| 115 KM mit dem Rennrad in die ENG am AHORNBODEN // Little Canada und Yosemite vor der Tür Münchens 26. 10. 2020 17:52:54 Ahornboden / Eng ab Garmisch-Partenkirchen AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Wenn es gefallen hat gib dem Video einen Daumen nach oben Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen ... |
 | Kreuzeck via Jägersteig | 900 Hm Wanderung trotz kaputtem Knie (MASSIVER KNORPELSCHADEN IM 4. GRAD) 28. 10. 2020 17:11:49 Aufgeben? NIEMALS ! Es geht wieder los... AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Wenn es gefallen hat gib dem Video einen Daumen nach oben Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen ... |
 | Ein Wandung für absolute Anfänger und Beginner! 500 Höhenmeter + Bahnfahrt zurück | Eckbauer 1237m 31. 10. 2020 08:00:19 Super einfache Wanderung mit Bahn runter... AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Wenn es gefallen hat gib dem Video einen Daumen nach oben Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen ... |
 | Leichte Kletterei über dem Chiemsee feat. @ripperkon - KAMPENWAND ÜBERSCHREITUNG - November 2020 5. 11. 2020 18:06:51 Zwei motivierte YouTuber im Chiemgau ... Film ab ! AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Wenn es gefallen hat gib dem Video einen Daumen nach oben Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen ... |
 | Einfache Wanderung mit 1000 Höhenmetern feat. YOURDAILYMILK - Wank 1780m via Daxkapelle 8. 11. 2020 07:21:46 Wank ab Partenkirchen via Daxkapelle... AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Wenn es gefallen hat gib dem Video einen Daumen nach oben Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen ... |
 | EIN STATEMENT VON HERZEN! Was ändert sich jetzt auf meinem Kanal dauerhaft? Gamechanger | ALPINEFEX 10. 11. 2020 19:00:01 Der Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTNlt4s-nx/ AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen https://www.youtube.com/c/AlpineFexMeine komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ... |
 | Wie geht es mir? Was macht die Verletzung? Wie geht es weiter - Grußwort kurz vor den Feiertagen 22. 12. 2020 17:19:31 Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen https://www.youtube.com/c/AlpineFexMeine komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ... |
 | Perfekt für Anfänger (WI3+) feat. @ripperkon - EISKLETTERN - Sausender Graben Eisfall im Karwendel 18. 01. 2021 19:00:13 Eisklettern für Beginner und Anfänger... AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen https://www.youtube.com/c/AlpineFexMeine komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ... |
 | Mühlenfall in Ettal - Mittelschwere Tour für Fortgeschrittene (WI4+) feat. @ripperkon - EISKLETTERN 21. 01. 2021 19:00:44 Eisklettern nur eine Stunde von München entfernt. AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen https://www.youtube.com/c/AlpineFexMeine komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ... |
 | Rechter Benifall (WI4) - Mittelschwere Tour in den Ammergauer Alpen feat. @ripperkon - EISKLETTERN 23. 01. 2021 15:13:05 Eisklettern am Rechten Benifall bei Ettal. AUFKLAPPEN FÜR MEHR INFOS Meinen Kanal abonnieren um nichts mehr zu verpassen https://www.youtube.com/c/AlpineFexMeine komplette Ausrüstung findest du unten in diesem Text ... |
 | Cold House Media Ep.120 - A Christmas To Remember 22. 01. 2021 15:18:00 What a better plan to finish crazy 2020 than driving down to Las Vegas and sample the unlimited Red Rocks climbing? Psyched? CLICK HERE for all the bouldering gear you need https://bit.ly/2Macmr8... |
 | Spazio Verticale 269 - L'attrezzatura da ghiaccio dell'A. Guida Alpina 22. 01. 2021 17:07:29 Tutta l'attrezzatura per l'alpinismo la puoi trovare qui:https://bit.ly/39X6B8mIn questa puntata andremo a descrivere nel dettaglio l'attrezzatura necessaria per poter arrampicare una cascata di ghiaccio.... |
