Radeln & Helfen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckc0IkiqRYU AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS ... |
 | Doku - Bergauf-Bergab - Mountainbike-Tour rund um Stilfser Joch, Goldseetrail und Reschenpass 22. 10. 2018 20:15:02 Eine vier Tage Mountainbike Tour im Dreiländereck mit anspruchsvollen Abfahrten und knackigen Downhills für geübte MTB-Fahrer. Die Komplizen-Tour erreicht mit Strecken wie Goldseetrail, Kaiserjägertrail und Tibet Trail stellenweise den Schwierigkeitsgrad S3 auf der Singletrail-Skala. ... |
 | Vom Bodensee an den Gardasee | MTB Alpencross 2020 5. 11. 2020 09:06:35 In 10 Etappen von Lindau am Bodensee nach Torbole am Gardasee.Wir waren 11 Tage unterwegs vom 1. bis zum 11. September.Eigentlich wollten wir schon am 30.08 von Oberstdorf aus starten. ... |
 | Whistler Part 3 of 4 - Wyn Masters - Following Pro Enduro Racer Down Whistler's Hardest Trails 15. 09. 2019 22:45:00 Following Wyn Masters, a Pro Enduro and Downhill racer down Whistler bike park's gnarliest trails. Wyn Master is a UCI downhill World Cup Racer, that also races select Enduro World Series races. In 2017, Wyn won the first round of the EWS in Rotorua. Today he's showing me some lines and gaps I've ne... |
 | The Slabs | Danny MacAskill 28. 01. 2021 11:00:03 Danny Macaskill testing the limits of mountain biking, riding down the infamous Dubh Slabs on the Isle of Skye...Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/dannymacaskill?sub_confirmation=1... |
 | Gran Sasso Ferrata Ricci 26. 07. 2019 17:10:08 Via ferrata Ricci da Campo Imperatore... |
 | Via ferrata guglie del Paterno - Tre cime di Lavaredo 28. 07. 2019 22:29:50 Le guglie del Paterno una ferrata semplice e molto appagante... |
 | Gran Sasso Bivacco Bafile da Campo Imperatore 2. 08. 2019 19:12:45 Bivacco Andrea Bafile vetta centrale Corno Grande quota 2669m... |
 | Creste del Padon e Viel dal Pan - Dolomiti 3. 10. 2019 15:23:12 Alta via delle Creste del Padon e rifugio Viel dal Pan, percorso bellissimo al cospetto della Regina delle Dolomiti la Marmolada.... |
 | Via attrezzata Vidi - Dolomiti del Brenta 3. 10. 2019 16:43:08 Via attrezzata Gustavo Vidi con partenza dal rifugio Stoppani e arrivo al rifugio Graffer.... |
 | Ra Gusela + rif. Nuvolau - Dolomiti 4. 10. 2019 20:03:56 Partenza dal rifugio Scoiattoli e salita al rifugio Nuvolau per la via attrezzata Ra Gusela... |
 | Lagazuoi per il Sentiero dei Kaiserjäger - Dolomiti 6. 10. 2019 17:07:34 Bellissimo percorso ad anello,passando per il sentiero dei Kaiserjäger, Lagazuoi e discesa per le gallerie.... |
 | Dolomiti escursione al rifugio San Nicolò 12. 09. 2020 15:14:46 Percorso bello e appagante con un panorama unico....Da ciampac verso forcia neigra poi giù al rifugio San Nicolò e ritorno per il sentiero Pederiva... |
 | Dolomiti Ferrata Roda di Vael 14. 09. 2020 18:38:44 La ferrata Roda di Vael dal rifugio Paolina in direzione passo Vajolon è tutto sommato semplice, l'unica sensazione di difficoltà si presenta al ritorno nell'ultimo tratto con una paretina esposta nei pressi della forcella del diavolo.... |
 | Dolomiti escursione al rifugio falier all'Ombretta 16. 09. 2020 15:05:09 Escursione medio facile da malga Ciapela al rifugio Onorio Falier che si trova nella valle Ombretta sotto i piedi della Marmolada.... |
 | Dolomiti dal Sass Pordoi al Piz Boè 24. 09. 2020 18:55:26 Classica escursione sulle Dolomiti. Salita con funivia al Sass Pordoi e da li fino al Piz Boè circondati da un bellissimo paesaggio lunare.... |
 | Dolomiti Gran Sasso Sibillini è (Passione Montagna) 28. 09. 2020 11:55:53 Passione montagna è una raccolta di foto e video concentrata in meno di 4 minuti tratte dagli ultimi 5 anni delle nostre escursioni.... |
 | Cingoli Bosco delle Tassinete 8. 11. 2020 16:33:17 Facile escursione nel bosco delle Tassinete di Cingoli passando per il panoramico balcone delle Marche, per poi raggiungere la scultura di Nazzareno Rocchetti (il Cristo delle Marche)... |
 | Sellaronda - Passo Campolongo ➡ Arabba descent - Dolomites Roadbike 16. 06. 2020 20:26:28 u200d Integral video of the Passo Campolongo descent towards Arabba.Climb, descent details and stats available on the Dolomites Cycling Map at the link below. Use the promo-code 'POSTA' fora a 20% reduction at check out: ... |
 | Passo Valparola ➡ San Cassiano, Alta Badia descent | Dolomites 18. 06. 2020 20:00:13 u200d Integral video of the Passo Valparola descent towards San Cassiano, Alta Badia.Climb, descent details and stats available on the Dolomites Cycling Map at the link below. Use the promo-code 'POSTA' fora a 20% reduction at check out: ... |
 | The 'Fodom loop' u200d♂️ - Dolomites Cycling Tips 20. 06. 2020 20:00:08 u200d Let's get on a ride with Igor (https://www.instagram.com/igortavella/) on the not so popular (compared to Sellaronda) Fodom cycling loop in the Dolomites.Ride details: https://www.strava.com/activities/3602296981... |
