| Neuseeländerweg 16. 09. 2020 11:17:25 SCHIERS - Der Neuseeländerweg ist die einfachste Möglichkeit, die Südwand der 6. Kirchlispitze kennen zu lernen.... |
 | Der Alpenkönig 13. 06. 2020 06:44:11 SCHIERS - Der 'Alpenkönig' ist Kletterei an bestem Fels im Rätikon, VII-. Herrscht unten eine unlogische Linienführung vor (die im Film freilich etwas bissig kommentiert wird), sind die letzten Längen wirklich begeisternd. ... |
 | Die Spindel | APAXTH 5. 05. 2020 18:34:58 KALAMBAKA - Die auffälligste Felsnadel im Meteora-Gebiet ist die Spindel. Da muss man als Kletterer hinauf.... |
 | Grossglockner-Nordwand 19. 12. 2020 20:06:37 KALS - Begehung der Aschenbrenner-Route Ende November 2020 bei sehr guten Verhältnissen. Hingucker sind aber auch die Anfahrt per Fahrrad zum Ausgangspunkt und die Kulinarik auf dem Glocknerbiwak.... |
 | Wonder - I Shouldn't Be Alive S4 EP15 - This Man Recounts His Terrifying Ordeal Stuck On Mt. Everest 13. 10. 2018 18:00:08 On Mt. Everest a climber falls into unconsciousness at 28,000 feet. His sherpa guides leave him, presuming him to be dead, but he wakes up. Now he faces the impossible; to survive the night alone, with no oxygen, on the worlds highest mountain.... |
 | Slovenia | Street Workout at 360m (1181ft) the tallest chimney in Europe | Rooftop Badass 5. 10. 2017 13:53:01 Hey everybody !! Check my trip to Slovenia and little workout on the top of tallest chimney in Europe !! Workout everyday, everywhere haha :)If you like this video, please give me thumb up and SUBSCRIBE !!... |
 | Climbing the Tallest Chimney in Europe 10. 06. 2017 13:06:52 This video shows me and my sweet one climbing the biggest chimney in Europe, counting 365m (1197 ft) at the top. Note:For best experience of this clip use high brightness and turn the volume up!... |
 | Obelisque Concorde | Alain ROBERT the french spiderman 23. 10. 2008 18:55:06 Alain ROBERT the french spiderman escalade l'Obélisque place de la Concorde à Paris le 31 décembre 1999.#AlainRobert #frenchspiderman #UrbanClimbing DVD Legend of the Spiderman Version française, english, spanish, deutsch... |
 | Nanga perbat | Tomaz Humar Rescue Mission 29. 06. 2009 11:04:32 Tomaz Humar Rescue Mission By Pakistan Army - Airforce Pilots -- Nanga Perbat - Highest Rescue Mission Ever -- see http://www.humar.com/en/index.php official site... |
 | Mt. Everest Climb from North Side 2016 9. 07. 2016 16:16:39 A chronicle of my climb of Mt. Everest in April - May 2016 from the north side. Li-Lan Cheng... |
 | V objemu Himalaje I In the arms of Himalaya 21. 11. 2012 11:50:43 Himalaja. Mogočna. Veličastna. Presunljiva.Za mnoge oddaljena, nedosegljiva. Za nekatere obljubljena dežela.Vrtoglave višine, nadčloveški napori, ekstremni vremenski pogoji so tista prepričanja, ki se zdi, da delajo Himalajo dosegljivo samo za izbrane. Vendar se v njenem objemu kljub temu najde veli... |
 | Kaj nam je tega treba - Alpinistično dokumentarni film 9. 04. 2020 00:00:06 Film je pripoved 21-letnega Anžeta Marenčeta, avtorjevega brata, ki se s štirimi prijatelji poda na svojo prvo odpravo v visoke gore. V pogorju Nebeško gorovje ali Tien Šan, na tromeji Kitajske, Kazahstana in Kirgizistana, preplezajo novo smer prek še nikoli prečkane južne stene Vrha Gorkega (6050 m... |
 | Cerro Torre (Pavle Kozjek) 26. 11. 2013 08:39:16 ... |
 | Slavko Svetičič | Gore in Ljudje | Anapurna 27. 03. 2018 10:33:52 RTV SLO2Anapurna: Slavko Svetičič in Franček KnezScenarij in realizacija: Marjetka Keršič SvetelSnemalec: Janez HrovatAsistent snemalca: Klavdij MlekužBesedilo sta interpretirala: Pavle Ravnohrib in Vojko Zidar... |
 | Preverjeno | Od sreče do žalosti | Tomaž Humar 31. 01. 2015 18:38:05 Tomaž Humar - Od sreče do žalosti // Preverjenohttp://www.24ur.com... |