 | Climbing Daily Shorts - K2 - First Winter Ascent 18. 01. 2021 18:11:15 The last great challenge in mountaineering. K2 has been climbed in Winter with a 10 man Nepalese combined team. Read more: https://www.ukclimbing.com/news/2021/01/first_winter_ascent_of_k2_made_by_all-nepali_team-72688... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1778 - Charlie's Boscoe's SPECTACULAR Competition Memories 19. 01. 2021 17:14:06 After five years commentating for the IFSC Charlie Boscoe steps away for new challenges. It's been a time of change and progress in comp climbing and has produced some spectacular moments. We take a moment with Charlie to look back...... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1779 - K2 WINTER Ascent - 10 Man Nepalese Team Summit 20. 01. 2021 16:30:05 K2 has seen it's first Winter ascent with a 10 man Nepalese team making the summit. We discus this incredible achievement and the story building up to it. It's a sad week in Climbing as we remember two climbers who have been killed in the mountains.... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.1780 - Climbing Gear Sneak Peak 2021 22. 01. 2021 16:30:00 On todays show we have a sneak pick at the climbing gear we will be using and reviewing in the next few months. With two pairs of climbing shoes, an ice screw and waterproof in our kit bag, we are excited to bring you our thoughts. What are you most excited to see?... |
 | Climbing Daily Shorts - Cancellation of Olympics 2021? 23. 01. 2021 21:08:57 The Times released an article pointing at the possible cancellation of the 2021 Olympic Games. We examine the sources exploring the issue. #ShortsThe Times: http://bit.ly/3iETRHvCNN: http://cnn.it/2NqstRT... |
 | SEND IT | Chamonix Kicker Session 21. 01. 2021 20:06:07 Winter is here and it's time to get out the skis. We go ski touring in the mountains, and send it off a jump...My Cab9 sunglasses:http://bit.ly/2fxY8A6My Instagram:http://bit.ly/2jBnABO... |
 | Adam Ondra - Top Climbing Moments 18. 01. 2021 20:59:48 Let me show you my selection of the most memorable moments I've experienced while climbing in recent years. I'll take you on a journey around the world. We'll start in my home country, the Czech Republic, but you can look forward to visiting picturesque Valle de los Cóndores in Chile, legendary Smit... |
 | Grossglockner Normalweg, 28.01.2017 15. 09. 2017 18:27:50 Winter solo ascent of Austria's highest mountain, Grossglockner 3798 meters asl, via the normal route in 36 minutes from E.Johann Hütte.... |
 | 19. & 20. Juni 2017 - Normalweg - Großglockner 9. 10. 2017 21:58:51 ... |
 | Everest 2017 - World highest rescue in history 29. 10. 2017 00:20:51 Chatting with Ang Tshering Lama about the most daring rescue ever done in the history of Everest.... |
 | Full Mountaineering Documentary on Vinson Massif - Climbing Antarctica's Mt. Vinson 17. 09. 2020 03:00:11 Enjoy this mountaineering documentary about climbing Antarctica's Mt. Vinson! Please 'subscribe' for more adventure videos and 'thumbs up' this one. http://7SummitsBlog.com for videos, podcasts, gear lists, other 7 summits resources to stay updated.... |
 | Real Stories - Extreme Rescue: Mont Blanc (Mountain Rescue Documentary) 25. 01. 2018 21:00:01 Five million people come to Chamonix every year. Many are unaware of the danger they can be putting themselves in but luckily, the rescue teams of Mont Blanc are there, devoting their lives to those in trouble.... |
 | 6 - Mountain Rescue 22. 12. 2018 00:30:00 Towering above the Alps, Mont Blanc is a spectacular natural beauty. But it also has a darker, lethal side that attracts thrill seekers, extreme skiers and obsessed climbers from all over the world. They throw themselves against the mountains steep slopes, treacherous glaciers and vertiginous cliffs... |