 | Passo Furcia (Kronplatz/Plan de Corones) ➡ San Vigilio di Marebbe descent - Dolomites Roadbike 25. 06. 2020 21:00:04 u200d Integral video of the Passo Furcia (Kronplatz/Plan de Corones) descent towards San Vigilio di Marebbe.Climb, descent details and stats available on the Dolomites Cycling Map at the link below. Use the promo-code 'POSTA' fora a 20% reduction at check out: ... |
 | The 'Furcia loop' u200d♂️ - Dolomites Cycling Tips 28. 06. 2020 21:00:03 u200d Let's get on a ride with Igor (https://www.instagram.com/igortavella/) on another less known loop in the Dolomites. The Furcia loop or also called Roda de Furcia. Ride details: https://www.strava.com/activities/3642821982... |
 | Dolomites Lagazuoi WWI trench tunnel and Kaiserjäger path 1. 07. 2020 20:00:10 A great hike through WWI history in the Dolomites. Hiking through the italian troops trench tunnel on the Piccolo Lagazuoi with a total of 695 steps and coming down on the Austrian Kaiserjäger path from the Lagazuoi peak.... |
 | The 'Maratona' just for us - 34th Maratona dles Dolomites 6. 07. 2020 10:38:10 After 33 years of Maratona dles Dolomites the 34th edition was all for us, enjoying an amazing day on our roads with the jersey the same color as the Dolomites sky.The ride on Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/3718108634... |
 | Staller Sattel' loop u200d♂️ - Dolomites Cycling Tips: The 'Passo Stalle 13. 07. 2020 14:40:43 **Subtitles available ... switch them on**u200d This is a long one, 230 km of beauty and suffering starting from the Dolomites, heading to the alps demarking the boarder with Austria on the 'Passo Stalle / Staller Sattel'. And riding through the beautiful and wild Defereggen valley towards Lienz and... |
 | Jump and bridge line integral - Bike Beats Alta Badia Dolomites 2. 08. 2020 13:21:18 u200d Together with Gabriel we show you the 2020 NEW Jump and Bridge line on the Bike Beats Cör trail at the Piz Sorega in Alta Badia. Enjoy the ride together with us. https://www.ustariaposta.it... |
 | IG takeover for Castelli Cycling - YOLOmites5000 5.0 6. 09. 2020 18:25:36 u200d During the 5th edition of the #YOLOmites5000 I was honored to do an Instagram takeover for Castelli Cycling. Here is the whole video with the stories all together.And if you want to join the #YOLOmites5000 check here:... |
 | The Fanes Nature Park loop - Dolomites gravel bike 29. 09. 2020 17:53:09 **English subtitles available ... switch them on** #######################################Watch carefully this video and apply for the special Ustaria Posta off-season B&B rate. Watch the video, ... |
 | Postcard from Braies lake Dolomites 23. 10. 2020 21:15:25 It's the South Tyrol tourist hotspot 'par excellence', and this just a 45 minute car drive from the Ustaria Posta.During peak season you barely walk around it, meanwhile in certain periods of time you can really enjoy this gem at his fullest. ... |
 | Dolomites | Postcard from Federa lake 30. 10. 2020 20:15:15 Driving along the road to the Passo Giau, well known by our cycling friends, at 'Pian del Pantan' (tr. Muddy Plain) an amazing 5 km long path (#437 & #434) begins. This path will take you to another fabulous mountain lake of the Dolomites, the Federa lake. ... |
 | Postcard from 'Tru di Lersc' the path of the larches Alta Badia Dolomites 6. 11. 2020 19:30:13 The 'Tru di Lersc' is easy to reach starting from the Ustaria Posta . If you are in a hurry you can drive to the start of the path, but you can also do a longer hiking loop all the way to this amazing place. ... |
 | Postcard from the 'Keschtnweg' the chestnut trail Feldthurns Klausen Südtirol 13. 11. 2020 20:45:14 Out of the Val Badia valley there are so much more amazing places to visit that you could barely imagine. As someone said once South Tyrol is simple the 'meeting point of diversity' or 'the alpine and mediterranean jewel of the Alps'.... |
 | October 2019 16 months for new bridge | June 2018 16. 11. 2020 19:00:06 This is a little documentary for the history books of the works for the construction of the new bridge connecting the hamlet of San Leonardo to the main road. https://www.ustariaposta.it https://eat.ustariaposta.it... |
 | Postcard from the Funes Valley and Passo delle Erbe Dolomites 20. 11. 2020 20:15:10 Funes is our neighbour valley just on the other side of the Passo delle Erbe (cyclists check out the link below for an amazing loop starting from Ustaria Posta).But it's also the valley of Reinhold Messner, of the Odles mountain group and other hidden gems to discover. ... |
 | Postcard from the valley of the mills (and beyond) in Longiarü Dolomites 28. 11. 2020 14:30:08 A few kilometers away from Ustaria Posta you can visit the ancient valley of the mills in the hiking village of Longiarü. Meanwhile in fall it's all shut down you can see the mills working during summer and on special event days. ... |