 | Dani Arnold - World's Fastest Person to Climb the Matterhorn 15. 01. 2016 21:23:12 Dani Arnold set a new time world record climbing Matterhorn in Switzerland. Find more adventure videos in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnuf8iyXggLGGq30mFQxsCS1ujxFsMYdK... |
 | Petzl | Kilian Jornet in the Northern Lights 30. 11. 2017 16:18:24 On a long November night, ultrarunner Kilian Jornet trains on a never-ending knife-edge ridge overlooking the dark fjords. Way up high, during the frigid windy night, Kilian attempts to make the aurora borealis appear.... |
 | Ultra-lightweight climbing and mountaineering helmet | SIROCCO 5. 12. 2017 11:04:32 SIROCCO® - Ultra-lightweight climbing and mountaineering helmet with reinforced protectionThe SIROCCO is designed to respond to the needs of climbers and mountaineers for reduced weight and for protection. Its head-covering shape, lower in the rear, offers reinforced protection. Optimized volume on ... |
 | How to become better belayer 14. 12. 2017 17:39:17 Are you giving your partner the belay they deserve?Whether you're in the gym, at the crag, or in the mountains, belaying is one of the most important and universal skills a climber can have. Equally as useful for a climber with a few months of experience and climbers with decades of experience, join... |
 | Nathaniel Coleman | Power of the Psych 13. 03. 2018 16:37:37 Nathaniel Coleman is taking the competition scene by storm and exploring unclimbed areas in the southern deserts of Utah. His fresh drive to push the boundaries of bouldering is what allows him to access the inaccessible. ... |
 | EP 1 - Perspective: Daniel Woods 28. 03. 2018 22:35:05 American Petzl athletes are out in Catalonia for the winter and spring climbing season. For some, its their first experience, and others; it has been routine for years. What drives these climbers and many others from all over the world to climb there? Find out more from the likes of Dave Graham, Dan... |
 | EP 2 - Perspective: Jon Cardwell 17. 04. 2018 14:22:50 American Petzl athletes are out in Catalonia for the winter and spring climbing season. For some, its their first experience, and others; it has been routine for years. What drives these climbers and many others from all over the world to climb there? Find out more from the likes of Dave Graham, Dan... |
 | Petzl Helmets | TOP AND SIDE PROTECTION 15. 05. 2018 11:40:47 New Petzl helmet label that offers protection against impacts from above, as well as from the front, rear, and sides.... |
 | EP 3 - Perspective: Michaela Kiersch 22. 05. 2018 16:38:15 American Petzl athletes are out in Catalonia for the winter and spring climbing season. For some, it's their first experience, and others; it has been routine for years. What drives these climbers and many others from all over the world to climb there? Find Dave Graham, Daniel Woods, Michaela Kiersc... |
 | My light, my night run | BINDI 1. 06. 2018 17:27:21 Introducing BINDI, an ultra-light and rechargeable headlamp that fits in the palm of your hand. Grab it and discover your city from a different point of view!- Compact and ultra-light: 35 grams... |
 | EP 4 - Perspective: Dave Graham 4. 06. 2018 17:57:47 American Petzl athletes are out in Catalonia for the winter and spring climbing season. For some, it's their first experience, and others; it has been routine for years. What drives these climbers and many others from all over the world to climb there? Find Dave Graham, Daniel Woods, Michaela Kiersc... |
 | EP 5 - Perspective: Unfinished Business 18. 07. 2018 00:01:11 The Perspective series is a collection of short films following Petzl Team members as they climb their way through Catalonia, Spain. Doing everything they can to bag another send, they reach the end of their trip and are left with some unfinished business for next time.... |