 | 5 - Mountain Rescue 21. 12. 2018 00:30:00 Towering above the Alps, Mont Blanc is a spectacular natural beauty. But it also has a darker, lethal side that attracts thrill seekers, extreme skiers and obsessed climbers from all over the world. They throw themselves against the mountains steep slopes, treacherous glaciers and vertiginous cliffs... |
 | 4 - Mountain Rescue 20. 12. 2018 00:30:00 Towering above the Alps, Mont Blanc is a spectacular natural beauty. But it also has a darker, lethal side that attracts thrill seekers, extreme skiers and obsessed climbers from all over the world. They throw themselves against the mountains steep slopes, treacherous glaciers and vertiginous cliffs... |
 | 3 - Mountain Rescue 19. 12. 2018 00:30:01 Towering above the Alps, Mont Blanc is a spectacular natural beauty. But it also has a darker, lethal side that attracts thrill seekers, extreme skiers and obsessed climbers from all over the world. They throw themselves against the mountains steep slopes, treacherous glaciers and vertiginous cliffs... |
 | 2 - Mountain Rescue 18. 12. 2018 00:30:00 Towering above the Alps, Mont Blanc is a spectacular natural beauty. But it also has a darker, lethal side that attracts thrill seekers, extreme skiers and obsessed climbers from all over the world. They throw themselves against the mountains steep slopes, treacherous glaciers and vertiginous cliffs... |
 | 1 - Mountain Rescue 17. 12. 2018 07:27:41 Pleas give a warm welcome to our Brand New show!Towering above the Alps, Mont Blanc is a spectacular natural beauty. But it also has a darker, lethal side that attracts thrill seekers, extreme skiers and obsessed climbers from all over the world. They throw themselves against the mountains steep slo... |
 | A Pacific Crest Trail Documentary - To Measure Mile 28. 11. 2020 21:08:22 On May 19, 2018, three friends set out from the Mexican border on a 2,650 mile journey to hike to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). This is their story. Unscripted, raw a look into the wild, strange, beautiful lifestyle of a 5-month thru-hike across America. ... |
 | Ultra running documentary - Bob Graham 15. 01. 2021 20:00:10 Bob Graham The Kristina Madsen Story follows Kristina on her journey around the legendary route in English Lake district. In 2019, Kristina assembled a team to help her climb / run to the top of the 42 highest mountains in the Lake District in less than 24 hours. The total distance is 106 km with 8,... |
 | Correcting the Three Most Common Mistakes People Make Ski Touring in the Backcountry 12. 11. 2020 18:45:01 Do you want to know how to save your breath when going up with skins, or how to save your energy when skinning up a slope, or how to get an extra lap in your day? There are three major errors that people make when climbing with skins on their skis. Do you know if you're making one of them? ... |
 | 650++ holds on dam ft Toby Segar - Climbing the WORLDS HIGHEST artificial climbing route 4. 09. 2019 22:50:59 We climb the worlds tallest artificial Climbing wall! Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/boulderingbobathttps://www.boulderingbobat.com/Check out Paul for all your coaching needs: ... |
 | Forces of Nature with Brian Cox - BBC - The incredible ibex defies gravity and climbs dam 12. 07. 2016 12:17:49 Subscribe and to OFFICIAL BBC YouTube https://bit.ly/2IXqEInStream original BBC programmes FIRST on BBC iPlayer https://bbc.in/2J18jYJThe spectacular sight of mountain goats defying gravity on a vertical dam wall in Italy, and all because they are have a craving for some of Earth's elements essen... |
 | The Mettelhorn - Extreme Unicycling the Alps 16. 09. 2013 16:37:53 https://www.facebook.com/eichholzlutz/Lutz Eichholz and Stephanie Dietze conquer 3400m high Mettelhorn on their mountain unicycles.A movie by http://pikofilm.com/More Informations: http://lutzeichholz.de/lutz-eichholz-...... |
 | Extreme Paramotor Sky Racing in the French Alps 31. 10. 2016 23:50:29 http://www.PARABATIX.com Parabatix Sky Racers France 2016 (Icarobatix - 43e Coupe Icare)The famous Coupe Icare in the French Rhône-Alps (St Hilaire du Thouvet / Lumbin) hosted the fifth instalment of the Parabatix Sky Racers 2016. Having previously hosted the last Sky Race in France since the last f... |
 | Wingsuit Flying in Switzerland’s Vaud Alps with the Red Bull Air Force 17. 12. 2019 17:00:02 Join the Red Bull Air Force for a wingsuit flying adventure as they travel into Switzerlands Vaud Alps. Watch more wingsuit flying here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnuf8iyXggLEp_2gb3jtTm_D4nle3jrnz ... |
 | -Getting To The Mountains Is Exciting As Climbing Them - Insane Bus Ride in The Himalayas 8. 07. 2014 21:51:45 These brave guys go for an insane bus ride in the Himalayas!For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom... |
 | What It Feels Like to Sleep on the Side of Mountain 4. 11. 2015 08:00:00 What is it like to sleep on the side of a cliff in nothing but a hanging tent and sleeping bag? Mountaineer Mark Synnott says it's like being in the craziest tree house that you can possibly imagine.'... |
 | Extreme mountain running race in Italy 28. 08. 2014 01:01:27 CLICK CC for English!!!Craving some adventure?...http://win.gs/1aXUVRMRunning 3,000m in a time of 2hrs 06secs may seem like an easy challenge, but not when the three kilometers in question are not the distance to cover, but the height of a mountain to climb. Vertical running, a unique subset of trai... |
 | Speed Mountain Running – five 4000m peaks in 7h 45min 20. 08. 2015 08:45:03 5 Peaks in a dayAlpinist Andreas Steindl crosses five 4000m peaks from Zermatt to Saas Fee in a time of 07h45:44Zermatt, Switzerland (sgh) Swiss alpinist Andreas Steindl (26) has accomplished what most people deem impossible: he ran 30.66 kilometres from Zermatt to Saas Fee crossing five 4000m peak... |
 | Rock-Climbing Goats 1. 05. 2015 19:30:43 The nubian ibex, a desert-dwelling goat, can scale near vertical cliffs. Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed! http://bit.ly/1Adl6ht **More info & videos below**The nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) is a desert-dwelling goat that gives birth to young atop tall windswept mesas. The mesa's steep cliff ... |
 | Planet Earth II: Mountains - BBC - Baby ibex descends mountains to escape fox 8. 11. 2016 18:44:59 Subscribe and to OFFICIAL BBC YouTube https://bit.ly/2IXqEInBe first to stream exclusive BBC TV on BBC iPlayer https://bbc.in/2J18jYJVertiginous slopes keep ibex families safe from predators but they need to descend to flat ground to drink and this brings them in contact with a fox. This gives us... |
 | Hostile Planet - Mountains (Full ) 14. 12. 2020 19:00:04 The highest mountains on Earth are home to snow leopards, golden eagles, mountain goats, barnacle goslings and gelada monkeys. But only the toughest can endure the extreme weather, scarce food and limited oxygen on these peaks. Using new technology to showcase never-before-filmed animal behavior, Ho... |
 | Full Movie | ZABARDAST 20. 12. 2018 20:00:00 Choose subtitle : English, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, Polish, Greek. 4K & Fullscreen recommended. More infos :Picture Organic Clothing in association with Almo Film present :... |
 | Rässegg-Westwand 4. 12. 2020 16:15:52 GLARUS - Eine selten begangene Wand mit alpinem Zustieg - und am Tag dieser Begehung geschieht etwas in der Geschichte der Tour Erstmaliges...... |
 | Katerbummel - Schafbergwand 1. 11. 2020 22:32:28 WILDHAUS - Kurze Tour, langer Film, herbstliche Stimmung, tolle Kletterei und super Landschaft.... |
 | Wasserkopf-Nordwand 25. 12. 2020 22:13:43 REIN - 'Zu unrecht selten begangen' lautet eine Standardformulierung im Kletterführer - aber hier stünde sie zurecht.... |
 | Sambolero 28. 12. 2020 10:07:29 BRAUNWALD - Ein spätherbstlicher Klettertraum am Vorderen Eggstock.... |