 | Clare Gallagher on the UTMB | Embrace the Night 24. 07. 2018 15:11:12 Petzl Team member Clare Gallagher gives you many reasons to try the unique experience to Run at night. She also shares her view of running long distances such as the UTMB ( Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc ). ... |
 | HOW TO ice climbing 9. 01. 2019 10:14:43 Belay technique for ice climbing is very similar to rock climbing. The biggest difference is placing protection and building anchors in an often fragile medium. Proper load distribution and protecting the anchor become much more critical. To make the most of this fickle frozen substance, you need to... |
 | METEOR – Year round adventures 20. 02. 2019 12:02:31 Skiing the snow-covered peaks high above Courmayeur, climbing the vertigo-inducing limestone walls of the Verdon Gorge, and traversing Aiguilles dEntrèves Spires knife-edge ridge Lise BILLON and Vivian BRUCHEZ live their passion for the mountains day in and day out!... |
 | Vivian Bruchez | HOW TO adjust your helmet 1. 03. 2019 14:14:01 For maximum comfort and protection, a helmet should always be properly adjusted. Vivian Bruchez provides tips on how to adjust your helmet so that it fits your head perfectly.*** Credits ***Video Production: Étienne Mérel & https://www.bokeh-production.fr/ ... |
 | The most amazing night, by Carter 21. 06. 2019 10:34:40 Take a break from your daily routine, step away from the screen, and get away for an evening or a weekend. Take advantage of the cool nighttime air, watching wildlife under a starry sky and enjoying an evening with friends around the campfire. With the night as your ally, thanks to Petzl headlamps, ... |
 | GRIGRI – We climb together 3. 07. 2019 11:57:49 In 1991, Petzl provided climbers with a new revolutionary tool, the GRIGRI, the very first assisted-braking belay device! Day-in and day-out, Petzl continues to work hard so that generation after generation of climbers can belay safely at the crag or in the climbing gym.... |
 | Chris Sharma | HOW TO catch fall 19. 09. 2019 08:56:48 Belaying is one of the most important skills a climber must be mastered. But how to catch a fall properly? The worldwide known climber, Chris Sharma, is giving all his advice to explain the best way to belay while catching a fall with maximum security for either the climber or the belayer.... |
 | My light, my night run | SWIFT RL 23. 09. 2019 15:26:54 Just a few strides from work, cross the cityscape to reconnect with nature and the great outdoors by running, even at night! Credits Video Production : https://www.mattcharland.com/... |
 | Petzl Junior Rock Camp Switzerland 2019 11. 10. 2019 17:58:50 End of July 2019 the first Petzl Junior Rock Camp took place in the center of Switzerland, in Meiringen. During one week 20 kids aged between 12 and 17 participated in different workshops accompanied by international athletes like Nina Caprez, Roger Schäli, Katherine Choong and Stephane Siegrist.... |
 | Jorg Verhoeven | HOW TO pay out slack 17. 10. 2019 16:42:17 Paying out slack for your lead climber is an art. Explanation by Jorg Verhoeven.To provide a great belay for your lead climber, Jorg Verhoeven demonstrates how to pay out slack.... |
 | Part 1 | Brooke Raboutou: L’héritage 24. 10. 2019 15:49:11 Get a glimpse inside the family, friends and mentors of Brooke Raboutou in Lhéritage Part 1. Growing up in a home where climbing, competition and world championships were the norm, Brooke gains valuable experience from her parents, brother and community surrounding the ABCKids climbing gym in Boulde... |
 | Run at dawn or dusk | BINDI 4. 11. 2019 17:25:10 'The BINDI headlamp is very practical for running through the cityscape, Nolwenn Faivre, personal trainer, and avid runner explains why.I run three or four times per week outside my coaching sessions. Running allows me to stay fit, to enjoy a bit of fresh air, and to simply let my thoughts wander. I... |
 | Petzl | Sachi Amma | Stoking the Fire 9b (5.15b) 6. 11. 2019 20:30:12 Sachi Amma sent Stoking the Fire 9b (5.15b) in Santa Linya, Catalunya. 'Since my last trip to this massive cave last December, this route was burning in me. I prepared my body for three months because I havent been training for about a few years. It worked pretty well on the route. But after two hea... |
 | Julia Chanourdie | HOW TO Partner Check 20. 11. 2019 00:00:10 A moment of inattention, an instant of fatigue, excessive confidence: moments of absence in which one can quickly forget to make a knot in the end of the rope, lock a carabiner, finish the tie-in knot... oversights that often pass without notice until the day an accident happens... To help avoid thi... |
 | Nathaniel Coleman | Dry Canyon Series 1/3 26. 11. 2019 18:00:10 Nathaniel Coleman, three-time US Bouldering National Champion, world cup veteran, and Olympic hopeful takes a detour from the climbing gym to the remote and little known climbing area of the Dry Canyon in Southern Arizona. With the promise of European style limestone and one huge undone project out ... |
 | Nathaniel Coleman | Dry Canyon Series 2/3 26. 11. 2019 18:00:09 Nathaniel Coleman, three-time US Bouldering National Champion, world cup veteran, and Olympic hopeful takes a detour from the climbing gym to the remote and little known climbing area of the Dry Canyon in Southern Arizona. With the promise of European style limestone and one huge undone project out ... |
 | Nathaniel Coleman | Dry Canyon Series 3/3 27. 11. 2019 18:00:12 Nathaniel Coleman, three-time US Bouldering National Champion, world cup veteran, and Olympic hopeful takes a detour from the climbing gym to the remote and little known climbing area of the Dry Canyon in Southern Arizona. With the promise of European style limestone and one huge undone project out ... |
 | Petzl | Part 2 | Brooke Raboutou l'ascension 19. 12. 2019 17:08:23 Watch Petzl Team member Brooke Raboutou as she navigates the 2019 competition season at home in the U.S. and on the World Cup circuit. Balancing a hectic travel schedule and her first semester as a full-time university student, Brooke commits herself to excel in both climbing and studies. ... |
 | This is the Petzl Junior Rock Camp 26. 12. 2019 16:30:02 Imagine a group of people who just love to climb. Imagine chalk marks, steep rock, and the desire to push it to the limit. Imagine 85 youth between the ages of 10 and 17 more than motivated to become better climbers. Imagine professional athletes and coaches providing instruction and advice. Imagine... |
 | Petzl | Fabian Buhl | Déjà (8c+) multi-pitch 21. 01. 2020 18:00:11 Multi-pitch in Ratikon - Déjà (8c+) has been bolted in 12.9.1992 by Michi Wyser and Andres Lietha. 27 years after Fabian Buhl is the first to free climb this incredible project with the support of Andres Lietha. Discover the amazing story behind the first free ascent of 'Déjà'... |
 | Petzl | Peak District | Night Bouldering 29. 01. 2020 20:00:01 Bouldering in the Peak District on 'God's own rock' always feels special... Escaping the city for an atmospheric night session even more so....Join UK #PetzlTeam members Steve McClure, Buster Martin and Jim Pope on some Stanage Plantation classics.... |
 | Petzl | HelmetUp 1/5 Ice Climbing with Fabian Buhl 31. 01. 2020 20:00:10 #HelmetUp for another ice climbing adventure. Mountains. Approach. Icefall. Helmet. Tools. Breath. Climb. Achievement. Fabian Buhl living his passion to the fullest. More info ... |
 | Petzl | HelmetUp 2/5 Ski Touring with Vivian Bruchez 2. 03. 2020 23:15:00 Helmet always by your side, ready to reach summits.Mountains. Approach. Snow. #Helmetup. Hike. Breath. Ski. Enjoy.Vivian Bruchez lives the passion to the fullest. #HelmetUp - Ski touring with Vivian Bruchez... |